You should not lie awake at night—
And get Truth all awry: Had Adam a dislike for Fruit There'd be no you nor I.
—Arthur Muskalong^L
Willi w
AM an Anarkist. -All good men are A nar feists.
All cultured, kindly men> all gentle men; all just men are Anarkists. Jesus was an Anarkist. A Monarkist is one who believes a monark should govern £ A Pluto-krat believes in the rule of the rich. A Demokrat holds that the majority should dictate. An Aris-tokrat thinks only the wise should decide; while an Anarkist does not believe in government at all.
Richard Croker is a Monarkist; Mark Hanna
^^A JMJ i, **
THE PHI. * Plutokrat 5 Cleveland a Demokrat; Cabot H STIN E *n Aristokrat; William Penn, Henry D.
Thoreau, Branson Aleott and Walt Whitman were Anarkists.
An Anarkist is one who minds his own business. An Anarkist does not believe in sending warships across wide oceans to kill brown men, & lay waste rice fields, and burn the homes of people who are fighting for liberty. An Anarkist does not drive women with babes at their breasts and other women with babes unborn, children and old men into the jungle to be devoured by beasts or fever or fear, or die of hunger, homeless, unhouseled and undone.
Destruction, violence, ravages, murder, are perpetrated by statute law. Without law there would be no infernal machines, no war ships, no dynamite guns, no flat nosed bullets, no pointed cartridgea, no bayoneta, no policemen'* billies, no night sticks, no come-alongs, no hand-cuffs, no straight jackets, no dark cells, no gallows, no prison walls to conceal the infamies therein inflicted. Without law no little souls fresh from God would be branded 44 illegitimate indelibly, as soon as they reach Earth. Without law there would be less liara, no lawyers, fewer hypocrites, and no Devil's Island. 162
*• The Cry of the Little Peoples goes up to God TH K PHI -in vain,
Pot the world is given over to the cruel sons of LISTINB Cain;
The hand that would bless us is weak* ft the
hand that would break us is strong, And the power of pity is nought but the power of a song.
The dream8 that our fathers dreamed to-day
are laughter and dust. And nothing at all in the world is left for a man to trust.
Let us hope no more, nor dream, nor profesy, nor pray,
Por the iron world no less will crash on its iron way;
And nothing is left but to watch, with a helpless
pitying eye, The kind old aims for the world, and the kind old fashions die."
I do not go quite so far as that—I'm a pessimistic •optimist, Dearie,—I believe that brutality tends to defeat itself. Prize fighters die young, gourmands get the gout, hate hurts worse the man who nurses it, ft all selfishness robs the mind of its divine insight, and cheats the soul that would know. Mind alone is eternal! He, watching over Israel, slumbers not nor sleeps. My faith is great: out of the transient darkness of the present the shadows will flee away, and Day will yet dawn, fi I am an Anarkist,
THE PHI-! Ho man who believes In force ft violence is an LISTINE Anarkist. The trne Anarkist decries all influences save those of love and reason. Ideas are his only arms.
* Being an Anarkist I am also a Socialist. So-g i cialism is the antithesis of Anarky. One is the f I North Pole of Truth, the other the South. The
f Socialist believes in working for the good of all,
while Anarky is pure Individualism. I believe In every man working for the good of self; and in working for the good of self, he works for the good of all. To think, to see, to feel, to know ; to deal justly; to bear all patiently; to act quietly; to speak cheerfully; to moderate one's voice—these things will bring you the highest good. They will bring you the love of the best, and the esteem of that Sacred Pew, whose good opinion alone is worth cultivating. And further than this, it is the best way you can serve Society—live your life. The wise way to benefit humanity is to attend to your own affairs, and thus give othdt people an opportunity to look after theirs.
If there is any better way to teach virtue than by practicing it, I do not know it. fi Would you make men better—set them an example*
The Millenium will never come until govern-
mcnts cease from governing, and the meddler THE PHI-ie at rest. Politicans are men who volunteer tbm J>ISTINE task of governing as, for a consideration. The political boss is intent on living off your labor* A man may seek an office in order to do away with the rascal who now occupies it, but for the most part office seekers are rank rogues* Shakespeare uses the word politician five times, and each time it is synonymous with knave* That is to say, a politician is one who sacrifices truth and honor for policy* The highest motive of his life is expediency—policy. In King Lear it is the " scurvy politician," who thru Uttered clothes beholds small vices, while robes and furred gowns, for him, covers all. Europe is divided up between eight great governments, and in time of peace over three mil* lion men are taken from the ranks of industry and are under arms, not to protect the people, but to protect one government from another. Mankind is governed by the worst—the strongest example of this is to be seen in American muncipalities, but it is true of every govern* ment + We are governed by rogues who hold their grip upon us by & thru statute law. Were it not for law the people could protect them* selves against these thieves, but now we are powerless and are robbed legally 9 One mild
THE PHI- form of coercion these rogues resort to Is to LISTINF. call us unpatriotic when we speak the truth about them. Not long ago they would have cut off our heads. The world moves.
Governments cannot be done away with in* stantaneously, but progress will come, as it has J in the psst by lessening the number of laws. / We want less governing, and the Ideal Gov-
/ y ernment will arrive when there is no govern* ment at all.
So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private individuals will occasionslly kill theirs fi So long as men are clubbed, robbed, imprisoned, disgraced, hanged by the governing class, just so long will the Idea of violence and brutality be born in the souls of men.
Governments imprison men, and then hound them when they are released. Hate springs eternal in the human breast.
And hate will never die so long as men are taken from useful production on the specious plea of patriotism, and bayonets gleam in God's pure sunshine.
And the worst part about making a soldier of a man is, not that the soldier kills brown men or black men or white men, but it is that the * soldier loses his own soul* iM
^ I am an Anarhist.
I do not believe in bolts or bars or brutality. I make my appeal to the Divinity in men, and they, in some mysterious way, feeling this, do not fail me I send valuable books, without question, on a postal card request, to every part of the Earth where the mail can carry them, and my confidence is never abused. The Roycroft Shop is never lockt, employees and visitors come and go at pleasure, and nothing is molested. My library is for anyone who cares to use it.
Out in the great world women occasionally walk off the dock in the darkness, and then struggle for life in the deep waters. Society jigs and ambles by, with a coil of rope, but before throwing it, demands of the drowning one a certificate of karacter from her Pastor, or a letter of recommendation from her Sunday School Superintendent, or a testimonial from a School Principal. Not being able to produce the document the straggler is left to go down to her death in the darkness.
A so-called " bad woman " is usually one whose soul is being rent in an awful travail of prayer to God that she may get back upon solid footing and lead an honest life. Believing this, the Roycroft principle is to never ask for such a
preposterous thing as a letter of recommends-tion from anyone. We have a hundred helpers, and while it must not be imagined by any means that we operate a reform school or a charitable institution, I wish to say that I distinctly and positively refuse to discriminate between " good99 and M bad 99 people. I will not condemn, nor for an instant imagine that it is my duty to resolve myself into a section of the Day of Judgment.
911 fix my thought on the good that is in every soul and make my appeal to that. And the plan is a wise one, judged by results* It secures you loyal helpers, worthy friends, gets the work done, aids digestion & tends to sleep o' nights* And I say to you, that if you have never known tha love, loyalty St integrity'of a proscribed person, you have never known what love, loyalty and integrity are.
I do not believe in governing by force, or threat, or any other form of coercion. I would not arouse in the heart of any of Qod's creatures a thought of fear, or discord, or hate, or revenge. I will influence men, if I can, but it shall be only by aiding them to think for themselves; and so mayhap, they, of their own accord will choose the better part—the ways that lead to life and light, —Era Elbertus.
HERB is something extremely pathetic about a woman with an obstreperous, crying baby on a |i crowded street car.If there's anything on earth so helplessly woe-be-gone, I have never seen it—and I assure the reader that I have had some opportunities for observation. Poor, pallid, helpless creature! Life is to thee, not a harmony of beautiful colors nor a symphony of sweet sounds, but a discord of cries of colicky infants, and the rattling of pots ft kettles—a weird kaleidoscope of darned stockings and patcht clothing. The hardest feature of the life of the average " dragged-out" little mother is that she is unappreciated, at least, by all save one—the child at her breast, who shows his appreciation by devouring her by inches—the young cannibal. §i I have watcht with some interest, the husbands of such women, and have observed that they are generally well-nourisht, wear good clothes and seem to enjoy life as well as or better than most capitalists. They are usually quite " swagger," and can take a fair amount
THE PHI- Hquor every day without apparent financial
LISTINE <**8astcr' *kat * with these gen
tlemen for drinking a little. I suppose It is necessary to drown the sorrow excited in their tender bosoms by thoughts of their poor, miserable;^ ver-workt wives, who are slaving their Uvea away at home. Liquor also enables a fellow to regard with a certain degree of complacency, the unpaid bills that are thrust under the poor wife's nose every day. To be sure, she worries about them—but it would hardly be policy for her to take any of the universal panacea. No, there is no hope for the meek and lowly wife.
For men must drink and women must weep Tho there's plenty to earn A nothing to keep And the man at the bar be smiling—
Do you know that the sight of the average house-wife is one of the best remedies for Skepticism ? I have sometimes thought that a hereafter was not a necessary factor in the skeme of nature, but a superfluous supplement to the drama of life. But when I look at some of the unfortunate little female drudges that are about me, I am convinced that there ought to be a hereafter, leaving all speculation as to whether there is one or not, to doctors of theology—whe are always glad to decide the ques-X?o
tion for us. Yes, I believe there is a Hell somewhere for the unappreciative husband of the domestic drudge—there must be, else justice is left out of the Universe,
—G. Prank Lydston.
NCE a man and a woman, both of whom were old enough to know better, got to quarreling over some* thing not worth a quarrel— if anything is, which I doubt. The particular point in dispute was that a certain >one about the jaw which the man lacks and the monkey has, or the man has and the monkey lacks, and which, according to the book they were studying, infallibly labels the skel~ eton. Woman-like, the woman accepted the authority : but the man thought he had read somewhere that it had been shown that no such generalization could be made. Human skeletons had been turned up in which the bone was present—or lacking, as the case may be. " But," the woman objected, " I should think
THE PHI- the bone itself proved that the skeletons were LISTINE not men, but monkeys."
The man lafft: " That is the way most people reason. But as for me, I have n't any use for generalizations like that. Most of them are lies not yet found out. Darwin spent most of his time hunting things that might upset his theories, and he was happy when he found one, because he thought then he was in a way to come at the truth."
" That 's all very well," said the woman. " But I don't see how you 're going to identify your facts. How do you know which is man and which is monkey, unless there is some sure thing like that bone that you can point to ? " * The man replied: " A sure thing would be mighty handy to have around, if there was any —but there aren't I" This made the woman mad.
Shortly after, these two filosofers bad the fool's luck to fall in love with each other. The manner of it was this: as generally happens, the woman began to love him, because he was wonderful and good, and not a bit like any other man she ever saw (as if that were a merit): and because he was so wonderful, and so forth, before she knew what she was 17a
doing she let him see that the loved him. THE PHI-Whereupon he proceeded in a man's way, not lISTINE at all apprehending the fact that she loved in a wonderful new fashion all her own—not in the old frayed-out fashion of the poets and the penny-dreadfuls.
Women have forty-nine ways of loving, men
have but one.
He said they must part.
She lafft, with a lump in her throat. " But why ? "
" Because you have a husband in South Amer*
ica." * *
" But my having a husband, or seven husbands, like the woman in the Bible, does n't signify here! You don't know!" " I know I must n't let you be unhappy." " How do you know I am ? " " The Greeks said love is a curse." Now love is n't a curse, it 's a blessing. Mis* understanding and meddling and false opinion may make it a curse. The woman knew this, but she did n't know how to say it. What she did say was—after a pause— 441 can't help it! If you don't understand my way of loving, so much the worse for you." ^ " There is only one way of loving," said the man*
There was another pause, and then she said, " Yes, that is what people say. But I know it is n't so. I put my intuition against your experience ; my fact against your generalisation. Seems to me I once heard somebody finding fault with narrow-minded people who won't admit any facts that they can't put away into their pigeon-holes of generalizations. The really liberal mind is^always on the look-out for facts that won't fit. Darwin "— But the man had an engagement: he hastily left the house and never went back. This little narrative goes to show that some people know more about science in a minute than they do about truth in a year.
—Annie L. Mearkle.
CONSIDER S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain) one of the greatest geniuses of our time, and as great a filos-ofer as humorist. I think I know him better than most men,—universal as his circle of acquaintances is,— big as is his reputation. He is as great a man
as he is a genius, too. Tenderness and sen si- THE PHI-tiveness are his two strongest traits. He has LISTINE one of the best hearts that ever beat. One must know him well to fully discern all of his best traits. He keeps them entrencht, so to speak. I rather imagine that he fights shy of having it generally suspected that he is kind and tenderhearted, but many of his friends do know it. He possesses some of the frontier traits—a fierce spirit of retaliation, & the absolute confidence that life-long " partners," in the Western sense, develops. Injure him and he is merciless, especially if you betray his confidence. Once a lecture manager in New York, whom he trusted to arrange the details of a lecture in Steinway Hall, swindled him to the amount of some $1,500.00, & afterwards confesst it, offering restitution to that amount, it being Mark's share of the plunder, but not until it had been discovered. They were on board ship at the time, and Mark threatened to throw the fellow overboard, and meant it, too, but he fled ashore. In " Tho Gilded Age " Mark immolated him. (Mr. Gril-ler, Lecture Agent. Page 438. London Edition.) The fellow died soon afterwards, and Jamee Redpath, who was a witness to the scene on the steamboat, and who knew the man well, insisted that " Mark's " arrow killed him, but he
THE PHI- have fired it all the aame had he known
LISTINE w**at the re8U^ would be.
91 General Grant and Mark Twain were the
greatest of friends. C. L. Webster & Co. (Mark
Twain) publisht " General Grant's Memoirs,"
yet how like and unlike are the careers of the
soldier and the citizen!
Grant: poor, a tanner, small farmer, selling cord-wood for a living, with less prospect for rising than any ex-West Pointer in the Army; then the biggest military reputation of the age; then twice President of the United States; then the foremost civilian ef the world; then the most honored guest of peoples and rulers, who ever made the circuit of the earth. Mark Twain: A printer's apprentice in a small Missouri River town; then a " tramping jour " printer; a Mississippi River roustabout guarding freight piles on the levee all night for pocket money; river pilot; a rebel guerilla; a reporter in a Nevada mining town; then suddenly the most famous author of the age; a man of society, with the most aristocratic clubs of America, and all around the civilized globe, flung open to him; adopted with all the honors into one of the most exclusive societies on this continent, the favored companion of the most cultivated spirits of the age, welcomed abroad 176
in all the courts almost as a crowned head. THE PHI-" Peace hath its victories," etc., etc. LISTINE
There is indeed quite a parallel between Grant and Twain. Grant found himself impoverisht two years before his death, when was left for him the most heroic pert of his life work, to write his memoirs (while he knew he was dying), which, through his publishers, C. L. Web* ster ft Co. (Twain), his family received nearly half a million dollars. That firm failed five years ago, leaving liabilities to the amount of $80,000.00, over and above all it owned, for Mark to pay, and which he has earned with his voice and pen in a tour around the world, and paid every creditor in full, in one year's less time than calculated by Mark when he started at Cleveland on the 15th day of July, 1895. Yes, there is a parallel between the two great heroes, in courage and integrity; they are more like than unlike.
—Jaa. B. Pond.
The Roycroftcrs do not sell their books thru stores or agents, but are always glad to send any of their wares to the Faithful on suspicion. A postaVcard will do it.
R. GEORGE H, HE AFFORD, Mr. WillUm Marion Reedy, and a few others who sort o' do not like the " Message to Garcia," have explained to a waiting world just where, and why, and how, I was wrong in my logic fi #
Some day a reply to that booklet will be written, and it looks now as if I'd have to write it myself. The efforts of those who have so far spoken are all of a rather boozy order, ft show a convalescent's grasp on the subject. My para-graf (for it is only a paragraf; on Rowan's carrying a Message to Garcia does not cover the whole subject—there is more to be said. And the weakness in the argument of those who do not like the preachment lies in their very gra-tuitous assumption that I am a person of small experience, ft in that article wrote myself out. To the few who know of my zigzag journey up and down the world and around it, and who remember that I have done almost every sort of manual labor (and still do), the accusation that *7«
I am out of the sympathy with the toiler must sound queer.
I quite enjoy a good gibe, discreetly and deftly done, even if I am the object of it. For instance, the late Walter Blackburn Harte once sent out a report thru the Associated Press that supplied me a good laff. The dispatch stated that, " The many friends of the Editor of the PHILISTINE deeply lament his sad taking off thru drowning in the Irish Sea. It seems he slippt off the gang-plank while going aboard the Dublin boat at Belfast. There is only one redeeming feature that serves to lessen the blackness of the tragedy; the unfortunate man had in his vest pocket the Society of the Philistines, so this is the last we shall hear of that queer aggregation of misguided folk." But in all this " Garcia " racket just ons man who has put on the gloves has scored a point at my expense, and that man is a woman. Amy Leslie always sweetly compliments her subject before giving him a stiff upper cut. Says Amy: " The gifted author of «A Message to Garcia' is receiving many congratulations on his masterly defense of the down-trodden denizens of the brown stone fronts. In fact all the self-made men—those who have on them the loving marks of the hammer—consider it the greatest thing
that ever happened since Shakespeare dasht off Hamlet Fra Elbertus is very smooth: free passes and free lunches are now his without asking J "
f|0 every sincere student of sociology the most egregious & regretable blunder of modern times was the suppression of tho Oneida Community/' 80 spoke Mr, Grant Allen to me, once upon a day.
All scientists, and all men who think a little for themselves are at times filled with a doubt as to the policy that regulates our present social system. Just what the trouble is and where we are wrong no two men seem to exactly agree. We, however, all admit that in the so-called civilized Christian world there is much suffer-ing, ignorance, vice, misery, crime, destitution. To add to the health, happiness and well-being of society is the desire of every honest man; & how to do it is the problem. The present life of individualism for very many is tragedy and death. But the Oneida Community was a success. In it there were three hundred people, and there was no crime, no illiter-180
f t x. ; r \ >
acy, no illegitimacy, and no poverty. In fact, THE PHl-financially, the members owned per capita, an LISTINE amount equal to more than double the wealth of the people in the same county outside the community; and they had accumulated this wealth thru their own industry. They owned a thousand acres of land, and were in debt to no one. They had a public school system, which included a kindergarten St manual training department, that was fully a generation ahead of its time.
The leaders of the Oneida Community were not afraid of the knowledge of the world, for they sent many of their brightest boys and girls to the various great Universities. Yale, Harvard, Vassar, Oxford St Heidelberg all had representatives torn the Oneida Community, and after graduation, the young men and women went straight back to Oneida and mingled on an equality in all the manifold life of the Community. But the world from the start was a bit afraid of the Oneida Community, altho the Communists were strictly non-combatants. The absence of mental and nervous disorders in the Oneida Community, and the low death-rate, show without question that there was a rare degree of health, happiness and content among the members.
THE PHI- At Oneida there was no disorder, no drunken-LISTINE nes8, no police.
The members strictly minded their own business, bothering no one, never attempting to proselyte.
And yet there came a time when a mad, wild voice of protest arose from many parts of the country against the Oneida Community. Without going into needless detail it can be explained that the breaking up of the Oneida Community was brought about through the efforts of certain religious people, who claimed that the Communists were guilty of gross immorality, and should be punisht + And so in response to this clamor the machinery of the law was set in motion and the Community literally " raided."
Two causes have been put forth for the remarkable and undisputed success of the Oneida Community.
Leaving out all those who merely rail and denounce in hopeless discord, being incapable of judicial thinking, the enemies of the Community claim that the institution was not a 44 Commune " at all, being, on the contrary, an absolute despotism. The dictator or despot, John Humphrey Noyes, was an eminently wise and practical man; and the spirit of this powerful x8a
leader ran thru ft animated the three hundred the phI-people under him. To rule this number of peo- LISTINE pie and hold them in subjection, a form of re-ligous fanaticism must be inoculated into their minds. Sov say the enemies, in summing up, the Oneida Community was a mere social accident, attributable to a strong man enslaving a certain number of folks thru religious hypnotism, and working them, for their own good—& his. For at the last, no form of government is so nearlj* perfect as the absolute monarky, provided the monark is wise and just. The Oneida Communists scorn such a reason for their success, and state boldly and flatly that they succeeded because their conduct ol life was shaped after the Eternal Laws ol Truth. John Humphrey Noyes, they admit was a strong man, but they contend that he was simply a good executive officer, and that there are very many such men in the world, and that he left various successors who were just as wise and able as he. They deny the charges of immorality by declaring that good health, a reasonable content, and wealth accumulated thru production are proof of well ordered lives; and that •• morality" anyway is only a matter of local custom, ft that no practice is bad which brings good results. That is good which serves.
* Unfortunately the State did not keep its
blundering hands off, so it is all theory & idle ▼aporings as to which side was right. If founded on a false hypothesis time would have shown the folly of the Oneida concept of life, and the thing would have broken of its own weight. However, if the claims of the Communists were builded on truth, society should have been allowed to become heir to their truth, by granting them leave to live and prove it. Three generations would have demonstrated to the world the truth or falsity of their position. Oh! the blind, blundering mischief of the seal-ous meddler!
YOUNG clergyman of my acquaintance was invited to give an address before the inmates of the Buffalo 8tate Hospital for the Insane fi My friend was much exercised as to how he should address himself to such a peculiar audience, and so wrote to the superintendent, Dr. Hurd, for suggestions. The Doctor's advice is worth quoting: " Speak to them just as you do to any other congregation—putting out of your mind entirely the thought of
their mental condition. Do not attempt to ad* the phi-just yourself to them, or try to avoid this or that, for if you do, your voice will betray the pretence and your thin veil of affectation will not save you. To fear being misunderstood, or fear giving offense is death to a speaker. My people here detect hypocrisy as quickly as your own congregation can; and your right course is to talk here, and everywhere, sincerely and frankly, straight from your heart/* Dr. Hurd's eminent success in ministering to the mind diseased, plucking from memory its rooted sorrow, proves the wisdom and goodness of the man; and what a lot of common sense £ ^ ^ he put into that letter to my preacher-friend ? fi Not one man out of twenty who gets upon his feet to address, say a High School Assembly, but imagines he must adapt himself to the Young Mind. And so he begins to mince and amble, and mouth over some goody-goody truth he read years agone in a printed book. He is not himself and the dullest scholar in the school knows it.
A girl at Yasser once complimented a speaker. She said, " I have been here three years and you are the first outside lecturer among the many who have been invited in, who has assumed that we are human beings."
THE PHI- I have listened to various addresses at State
I I ST IN F ^8on8» * never yet heard a man who had sense enuffto forget he was talking to prisoners. All the speakers quoted Saint Paul about being in bonds, and went on to rub good advice into the boys as to the necessity of reformation. They all worked the Parable of the Prodigal Son until you could hear the Fatted Calf bleat for mercy. In other words, the speakers tried to adapt themselves to the audience— and they made a mess of it. It's the same in writing—no writer can send a truth home so long as he is eager and anxious to make an impression. If he thinks he has a message to deliver let him say it, straight out, In his own way, without ever giving a thought to how it will be accepted. That part is none of his. Say your say and even insane people will understand you. Your appeal is to sanity—not insanity. Talk to grown people and the children will understand; Vassar girls are human, having eyes, ears, organs, dimensions, passions like the rest of us ; & do not for a moment imagine that criminals are criminals all the time. Write and speak as you feel—but make sure you feel right. Do not fear being misunderstood : you are never wholly misunderstood excepting when you fear you will be.
N mil of the many growing cities of America there is taking place an eager exodus over a certain social deadline, that marks the rich from the poor. When a business man attains a certain income, a speculator " strikes it rich," a manufacturer secures a monopoly or any impecunious son of earth is struck by lightning and receives a legacy, ti straightway he moves his household to The Other Side of Town.
And for this man's family, when they go, the scenes that knew them once know them no more forever. They do not say good-bye—the friends they once had are no longer theirs ; the naybors with whom they used to chat over the gate read of them in the Society Events Column, but they never see them. The grocer who once was so friendly to them is dead ; the jolly butcher is forgotten—all are gone—faded and swallowed up in the misty past, that past so full of work, and struggle, and difficulty, that past of youth and hope; and the end for which they toiled and longed has come. St. Peter's golden gates have opened: they have moved to the Other Side W
THE PHI- Men who have incomes of four thousand do!-LISTINE *ars 01 mort* *** Buffalo, make hot haste to live on Delaware Ave.; in Pittsburg it is the East End; in Cincinnati, Walnut Hills; in Cleveland, Euclid Ave.; in Chicago, Hyde Park ; in Boston, Commonwealth Ave.; in New York, Up-Town. And in these social migrations there is something pitiful, wondrous pitiful; for the man who goes can never return of his own free will; and to be forced back by fate is to suffer a humiliation that is worse than disgrace that comes thru crime. When a rich man, say in Albany, Syracuse or Toledo, loses his money & his family has to " come down," the sympathetic souls of earth shed tears for the glory that Is gone* We tell how he has to give up all—he gave up his horses, his billiard tables, his solid plate: he discharged his gardener, his coachman, his butler. He is now keeping books for twenty dollars a week and his wife is doing her own work: and we relate how his children are now compelled to attend the public school. + Ah, me t Life is grievous, and our days are full of trouble!
On questioning a good many men who have taken part in the Social Exodus, I find that the responsibility, Adam-like, of the change is thrown entirely on the woman: " My wife was iM
dissatisfied and we bad to go." Not once could THE PHI-I ever get a man to acknowledge that the ques- r jgxi NE tion of pride, the desire to parade his success, or the hope of a better social position for his daughters ever weighed in the scale. But then a man is seldom aware of the motives that move him : we deceive ourselves and hide behind specious pleas of many hues.
The women of the Exodus tell me that the reason they meved to Commonwealth Ave. was because the sewerage was imperfect in the old home, the water was bad, the air full of smoke, or the naybors' children rude + And in various instances these worthy mothers following the example of their husbands, unloaded the responsibility on the children. "When Mayme eame home from Wellesley she could not stand it here," or " When George got back from Harvard be found the society so awfully dull."
And right here let us note this prevalent fact: the first effect of College life is often a desire to separate from the old companions—a drawing away from the plain & simple; a separation from the mass and a making of cliques; an unfitting for life's commonplace duties and the forming of a condition that makes riches a necessity and their loss a calamity. That much ef our so-called " culture " has been
THE PHI- bought at the price of manhood, no one who
knows men can deny. But when matters go far enuff in any one direction the pendulum swings back & they cure themselves: & now behold the College Settlement! That the men and women of wealth and culture who are deliberately mak-ing their homes among the poor are as one to ten thousand, compared with the " sudden rich " who are making frantic efforts to get away from all smirching contact with plain people, there is no doubt; but the claim that money gives the right to monopolize the beautiful things of earth, and the gentle qualities of heart, no longer goes unchallenged. The culture that is kept close smells to high heaven: only running water is pure-
And it is a pleasing fact that altho the men of the Social Exodus lay the blame all on woman, yet the credit of the return move must be given to her. Hull House is primarily woman's work. " Where is your home ?" I askt Miss Jane Addams a short time ago.
My home is at 357 Hal stead Street—my work is there and there I expect to live and die," was the quiet answer.
The number of earnest women, highly cultured in the best sense, who are deeply interested in social questions, is most encouraging fi And 190
when that strong and gentle woman, Charlotte the PHi-
Perkins Stetson, deliberately casts her lot with li gxi N E
the lowly and tells us that poor people often
have a deal more culture and true charity than
we who consider ourselves rich, she voices a
truth that should be passt down the line.
^ Have your beautiful things, of course—why
not ? encourage the workers in art, & use your
money to decorate and beautify, but do not
think that these things will benefit you if you
join the Social Exodus and make hot haste to
put distance between you and those who are
less fortunate ^ Owners of art must build no
spite fence 1 Show the marbles that fill your
niches and the canvases that glorify your walls
to those who seldom see such sights; give your
education to those who need it, your culture to
those who have less, and you double your
treasure by giving it away.
E ARE going to have the curtain raised ere long o& some great mysteries, so Mr. Nikola Tesla says. I hope it's so. Some of my substance went into Mr, Keely's similar promise a few years ago, and now
TH£ PHI* Keely is dead and all that 'b left is a lot of rusty LISTINE wheels and some blighted hopes in the posses-sion of a woman. Tesla, by the way, is not so cunning as the late Mr. O'Leary. When that gentleman, with his corn cobs, beat the six-day record of Mr. Weston, the first real gentleman sport, he was careful not to put his own record a peg higher—for he would have to hoof it up to that later on, or go backward. Nikola long ago out-bragged the buoyant and inventive Sdison and silenced him, but he does n't quit promising for a' that. He is going to send electricity thru the air without a track—from any part of the world to any other part of it—at will, & he will not only convey messages in that go-as-you-please fashion, but he will direct malevolent streaks of nothing to speak of, that will wreck Spanish ships, or do any other job of work desired with Dewey-like precision and despatch. I am waiting to see him do it—not doubting, but just waiting. What makes me reserve opinion is his statement that the air is full of electrical currents. I am wondering how his current is going to get the right track fi I should as soon expect to see him send a feather across the Atlantic by telling it where to go.
fi The Roycrofters are very glad to send their wares to the Elect on Suspicion.'* 19a
We can supply the following books by Elbert Hubbard:
350 pages, cloth.
Ditto, Deluxe Roy croft edition, io.oo
Ready Nor* 1st*
A Book of Essays; frontispiece of author in photogravure* Three copies on a high shelf.
A Romance and a History; two volumes in box.
VOLUME III, " 2.00
VP r V D P T IX I On receipt of Ten ^r vLiaiBoUarstopjlyfor
a Life Membership in the American Academy of Immortals, we record the new member's name on the Great Roster (in colors) and send gratis, express prepaid, the eight bound vol-umes of the Philistine named above. We also send the member one of each bound volume as they come out and a copy of the Magazine as issued Every Little While, for ninety-nine years—but no longer Address,
The Bursar of The Philistines, East Aurora, N. Y.
First printed in the " Philistine M for March, caused the edition to be exhausted within three days after publication* We have re-printed the article for the benefit of those Discerning Ones who appreciate a good thing. Done in booklet form, on Holland handmade paper, with one illumined initial, price 10c each, or in quantities, say ten dollars per hundred. One thousand copies numbered ft signed by author, bound in limp chamois, satin lined, illumined title-page, one dollar per copy dgi Address the Bursar of
ali babaor east aurora:
By Fra Elbertus, (also of East Aurora) Being an Appreciation, discreetly done, of the Life, Labors and Public Services of a Good Man and True; with copious extra<5ts from his Orphic Sayings, & instructive moral anecdotes relating to his Career, told for the Edification of the Young
^ Portrait in photogravure on Imperial Japan, from the original canvas by Samuel Warner, F. R. S. a.
+ Edition limited to Six Hundred and Twenty Copies, on " Roycroft" watermark, hand-made paper. Bound in half-Morocco. Th/volume is now on the press, ft orders will be booked and filled in rotation as received. Price, $ 5.00
at copies on Imperial Vellum, each IO.OO
THE ROYCROFTERS, East Aurora N. Y. ¥
LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF FAMOUS WOMEN (De luxe edition) : Initials and paragraph marks drawn in by hand. Price, $10.00.
ESSAYS OF ELIA: The initials all draws in by hand, 12.50. A few specially illumined, ?5«oo.
BALLADS OF A BOOK-WORM t By Irving Browne. Price, #5.00. Twenty copies on Japan Vellum, ? 10.00.
We have 'ihe following individually illumined and b: -und volumes :
ART AND LIFE: By Vernon Lee. On I»-perial Japan Vellum, in fall Levant, band tooled after a special design. A very elegant bit of book-making. $ 15.00.
RUSKIN-TURNER: On « Whatman," containing twelve reproductions of Tnrntr mat-
ter-pieces on Japan Vellum. Hand illumined, full Levant, hand tooled. $20.00.
UPLAND PASTURES: Hand illumined, in full Levant, hand tooled after a special design. Price, £12.50.
THE DESERTED VILLAGE: On " What-man." Initials drawn in by hand and also various water-color sketches. A quaint and curious book that has no duplicate—bound plainly in boards. $ 10.00.
AS IT SEEMS TO ME: On " Whatman/' one of forty copies, full Levant. Eight water-color sketches drawn in by hand. £25.00.
SESAME & LILIES: On "Whatman," hand illumined, full Levant, hand tooled. Two copies, each, £20.00.
The Roy crofters are very glad to send their wares to tiie elect " on suspicion." A postal card will do it
VOUR politics seem a trifle scrambled and your theology no better, yet I have decided to chance your company for a limited time—say 99 years » • •
THOMAS BRACKETT REED. Portland,Maine, Sept. 7th 1899.
WOU will find, in colors, on the Great Roster of Im-X mortals the names of the President, General Superintendent, Traffic Manager, General Freight Agent, Superintendent of Motive Power and Chief Counsel of the New York Central; also the name of the Chairman of the Board who has recently been elected to the United States Senate. These are all valiant Hittites—vouched for by me. We do not always like the way you carry off the Gates of Gaza, but we read all you write as a sort of mental Martini. Then your books are like a sweet dream of Paradise, beautiful as fair women, or the cars on the Lake Shore Limited.
Grand Central Station, New York, Sept. 15, 1899.
1|LL the Roycroft books I have seen are so " fair-Jm ly pleasing " that I beg you will send me the volumes as per enclosed memorandum. ♦ • •
WHITELAW REID. New York City, Sept. 6th '99.
SAVING seen the Philistine in his lair & the Roy-crofters at their work, Mrs. Pond and I are more in love with Roycroft books than ever. I wonder if your workers realize how much of an education they are acquiring—and giving to others?
Everett House, New York, August 31, 1899.
Did you say you wanted a Book Plate ?
The Roycrofters will make you a special design for one, make the en-graving, and print one thousand copies on Japan Vellum, all for Twenty-five Dollars. Samples on application. THE ROYCROFT SHOP, East Aurora, N. Y.
Anna Morgan School EXPRESSION,
Elocution, Voice Culture, Pantomime, Dramatic Art, Fencing, and Fancy Dancing.
Equipped with dressing-rooms, lockers, and shower bath. Catalogue mailed free. Eighth floor Fine Arts Building, 203 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.
just out ef the press, a two-volume book of more tfcdn passing consequence: a historical tale named " Time and Chance " and presenting John Brown of Ossawatomie in a romantic guise.
+ Roycroft Books are not for the people with wheat a yellow covered novel suffice. They are the best in literature and they are the best in dress. 8ome people are so choice of them that they do not try to read them, or, they buy two copies; one to read and the other to keep in a glass case. And it is a delight to own a thing that was made simply to be beautiful fi The paper Is strong and fine and has the Roycroft water mark; the covers are sometimes of gray boards gilt lettered, which is a perfectly simpl' and agreeable way to bind a book, while others are of flexible leather with satin linings & letters and designs in relief 91 Recently, crushed levant has entered into the stock of the shop A some gorgeous bindings will be put upon the new 9ioo copy of Shakespeare's sonnets, hand Illumined and printed on real vellum—the only book ever publisht in America with leaves of vellum 9 None of the books are copies of one another. The illuminations all vary as regards the placing of colors, so that the owner of a Roycroft volume has one that is unique. Such books are luxuries, of course, but they are lux-• uriee that never pall upon one. As in the case of the Kehnscott books they are so few in number that copies are not distributed to the press lor notice, they are not sold in the book stores, they are not advertised* Who wants one must •end ft* it.
ft is In the'fcct that every book is different that tfu in sen Ins and value of this experiment in art colonization consists # Here ia a country village, without ideals, without industries of consequence, with no great amount of money, ft it is one of the last places on earth that one would pick out as the seat of an enterprise like this. Commonly, the best thing we expect from a country village is a chair factory or a woolen mill where the people grind away at the same old tasks year after year, never growing wiser or abler or developing in any way. In the Roy* croft Shop the farmers' boys and the boarding house waiters and the mechanics' girls are learning to become artists. Many of them have become artists. There is a quiet-faced daughter of the village blacksmith, who, two or three months ago did not know a paint brush by sight. She went to the free art school instituted by Mr. Hubbard, and now she has one of the tables in the illuminating department and is doing work that shows a remarkable aptness. Nobody in the Shop has a finer feeling for color ft a nicer delicacy of taste than she. One noticable thing in the Shop is that there are no bosses, no heads of departments All are on equal terms. Mr. Hubbard looks around, encourages, advises, but never commands. He never has to. This is an industrial commune ft no member of it feels himself forced to stay. All are working not merely for money, but for art. The rules if there are any, are lax, but the observance is so willing that you would suppose it to be strict. Nowhere will you see a quieter, more willing looking company than that of these healthy farmer lads ft these pink-cheeked girls in light shirt waists. Every morning and afternoon there is a recess of fifteen minutes to rest the eyes of the painters; a fall hour is
allowed for dinner: there it no work on Saturday afternoon, and the people are encouraged to play ball or anything else. The Shop is open for any that want to use it after hours, ft there are books, baths ft a piano for all hands. When Mr. Hubbard was swapping horses he never kickt ft whipt them, as they do in Manambatu, Madagascar, ft he found, to the astonishment of the others, that they never refused to work. He believes that human beings may be treated as well as horses without exciting them to revolt ^
So here is a place where one industry has led into another—pottery is a recent addition—and all of them artistic and all of them manual, and there is work now for sixty people at good wages and sharings, where four years ago there was none but mechanical and distasteful work where there was any. The Shop has proved the feasibility of a revival in hand industries # It has proved the saving force of industry, for the busy are the moral ft It has proved that the country people are at least as apt as those in the cities, and possibly it will be found that they are more so, for they are not forced to see horrible examples in such multitudes every day. It has proved that by partially re-establishing monastic conditions of quiet, seclusion ft common purpose one may secure results similar to those which were obtained from the cloisters. It proves that a beginning can be safely made of an industrial commune fi It doesn't matter about the center of a village's activities being a printing shop. Without a Hubbard to start it the chance is it would do very bad printing. But there are things enuff to do with one's hands, and a growing company of people who
Are willing to buy the best things when they are made by hand, instead of the monotonous machine-made stuff that fills the city shops at present.
As a possession, one Roycroft book is worth a library of sloppy volumes, written, set & print-ed by machinery. So with a hundred things we need to have about us: cloth, lace, furniture, hangings, upholstery, lamps, metal work, porcelains and the like. Who will start the next community of artistic hand workers, and start h on the same broad and humane principles that prevail in East Aurora?_
Noting the fact that a great many people spend much time in worrying, we have opened a Clearing Office # where our various trained Assistants will worry for you while you wait Ladies who nag are earnestly requested to call. There is no use wearing yourself out in worry and nagging when at a trifling expense you can get the work done dgk We only employ expert naggers. Send two cent stamp for samples and testimonials, REV. LOCO SEWARD, President and Head Neurotic, Cable address: East Aurora,
« Ataxia." Erie Co., N. V.
Now Rsadv :
HE ANCIENT MARINER: By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A peculiar book, made after the pattern of a volume devised by Horace Wal-pole and printed at the Strawberry Hill Press in 1761. Rubricated side lines and initials. For this book Mr. W. W. Denslow has made special initials and fourteen antique wood-cut ornaments by way of illustration. Price of the volume:
Nine hundred copies in flexible chamois, satin lined, •••••••$ 2.00
Four hundred copies, specially illumined, 5.00 Forty copies on Japan Vellum, specially illumined, ......10.00
THE SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE: On u Roycroft" paper. The initials and oroa-
ments made especially for this book—hand illumined throughout* The price:
Nine hundred copies, bound plainly in boards, $ 5.00 Twelve copies on Gassic Vellum, in full Levant—hand tooled, no two alike, each, 100.00
So far as we know this is the only book ever printed in America on genuine Vellum—the material being prepared for us by the man who supplied William Morris all the Vellum that was used by the Kelmscott Press. This edition was prepared with great care and probably is the nearest approach to a perfect book yet produced by the Roycrofters.
TIME AND CHANCE: A Romance and a History—being the story of the life of a man. By Elbert Hubbard. In two volumes of 300 pages each—illustrated in photogravure. Bound in boards, leather backs and corners. Price for the set of two volumes, in box, $3.00. _
THE SONG-STORY OF THE LOVE OF AUCASSIN & NICOLETE: Translated out of the Ancient French by Andrew Lang. On
" Roycroftn paper, made at the vat by hand. Hand illumined throughout
940 in russet chamois, silk lined, $2.00
Twenty-five copies on Imperial Japan, 5.00
Where smooth the Southern waten ran
Through rustling leagues of poplars gray, Beneath a veiled soft Southern sun, We wandered out of Yesterday; Went Maying in that ancient May Whose fallen Rowers are fragrant yet, And lingered by the fountain spray With Aucassin and Nicolete.
THE ESSAY ON FRIENDSHIP: By Ralph Waldo Emerson. On "Roycroft" paper, printed from a new font of Caslon type, with new initials, borders, and head & tail pieces designed by Mr. Samuel Warner—(Honest Roycrofter).
925 in limp chamois—satin lined, $ 3.00
Fifty copies specially illumined by Mr. Lawrence Mazzanovich, . . . . 5.00 Twenty-five copies on Japan Vellum, 10.00
" The heart of the man is shown in that Essay on Friendship. He never did better, and may write forty years and never equal it If Emerson never wrote anything else bat that, his name in literature would endure.9'—John Addington Symonds.
THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE: By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. In double columns, on " Whatman, after a format devised by Jen-son, all initials being drawn in, free-hand. A sumptuous piece of book-making. Bound in boards, suede leather back and corners. Nine hundred & fifty copies. Each, £7.50.
THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM: Being the FitzGerald translation of 1879; with the address of Hon. John Hay at the Omar Khayyam Club, London, as a preface. All initials, ornaments and head and tail pieces used were made especially for this edition. Initials in red and blue, alternating after the Oriental manner. The binding is rough chamois, olive green, satin lined: the whole effect being fairly pleasing.
Nine bandied & ten copies, each, $2.00
A few copies specially Ohunined, 5.00
« <