4Mi EDITION —19*1—



Life and Adventures

Some Of

Hobo King Can't Retire Now

Hobo King Jeff Davis, the man who left -a million friends and 3 million mUes behind him during: a lifetime of wandering, solemly announced Sunday in Seattle that he has lunked his plans to retire.

All his hopes -to slip back toward the nameless life he once led have been abandoned because of the death of "General" Jacob S. Coxey, the King of Hoboes said.

Jeff is tired and teetering on the ace of 70. The big job of running his world-wide organization keeps him scurring about the continent.

frtafiir Jurt-AtfrlUifW?

IP S* Men.. May 28. 1951


® CJowC

no retirement—

The Tx** are holfcriit'," 4*tt said. "Before Coxey died. I toW them X wm going to retire, Ooxey's death haa made that ImpoaalMe."

A week ago Jeff boarded an airliner in Seattle and flew East to help bury Coxey, 97, who In 1894 led an army of unemployed to Washington, D. C., and was arrested for trespaasing on the Capitol lawn.


/as" /\*a/t*fi/f\ H Hour** +

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By RAY Wii^LIAMfe (A Hobo Poet)

A wanderer born, a wanderer I,

A child of the land and sea, Youth have I, and strength have I, And the love of the wild and free

I live on the road, and I love the road

And I wander where I please, For nothing- can hold a child of the road,

A child of the land and seas

And if ever I tried to break from the wild And live in the cities of men The call of the wild to me, it's child — Would draw me to wander again.

i must anawer the call and follow the road And warder o'er land and sea. Taking the best that life can hold For the young and strong and free.

IVXI'km ^ '

C >'vcy- K'm

Which ue have preached in all our traiels—in the jnngleSy at meetings and during the

War Drives.

N. Y. EVENING MAIL, JANUARY 14 1915 By Zoo Beckley, Special Writer "Jeff Davis, TClng of Hoboes," is a born 'Bo Kid/ 'Jeff has the quality of personal magnetism magnified to the enth degree. He talk* mil over. Hia hands talk, bis eyes talk. Hia features are electrical. The magnetic Jeff la fuQ of ideas; a bora organiser, manager, leader of men. He could sell an oil painting to a blind man and convince a corporation lawyer that he couldn't 'corp.'"

Jeff Davis

Ycs-sir-i'c, Neighbor, ue bare our own "Ology"—



New York Ere. Telegram, January. 1915:

••Jeff Davis is a real hobo. His title of king is no empty one. He has earn ed the right by a life-time of vagabondage In whtch he has out-hoboed the beat of them. He la a character. He is the most successful hobo In the world. If he had chosen almost any other occupation he undoubtedly would have been a success.

UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Mr. J. YV. Slaght, Washington. August 13, 1918.

Manager. Philadelphia Branch, 140 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. My Dear Jack:

Of course you know Mr. Jeff Davis, internationally known as "King of Hoboes,* if you don't you argue yourself unknown. Mr. Davis ha* been doing Trojan work for the Red Cross, the recruiting service of the Army and Navy, Liberty Loan and now he wants to help us in our shipbuilding work. Please do all you can for him, for his assistance will be of great importance W< & MERIWETHER.

NEW YORK AMERICAN, APRIL 24, 1918 While Mrs. William IC Vanderbllt was greeting the audience Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, was delivering a spontaneous address. Mra. Vanderbllt kept right on selling bonds, the Police Band played and "Jeff stopped only when his throat gave out.


Hobo king s anniversary—

You'd think beer would suffice but champagne is used by Jeff Davis?, "king of hobos," as he and wife Clara toast future in Cincinnati park. It's couple's 40th anniversary. —ap Wirephoto

fVeFC/. tr Ws

In This Corner ^TofcST

Robert Itiiark 1


THURSO AY. -TUNE 4<>, 1949.

Mrs. Davis the kins;'* consort, says she reckons Jeff's been away from home at least 35 years, may he 40, of their 50 year marriage. Sirs. Davis said that after a while she got used to it,

although sia was a little put out oneo when Jeff earn* homo an0 failed to recognize his son.

The kind's hair is white, now, as are his lone, dashing sideburns, but he scorns remarkably young and chipper for a man with so much mileage on his hack, r found him in his study, a room cluttered with souvenirs of his journeys.

I paused to say good-bye to Mrs. Davis, who is not feeling well.

441 guess Jrffll be oit again soon," she said. "He's been home •almost a week."

At the lop is shown th* W Penny Paper, now the Cincinnati Post, paren. paper of the Scrlpps-Howard chain, where his father worked


has some walking to do now and

then now days. Inset is a picture r

of Jeff Davis' dad. who died re- • • '

cently, a frand old man, Jeff says, C * * V « T l\ O .

a better man than his «on ever I OjS - /^S^-I^FV

was or will be. Jy€fj ftFf<?HWARtlS


Jeff Davis' father wa^ James E. Davis, who once worked on The Penny Paper, now the Cincinnati Post, parent paper in the Scrlpps-Howard chain. James Davis also worked on the Press back In 1888, and later found temporary berths on The St. Louis Globe Democrat and The New York World.

At the left la JefT "on the road/* with these new _

fancied streamlined trains, a 'Bo WoHKCJ7 0 i... walking to do now and ^ <5 ^ day*. Inset is a picture Iffe

vn riTrs

vJoRKrti CM

O^ucn A\omm Uflv/s «JeFF£> MoTHeR

Jeff Davis, "King of the Hoboes/9 who won fame as originator of the Hotel do Gink in New York City last winter, is back In tho city for a tnree weeks' visit with his family at 1115 Draper street. "The Hotel de Gink was a great success/' said Jeff to a Commercial Trit>une reporter last night.

"We hoboes paid the city of New York for everything we got. We have a letter from the city officials to prove it. Yes it did seem funny, going Into the hotel business, but it was up to us to find a home or sal pinched, bo we made our own home.

"We did over $2,000 worth of work for tho city of New York and instead of receiving money we let the. amount go on the payment of rent, watur, gas and eUctrtc Mils/'

Worked Their Way.

Jn oniwer to a uuestion as to how they fed themselves. Jeff said: „ "We worked for the butchers by helping: them load and unload their wagons and took meat instead of pay. and got our bread tho wme way. Arid when we received any old clothing we

'4" y.} lluu liii;

party whe got the clothes went to the home and did a little work, such as Cleaning off the sidewalk and carrying coal."

Jeff claims that prominent Washington officials are interested in the hi/bo element of America and that thi.< winter will see several bills passed by Congress In their behalf.

Plans of Arizona.

Louis Post of the Labor Department hai? become Interested, say* Jeff, and i* planning government work in Arizona where homeless men can ko this winter and help irrigate the land.

"I believe unemployed men ana women should have the rltflit. to investigate themselves/' Davis said. "It Is up to them to find out what is wron* with them, and when they find out they then know how to act. Hut the State and tho Nation should assist the unemployed in helping them to take care of themselves."


"Kids" at White House.

"Never Jet. It be said that a hobo'a kids can't alt in tho President's chair. Mine did." smiled Jeff as he showed a reporter a picture of his two children, Cora and Kllry, cotning out of iho executive offic»- of T-'resldent Wilson j -1 after tho President had offered th ~ ' -his seat. CfNCiNtiU , O .

. Q . (P^W

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OeFfs Tw o CHlUJ^tN



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Jeff Davis, a Cincinnatian "King-Emperor of the Hoboes/1 ran away from home at the age of 8 to join a traveling circus. "The wanderlust got me." he explains. The same thing has been etting him periodically ever since, until today, at 69, e estimates he's traveled well over two million miles toward widely scattered points on the globe.

"Most of my traveling was done for free," Jeff says proudly. "I guess i paid for only about 100,000 miles of it." In his younger days he rode the rods in true hobo # style, eating in jungle camps and working only when he was on his uppers. The change in his life began in 1908 when, he says, he was elected hobo king by a group of bar-bound comrades. The organisation, publicized in newspapers because of its novelty and given a big boost toward popularity by the rise of one member, Jack Dempsey, into the boxing fimelioht, gradually boomed. Homeowners, even bant presidents with only a slight past acquaintance wvtfi hoboing joined up and paid dues. This has made Jeff a lung with a smell salary end even traveling expenses.

Nowadays Jeff does his journeying to orgenoation meetings

in e chair car and sometimes even in a plane. This respectability gives him gtoot ny moments, soon iKikti th«m off pMoiopKic*K. "Aft* el," k« tsyt, "the bos ara dttappeerm^. When employment came with the wen, tfie bo* started working, the bos started buying homes, the bos is even paying income tax. Things have changed."

As the yeers roB on, Jeff finds himsetf spending more end more time et home with his wife and his collection of souvenirs. "They sura bring bed; the good old days." he

says, eyeing the multitude of curios arranged in e Son in his epertment>home et 2511 Addison St. "Yeeh," he edds. "they sure do."

ky Car/ W4i;»*r.


IN Tfcfc


"5 e

® A

With a stem from Germany in one hand, Jeff Davis points to an Eqyptian doth with an Irish shilelagh. They are just three of many things Jeff picked up during his wanderings*

Small bottles of liquor from around the world are displayed In the cabinet of Jeff's desk. He prefers beer, so *he bottles are unopened. At this desk he carries on his cor-respondence with members of "Hoboes of America, Inc.," of which he is King-Emperor.


Jeff Davis poses w*H * Samoa* bow a*d mow bafore a wel his den decorated w'rtfc pannant*. Indian crafti, weapons from Australia, South America and tHe South Seat. Jeff says he has been to so many places he has trouble remembering all of them.


When a man ain't got a cent, and he's feeling kind of blue,

An' the clouds hang dark an' heavy an' won't let the sunshine through,

It's a great thing, O my brethren, for a fellow just to lay

His hand ijpon your shoulder in a friendly sort of way.

Duly olectcd Kir,.* of Hoboes each year fince 15)08—Elected King: for Life, 1 <):*■>, at 27th annual "Hoboes of America" Convention held in


Handsome Roger Thieman, SWOt, now m *he U. S. Air Corps, is King-Emperor Jeff Davis' "Crown Prince11 and hopes some day to become a hobo leader himself. Here he's holding a head-hunter's shield and hatchet Jeff says he found in Borneo.


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.iiinent Men To Meet Wit'-ployed Association.

** -Vn^mp'oyM association Invited f thf. ho#rd 6f public *ervfce y*8terd*y to pnr-jcliatfc In a "gonti roads" convention tomorrow <tt the Aviomobfte cluorocoir • fh* ?io»ia* Anion* th* speakers

, will he Wliltem'iVtcoman. Poland shor. } wk«M-«' Frank L Hist, district

, orgartf^r «»f the Ash'rlcan Federation of i Labor, Service Tiire«-tr»r Harry Man*i», ' Harrr H >Tohaaco. Dr. I/. P. Coulter. j pr. cheHes FnnlfMd. Pqitfre Marshall jfmed^n and others.

5 A proposition to a?k ror>zrt*% to paM, ^^ n Iatt to orf a national hlKh vay from K w Vork to Han Franclar.o will up t .r discussion. Ii la said that .President "iff favors *ueh 21 moverr^ut

1 ?


AUtoCJttifci ^

I Will Etter Campaign ToOBs At C*>**ru

• Work Tor T7n*\tjKcy', 1 Weal Ir-ni r>A4a ;!:-. ailier oif*^:* f f

rthe Vncmi«lo>wd 1'

-it o conffTcnt-V- ,»t the .

jicnlay the hlorkl. support <1< (lie jii#:/¥

• Auiomob&k* Cluh in. tiro iJ . |iho Government -furrtoh work- for k * 1|1Aa : eUb*r» by th^ Conrttrurt'on of * ^transcontinental' o!i;nwhy -J.f. irnp<-:« %»ti«M. ot exlHtto^Lnuttj*. R A t\jtil.Jlh|g%

• < 'Jprd KoAdn Commit te* the t«|. naJojhr w/ fpi**Jh||% i**f*tatu-e

» uro inn* v p. „ lwr

wfH p.x*|K»iv /V^L?^. r tylli Ik- in*;r(r»td Jy t 'fcfu'ataa h* Wfixi*}i

CtWc /jfrf* OMio Hfiqvj Jeff


. 1. %




gfcy 1?., 190S.

ITy c'aar Sir:

I ij&fv' le' * 1 - ,.iti; r*f<-rcrc* to

crtticiw .i —iUli i..CiV.fei€ a: r.i. vf .'i nn-

dcr !<•><• c *.hv tmcQfloytdi i u/d^rLtu.d are

about to atv r.d th^ gocd reads cor.vci.2 1. ii. SaIti4jorat ano I l:ave no doubt that the (i^cciUw. fo ■ ihf conatruc-*<ion or ^cca iraffrtfrTtTTtl.-r at ^r-tiJh '.i IMfe lllAl 1 great oeal sore work for He u/ianpioyedl* 1 write this to ;ou to exprass sry empathy vitli ^ork j-cu ara trying to dot ard icy t o asmt t you wharoter it 4a

consistent Kith ay vie^s of the nalicnal jur^odicticn. ftlrxemly yours, •




At the Good Roads Convention in Baltimore, tfeff Carl Fisher who liked the idea and got behind it. It wasn't long when the wheels were turned tho speeding slowly later in years brought about the reality of the Lincoln Highway, the first coast to coast Super Highway in America. IRRIGATION OF THS DESERT.

In 1910 Jeff advocated the irrigation of the desserts of America - for years

he carried on the propaganda and in 1913 interested Gov- George Hunt of

Arizona who helped in the agitation and resultB were had.

In 1905 - 1909 - 1910 Jeff advocated a Federal Employment Bureau - Jeff got

the ear of Sec. of Labor, Wilson, and at the A. F. of L. Convention in

Seattle, Wash. 1913, Jeff hoboed from the East Coast to the West Coast to

take up his proposition of a Federal Employment Bureau.

The Seattle Daily Tiroes, Tuesday, evening, Nov. 18, 1913> ran a streamer

across page 15 in inch type letters - £ three column story also -------


*ears later it became a reality.


In 1925 proposed the doing away with the Old Erie Canal in Ohio and ust the space for a Highway from Cincinnati, Ohio to Toledo. Jeff first got the backing of the Middletown Rotary Club which he addressed. It got a lot of backers ar<d in 1929 the big town path Jubilee was held in Middletown, Ohio, Celebrating the fullfillment of idea. Jeff was among the guests. In 1932 Cincinnati was taking it up seriously, especially in 1934. Today it is a reality.

AMERICAN CONSULATE-GENERAL HABANA, CUBA My Dear Mr. Davis: Personal—March 2, 1916.

Having been informed of your worthy purpose in the matter of assisting American citizens who may be in need in this city, I beg to state the same has my utmost approval. If the Consulate General can be of any help to you during your stay in Habana, I trust you will feel free to call upon us.

With best wishes for you in all things, I am,

Very sincerely yours,

H. M. WALCOTT, American Consul, Detailed as Vice-Consul in Charge.

In 1-..5 lobbied for flood control, erecting of dams, dikes, Senator Ranadal of Louisiana waa greatly interested* Soon Chicago got excited for it was in CHICAGO at our 1915 Hobo Convention that our delegates took up the flood control projects. Mayor Thompson of Chicago, several years later, got on the band wagon and made a cumber of trips down the Mississippi River and back. He deserves much

crcdit too for he was sincere in bringing about flood controL —■ ——,U,M



;of va-




yeff Davis Asks R j* graricy Laws a

Jobs for Unemployed.'

«?jetr Dflvis. "King .of th, Hfthfyn/': C

tii 'V prrsldfnl the' I international • ^

Tttri^am Worker*' Union. today CI

p^alM t<v PjrctUtent XVUnon to do tv o- ^

thtnKS Ui b*h*ff of- the hnfco«* of th*3 • Jal-d: . ■ \ Flrnt, ,'t.o ur*e Ccnw.wa t* brin* abeut^

1 of ui* vagrancy laws.' ; w

v j j. to nutnorla*. ihc Secretary off # • ii »rior to employ 'tho .unemployed

•fX 11lop. protects ig ArUjrv* atf •

ifttiese to » |

a ^

•*r?** had no* xii-cy wiii- it "

• tosi*l»tton O

inav bo u»*e ""

WMr* u4lt

rod fl4»«f

In 1910 advocated the irrigation of the

deserts of America.

1913 interested Governor George Hunt of Arizona v/ho helped


jrni e r cifc, tfajn mi fa . flf

if*f4*djcucr« o. trftfrt^. and. «i:rro 4* A* +nfr«?<.« iu interstate irafflc i thd fibbo."

Signed By Thousands.

i MR«*ardinft the Irrigation work i>r jMtnal. which was prtfttntectf kn* Davi* Ibr- President ill tne-torm of a petition Vfftied bv rhoo^n^ft of hoboes.- the VP^'d^nt to'tfc* Aui2R<

Ont Secretary or»the TjflriJor.

r*>rti«A to (rent N<r*

.TocK'and phtloHdlnhla* .V.-KVA h^

Wen acfiv-









Jeff Davis, "hobo king;5*' and editor of the Hobo Review, has started a movement to put the 2,000,000 hoboe.s in America to work. . Jeff savs that all 'boes want to work.

That any man ivho doesn't want to work Is not a hobo but a bum.

He Rocs further and declare;* hb has fouud a perfect!? tine way-.to provide plenty of work for all.

Jeff's Idea—and its brckers arc lesion—is to put all the 'boes to work biilldlug dikes along the Ohio, Mississippi and oilier rivers so as to prevent another flood. The project has the support of Senator UandcH of Lcmib-ana and other prominent men.


iel "I have Jusi returned from an ex e-1 twelve trip through the re-

j. J £««n," Jeff told a report* C'hvago Rally Press today.

r The

c'he con-

icK-and Philadelphia, v.hire Ho ha* or^r.^wiiK- "hotelJ d« t rtf^ork. mky. Nml' Wifi- in**rview ^th

t'ren^fri ^ Jrad.nr r'r^nUJcnt

ftue «uv( ' /••id ffi^ "Xintf

_ ^c/t the vyrutfj

^tooK *th«. door-


x sbcoK* wllh IMv1<r.


In 1930 - Oct. 22nd. jjeff sent the following telegram to President Herbert Hoover, viz:

Without critisision to you for this dangerous unemployed crises, we beg to submit a plan whereby the white collared unemployed can receive their share of attention. Let the Government issued unemployed emergency bonds similar to the War Savings Stamps and Liberty Loan Bonds and use the funds to loan to those who are about to lose their homes, .farms, little businesses, to be paid back in five or ten years without interest. Such a plan would hold back a more serious situation which is bound to happen to the white collared unemployed of America, or future hoboes.

It was signed by Jeff Davis and the Executive Committee of Hoboes of America.

On Oct. 23, 1930 Jeff received the following letter from the White Ho#se:

The White House,

Washington, Oct. 23, 1930

My Dear Mr. Davis:

Your telegram of Oct. 22nd has been received and I have placed it before the President. By his direction it is being brought to the attention of Colonel Arthur Woods, Chairman, of the Emergency Unemployment Committee. Sincerely yours,

Lawrence Richey,

Sec. to the President. On Oct. 28, 1930 - This telegram Jeff received from the Emergency Unemployment Committee - addressed Jeff Dsvis:

Thank you for your wire of Oct. 22nd which the ^resident has referred to this gommittee. I am glad to have your suggestions. Signed - E. E. Hunt


Jeff sent suggeationa - plana - work on the homes - repairs and other practical methods for proceedure - Montis passed - years passed* There was plenty of promises but no real action*

It was in 1933 - 3 years later when Jeff took up the matter again at the 25th Silver Anniversary Convention of Hoboes of America, Inc. held in Chicago and a Resolution #11 was as follows:

Therefore be it Resolved that we Hoboes proceed with proproganda

and a publicity awakening, the citizens of America to this unjust slow action in their behalf. The resolution was una^iously voted on and carried out to the letter. It waa not until Franklin D* Rosseyelt took office as President that the Home Loan Plan was adopted and put into action*


Ever since 1923 Jeff worked upon a plan for an all weather route or superhighway between Pittsburgh Pa. and Harrisburg, Pa. he started the ball going in the State of Pennsylvania in regards to the old unused railroad route oC the South Penn. R* R. idle for over 1/2 century. There had been tunnels that had been drilled and dug out thru eight mountains enroute. This if put to use by building an all weather route would not only put many nen to work but would be one of the most unique Super hAghways in America. Not only for speed bu practical. Jeff was busy on agitation for it up to 1931 - Nothing was done. In 1934 Jeff wrote to **arry Hopkins, whoa was in 1 charge of Fed* Relief Administration and received the following letter, vis:


Washington - Oct. 19, 1934

Mr. Jeff Davis, Hoboes of America.

Dear Mr. Davis:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of Sept. 29, 1934. The Act of Congress, passed in February of this year appropriating funds for this adoinistcation activities for the relief of the needy unemployed specifically prohibited the development of Federal Projects.

We appreciate your interest in the activities of this administration and trust we may have your continued co-operation.

We are referring a copy of your letter to the Public Works Administration, Washington, D. C. for consideration,

Very truly yours,

Jasper J. Mayer,

Chief Corres. Div. Fed. Emer. Re. Admr.

On October 27, 1934 - Jeff received the following letter -

Fed. Emer. Admr. of Public Works,

Washington, D.C. Oct. 27, 1934.

Mr. Jeff Davis,

My Dear Mr. Davis:

Your letter of Sept. 29th addressed to the Honorable Harry S. Hopkins,

has been referred to this office for reply.

The Public Works Administration and the Bureau of Public Works Roads

have been allotted funds for the construction of thousands of miles of

Highways throughout the country. However, as we have now allocated

practically all of thefunds appropriated to us by Congress, we are unable

to consider your excellent suggestion at the present time*

May we thank you for your expression of interest.

Sincerely yours,

L. B. Graham

Special Assist, for The Administration.

Well you guessed it - Jeff did not give up, he kept a plugging away talking -agitating and Wtt lobbying until he had W. P. A. to take a survey and after the survay was finished , the State of Penn. took action * The State Legislature then jumped in with both feet - said action took place the latter part of 1937* and in April 1938 - Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt seen to it that the Government put in Twenty-five million and gave the high ball for work on it to start. Today the Penn. Turn pike is considered one of the best Super Highways in the World* But Jeff did not get an invitation to the Grand Opening. |i!5SSNF0STER PLAZAS

For years and years since 1903 - Jeff had dreams of beautifying the River Front8 of St. Louis - Cincinnati and Pittsburgh.

Jeff wanted the River Fronts to tear down the old decrepid buildings and build up public parking spaces - Public Landing marks of beauty for concerts and patriots affairs to build up high above the high water marks of flood danger. Well, St. Louis was the first to beautify their water front. But they did not call it the Stephen Foster Plaza - We had held our Hobo Convention there in 1937 and bally hooed for such a project* It was not till later years when action was taken. In Cincinnati Ohio Jeff took his plan for the River Front to the Planning Commission at City Hall in 1934 -

Jeff is waiting to see what action is to take place as time flies -In Pittsburgh Pa. at the Hobo Convention held in 1935 Jeff proposed the beautifying of the 5 points facing three rivers - River Front - which was a mesa and an eye sore - trashy buildings - dumps, and wreckage. Jeff has press clippings of Pittsburgh of 1935 to prove his agitation for the River Front Park and he wanted it called the Stephen Foster Plaza as Foster was a native of Pittsburgh, pa. Jeff talked with Andrew Mellon and others and for years kept up the propaganda. Well, during the past two years the work has been done and finished but they do not call it the Stephen Foster Plaza.

Jeff is still fighting to have it called the Stephen Foster Plaza.

Point Park with Crosstown Boulevard *nd Gfitewty Center tinicturex in background


feet-Ca*fi«U» Wntf/

Jeff Davis, "King of the Ho-of all people. is anxious to cure American youth of the wanderlust. The .man who has traveled 3.700,000 miles and whose family never knows when he's comlng-homc. wants the Federal Government to pay lor annual trips for youngsters to the nation's historical shrines. That, he thinks, will satisfy the appetite for travel.

King of the Knights of the Road. Davis . modestly claims that he was first to propose such notable accomplishments as Pitts burgh's Point Park, the Pennsylvania Turnpike and the National Highway.

He can show you a clipping from a Pittsburgh newspaper of 1935. when the 'hoc* hold their convention here, and he suggested:

"Pittsburgh should try 10 develop part of the river front as a memorial to Stephen Foster;'

4,I told them then." he recalled. "to tear down all those old huildlngs in the Triangle and put up a park." Future Pittsburgh historians «an 1 huv: point to the hobo king a.s'H^ • man who really set in motion Point Paik. Gateway Centra i and the I'rhan Redevelopment

I Authorilv "




In 1914 Jeff opendd the Hotel DeCink in Seattle, Wash. It waa in the Old Provident Hospital Bldg. The City of Seattle - ^ayor Cottrell and City Council and the Labor Movement all got in back of Jeff and many homeless men got shelter from the cold and rainri.

In Hew York City, Jeff opened the Hotel De Gink in 1915 and 192*6 early part of that year. It was a great success as there had been thousands of homeless men in New York.

These hotels were self supporting - no charity,

Jeff wants to prevent the great ajuount of divorces in America and to give better opportunities to young couples - Rents are high - furniture high -food, etc. doctor etc. and mapy young folks are not getting married - others married can't make the grade - get divorced. So Jeff is advocating $1000.00 subsiding to be given young couples to get a start* To be a bond issue to be paid back in small interest.

Public Garages for Teen-agers, under proper supervision, iraternal organizations, police, etc.

Permits issued before minors could board trains, steamships, etc. without parents permission in order to cut down on run-aways#

Name Hobo' Here to Stay Knights of Road Resolve " Loan companies should stop giving loans to irresponsible borrowers who do not pay anything but interest on the loans and eventually become a burden to the tax payers.

The name "Hobo" is here to stay, it has been decided at the 47th annual meeting of Hoboes of America, Inc., in Thomas Jefferson HoteL

Although' it originally was suggested the word be dropped as it too often is associated with bums and tramps "who are not Itinerant workers." Jeff Davis, King of the Knights of the Road, Air and Seven Seas, reported a resolution determined otherwise.

"Cooperate or evaporate,"









» jo e


Social and equal economic right should first be shown by the ability of the individual, not collective groups to eliminate antaganism.

Better service by those in public service to prevent prosperity from committing suicide.

Protection for the little business man by showing leniency; possibly allowing him an untaxed reserve up to a given sum.


Talk Of The Town

AI Schottelkotte

tions, as well as a parking site

. * * * for thousands of automobiles."

rtl DID YOU KNOW . . . that h« wanted to name it the

iX- Jlj.r-Ji the recently proposed idea to Stephen Foster Plaza, as a

fy^ ^^ ^^ construct parking decks in the memorial to the composer of

y^) "Bottoms" over the Third qij Kentucky Home," who

Street Distributor is a varia- worked as a clerk for a sttam-

tion of a suggestion made as boat company in the "Bottoms."

•\t I kTP • far b;,-ck 88 1934 by our town s

*\J VJ M Z. oniy monarch—Hobo King Jeff

oniy monarch—Hobo King Jeff

| ft n. li Davis? Newspaper clippings r? " '

I 7 \ show that King Jeff proposed a

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| A ✓) Cj lino as Third Street and afford TAi^k X

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King oi Tfco Hobos and Emperor e( ftks International League of Hnb+e

Fm just a mutt, a harmless hound— Humph, no one wants me to be around.

And so, I sneak my way about. Sometimes I'm in, most times Ifm out. In hallways, alleys, cellars, too, Gcsh, I often know not what to do> But I live on. a-crawlinj? here and there, Whether I live or die no one seems to care. Oh, yea. they stop to tie a tin can to my tail, Then they throw rocks at me to see how loud HI wail.

But they never throw a chunk of meat, a bone or

a hunk of bread. And all because I'm a curbstone cur— And not what they call well-bred.

Goof raa all eeld out, and X hope

dey nil rend My xtra edlUona. So long. New

York, till Wo meet ngnin in the Mg ma on to*"

-JUT DAvm King of Copyright by the author.

Horatio Alger taught u* miles

were Joys, Aad kindness led to fame, riches

were toya The ups and Ins were soon dowas

aad ouLi, BUt the light of real kindness never

went out Pardon me, please, as again I ehont, "polpsr. mister,


w>i »mi»fi r ».MHar *kiii

nit »ift I* T*7li rtty

cubniiet U|«Jt Ibirfy


"Poiper. collier

of hygone deys. forty yeat* MO pause*. "Poiper, rtjiii-r? No mothers. No SUJCfdeS. Wo UpfteOVeU.

Just e torn psge /rom Hit.** A tired kid. &eki and grey. Return* to iAcr«d spots Just to eSky, I Rud4 good but 1b ar Hooeot way, I dtdn't Ukt 4 peony that wmbI lair.

I dkdnt take Another's Joh. that 1

J hare m apologias to make, fm

free from care As 1 stop Just for a day or two To commune with ghoet fr *ends»

aad you. To tell you how happy 1 aa. Can 1 take you through The ceaay years of the pastt Here we are. don't walk too feet. I want to make ibe memories last. Let's atop at the entrance to Brook*

lyn bridge Look, there's Crippled J ark, aad

Newsboy rWft, Dont crowd, don't push them on

memories ridge. Hear them shout. Pol per* that's It shoot It out Let It echo from Park Row to de

five poJnU. Foipers. poiper. mister pleas*. I koow I look prosperous and at ease.

But I'm worried, mlotar, lost you

mlee this extra. Thank* gee: you're a eweH guy. Now let me tell you why— No, dem are Joy drope, I dan4! cry. I'm happy. I tsll you. Causa dreams come true. Zven though it only happens to a few.

But one must never forget the place.

Where he or she started the race. For rainbows lead an endJee* chase.

Look, there goee Hetty Green. They eay shs was the ugheet they

over seen. And there's J. P. Morgan, all nose

and no bean. So others thought, but not us now*, bey*

By Jeff Davis,


copyright notice



"Say, Mister, have you been in ja«l> "Sure. Kid. but what make* you a*'«c? "My Papa'* there." "»f e—is?"

•'Ye*. did ou* see him?" "Why—what's his name?" "Paddy."

No, kid. his read name—M "Daddy."

"Oh—what's he in for?" "He left mama and I—" "When did your Daddy go away?" "Long time a«o."

"Would you know papa it you would see him: "Mama would."

"Do you think mama would scold papa?" "No. mama cries for Daddy." "Say, Little One- what's your name?'9


"Kiss me girlie, ar.d run tell mama. pa;»a Come home. "Oli, daddy—daddy—daddy—mama!—mamma I ! 1


Men of Wealth or Industry — Who Value Money more then Flag — Who Corner Markets and then Brag. Oil and Steel and F<*od Kings Love All Beneath and all Above — But I love you |o have and hold — America — Not to he Sold.

DEAR U. S. A.. I fear for Thee —

In time to come —Where will we Ik\ If we allow a few to say — We'll Run this Country and Make "Others" Pay.

Force Cost of Living mountain High — You'll do without ~ if you can't Buy. Freight cars loaded Kvervwhere — Contents labeled — "Ship with Care." While poor folks cry aloud in vain — "For God's Sake —Christians — Stoji that train — For America."


I have faith in Thee —

That you will always 1k\

A shining light throughout the world —

With spotless stars and stripes unfurled.

Our Faith in you will never fade,

Because of mistakes — Some have made;

But ah — Ye Looters

Heed — Take Care —

Lest you get more than your Stare,

For Real Americans

Are Loyal and True Blue,

Who Love America —

To Hell with you.

King Of Hoboes


By "Jeff"

' COUNTRY — l>o Itiey Lover Tlv.-c?

By "Jin"

"My mother—

She fs all the world to me.

Mv Life, my Health, my Wealth to he

in all traced back to years gone by

When she carad for me with a

watchful eye—

She «aw me crow in the passing years.

A childhood flower—nursed with her tears-

It Is like the itory olfcen told

My Mother—

3he 18 worth her weight in gold."


Poem by Jeff Davis, King of Hobo*

He is one who knows your faults and your heartaches.

He la one who gives and seldom ever Ukea;

Not the ones willing to buy cheap what you have to "soak,"

Not tbe ones with faint smile who treats friendship as a Joke;

But the one who sees clear through you.

Retdjr to aid, comfort or do for you.

What be can—the best be can—

That's the fellow who la a friend to man.

Not the ones with tbe soft handshake. Wbo desert you for tbe leaat mfsUke.

A friend Is one wbo finds you alt alone Wbere "others" Iuft you to be found unknown.

Yes, the mistakes of many—I'm afraid. Are the kind of friends they've made.


And Keep on Laughing —

For a Smile is the Corner Stone of Life —


It means "Stop Making It Look Empty." S—M—I—L—E.

Get it — "Stop Making It Look Empty"

That Life of yours —

The Lives of "Other*" —

"Stop Making It Look Empty."

That Heart of yours —

The Hearts of "Others" -

"Stop Making It Look Empty."

That Home of yours —

The Home of "Others" —

"Stop Making It Look Empty."

That Head of yours —

The Heads of "Others" —

When there is nothing in Life —

To Live For-as some Think —

Then it is because Their Life Is indeed an Empty Life.

They forgot to Fill it up — With Jov and Happiness, And to Them — Their Life Seems to be a Worthless Life. Hut in reality—Their Life — Is actually more Valuable Than they ever thought it to Ik*. They had it all figured out That Happiness could be bought — Just like cheap merchandise, At a Bargain Counter. It is impossible to buy Happiness — You must Live it and Sincercly feel it. Any one can Ha Ha or — Work their face into a faint smile — Or roar out in convulsion, in put on mirth or forced outburst — Hut when one is really Happy — It shows plainly in the eyes. And it is not hidden under Powdered, painted, coarse or velvet skins It is in the eyes — The trouble with most folks is — They Imagine they are Happy, Or they Pretend they are Happy. There arc those who say: "I can't be Happy" —becausc — Some one is always taking The Happiness out of their Lives. NTo one can take Happiness from any one; You can give Happiness to "Others" — But you cannot take it away from them. NTo more than you can take The perfume from a flower, And that is what Happiness Is to Life— It is a perfume — That permeates the air wherever Happiness abounds. — It is — The Sunshine to Life. Then again — here are Those Who say — "How can I Be Happy when all around me Are Sad?"

An unwarranted outburst — There are folks who can make "Others" Happy, no matter how sad,


"Others" , Think they are — but — They never made them Happy, By Sadness —

And if every one was Sad—Then No one would know What Happiness Really Was. You can't go through Life With a sour look on your face And expcct to sweeten Life's Feast In store for you — or to enjoy it — After you get it.

The trouble with a lot of people is They Don't know What they Want— They Don't know How to Get it. If they Got it — They wouldn't know What to do with it — And if they lost it — They wouldn't Know that It was Gone. Too many People arc "Goofy" — Sonic know they are — "Othrrs" haven't found it out yet. The Ones who know they arc Crazy Are Harmless.

The Dangerous Ones arc Those Who Haven't got Hip to Themselves that They are "Goofy."



By "J

YOU laugh in glee, 1 And for the life of me I cannot understaixi — Nor can any other man.

We are modeled in your hands. In clays and sands. And maybe, puffs of air — For all you care.


Oh. my stomach is just aching

For a couple of strips of bacon

A hunk of bread and a little pot of brew.

I'm tired of the scenery.

Just load me to a beanery,

Where there is something more than air to chew.

Believe me, Neighbors—

Stray men and boys are more important than stray dogs and cats.

And don't forget—times have changed. We now have stray women

and girls.


pARDON mc, neighbor, — but,

Can I come in — I mean into your hearts — For too many of us Come into each cither's life. Or should I say way? It doesn't mean a thing. This every day life of ours, To some folks Who have had

One disappointment after another. Those arc the Ones I want to rrad this liook Who have had

More than their share of troubles And an Empty Heart Willi the doors closed May the Poems and The Philosophy herein (Jive them renewed Hope For Better Days. and. With (hat purpose in view. Let me serve you with \ little dish of iny Hash on Kite. Sincerely,



you know —a lot of folks

Think that Life is What they make it —but They are wrong, for Life is What they make of it. Life is made up In the Shadows of Mystery, But it finds its way out Of Mystery, into the Sun — Only to find most of us Blinded with tears of misery. We forsake ourselves — At a time when we arc needed most. Our valuable time

Is taken up — fighting our enemies —

Blaming our Friends — or

Perhaps our l^ovcd Ones

For our ill luck,

Misfortune — or what not —

It is the easiest way out

To Blame "Others" —

For Mistakes — Heartaches —

Trouble and for everything

That goes wrong — but.

It doesn't help matters any —

It only makes matters worse.

And keeps the troubled ones,

Boiling in Hot Water —

Getting deeper and deeper

In Misery, Despair and Despondency

Life has three Dark Shadows —

Cowardice is the largest shadow of them all.

Then comes the Shadow of Fear —but.

The most dangerous of all is

The Shadow oi Hatred.

Cowardice is shown by many

Who tire in Life's Battle,

And wonder why

They were ever put on this earth of ours —

They want to die

Before it is their time to die —

And they brag —

That it takes Great Bravery

To kill one's self.

Bosh — and what Tommy Rot I —

Why any Fool can fall off a roof-

Any Fool can take a knife —

Or a Gun — or poison,

And do away with their life —

But it takes real courage,

Backbone, and a clear head,

To live one's life till the end.

Any Fool can fall into the water and drown.

But —it takes a good swimmer,

To swim across a channel —

And it takes plenty of Confidence,

To get the Pep to Try.

Suicide is the Cowardly way out —

Not the easiest way out.—

Throw away that knife or gun —

Take down that grewsotne rope —

Why, Life has just begun.

And, Where There's Life — There s Hope.

Turn off that gas,—

Come out into God's fresh air.

Don't be a silly ass—

Stop moaning and pulling your hair —

Ditch that poison in the sink —

Detour from that river —you crazy fool—

Futurize—Realize—Stop—Look and Think:

In thick of battle*. Generals keep cool.

Never forget — my discouraged friend,

Whether in Home —on the Road—

Or Lost in the Crowd,

That Life is a battle till the end —

Have Courage to Live — and

At Fear Laugh out Loud.

Strange --Those who have no home would an>thinf in th< world to have one —and — many who have a home — don't'know what rl/» with it



By "Jeff-

|T takes courage to live —

And Hope and Try. Any one can Take — not all can Give, And any one can Die, But — to Live one's Life — Through worry — pain —and tears — Disappointments — care and strife, Battling on for years, — Ah — that tal^cs pep, And nerve — and grit, To keep in Life's Parade in step, For any one can tire and sit — And weep and mourn And die a misfit —

But —it takes Courage to Stay Born,

"Free advice is like free lunch to Some folk*—and— When the lunch is gone— So is the advicc"—


'What does it Profit a man to gain the world If he don't know how to run it."

" HASH ON life-


THERE is always — an dement,

Who like nothing better — Than to Destroy — Something that.others — Worked for — Sacrificed for — Suffered for — And died for — That home — of ours, That love — of ours, That friendship— of ours, That ideal —of ours, That dream—cf ours. That vision — cf ours, That conniry — of ours, That flag —of ours, Only to have looters —

Braggards — Buities — Fourflushers — gangster? and grafters W reck — abure — deceive — sneer and jeer — Not only home —

But— love — friendship — ideals — dreams — visions —

Y*$ even country and flag.

Like a home —with congenial atmosphere —

That is how our country should be —

Just one great big family —

Willing to share each others troubles and burdens —

But we are satisfied just to be —

Like so many other families —

Whose biggest trouble is —

Misunderstanding each other —

"MOM" America has that trouble with her children —

Some arc* good all the time —

And some are simply rotten to the core —

They would put "their country in hock —

And if George Washington —

The fahter of our country would come back —

To pay off the mortgage —

They would sic* the dog on him —

And what a crop of step daddies would greet him —

With -

"Well! — what do you want around here? — "Docs anybody owe you anything? —

"Scram — beat it — sand the track, you're slipping George

"The old homestead has changed — "Since you were here last" — And instead of listening — To his story —

Of how he crossed the Delaware — His great great grandchildren —

Would be more interested in cross word puzzles—their YoYoe* Bo-goes —and gazaboes —

If ever a true slang expression has gained fame — That one is the old outburst of — 'Let George do it° —

Well lie did do it — but we as loyal children — Of that great Father of our country — Have let it go at that — As much as to say —

He gave us our freedom — our country — And, if we do with it, what we xvant to— what about it — "Ain't we free? — "Can't we do as we please —

"If we want to hock the country— its our country — "We can hock it." —

Yes — it is our country— we can hock it— and we can wreck

It—and that is what we are going to do — if —

We don't stop rocking the boat —

Cut out that jealousy— greed—and hypocrisy —

Let's get together —

This great big American family of ours —

Let's wipe out the mistakes—forget the errors—bury the past-



IF a boy could wake up When he is young — Just breaking into manhood — He will live to a ripe old age. For — many folks wake up when They are 36 years old, realizing they Have but a few more years to live And don't be too big to Sit on Mother's lap,— Give her a Rudolph Valentino — Hug her hard with a Half Nelson — And say — •

"Mom, Don't worry about me — I Ain't going to Get into Trouble." — For don't forget —

There arc thousands of boys in Jail —and Mothers are worried about boys That haven't Got in Jail as yet. Boys — you never fool any one But yourself.

You may fool the "copM— the law —

Mom o;* Dad — hut

You can't fool Nature.

Never be ashamed to kiss "Mom" —

And don't forget Dad —

Shake his hand often.

Of course—He may think

You arc going to borrow

A little change — But

Tell him you just shook his hand

To make him understand

You are Pals.

\Vhy Boys — The companionship Of Dad —is worth more Than all the would-be friends In the world. Dad knows — Ask him —

Spend a few more nights

At home — and get

Better acquainted — with

Both Dad and Mother —

Hold on to her Apron Strings

As long as you can — for

Some Day — They will Be Gone —

And all the Needles and Thread

In this whole wide world

Will never sew them

Back on again.

Don't look for trouble

You can find it anywhere.

The best place to fiikl Sympathy

Is under the s's in the dictionary.

A real democracy is when — It is made safe for Occupancy — To much freedom has made us gooffy— Instead of going to our heads — It went to our feet — WE got jazzed crazed — And drifted down Bug house Jane — Until most of us — Would give anything to know — Where are we at — And should you tell them — They wouldn't believe you — They have an idea it is the other (ellow who — Is lost, strayed or stolen — not them.

In a tree or a basket —


IT takes all kinds of people —

To make a world — Some, look for Trouble —and. Are disappointed if they do not find it — Some, accidentally fall Into Trouble, and many, Have Trouble Wished upon them. Those who have no troubles — Look for other people's troubles, To keep them busy, and — There is a type of neighbors. Who love to listen to, Other people's Battles. But —Don't forget, One's Character may be ever so good. Yet, in many cases, It is what the neighbors say, That makes one's reputation Good or Bad. A loose Tongue in the home, Makes tongues in the neighborhood wag — Gossipers are dangerous — But a loud mouth in a home, Is more dangerous. Yes — it takes all kinds of people, To make a world —and. ' There is a world of difference between people. That is why, sometimes — It is hard to keep a family together — We, in general, expect too much — We believe that Mom and Pop, Mike—Ethel — Aggie — Katrina, and, The baby —all should have — The same dispositions — Utterly impossible. Almost every human being, Has their faults — They would not be human. If they didn't have at least, a few. The reason some folks, Do not find out their own faults, Is that "Others" save them that trouble. Society's Greatest Sin, is — That Fault they consider in, Their Own Lives, is —

Considered as Vice in — The Lives of "Others." Some people make their own troubles — Some make troubles for "Others" — And there arc those who like Nothing Better —Than To Jump into a Grand Fight, Especially, if they can Make the Trouble Worse. But Don't Forget, Our worse troubles are Sometimes, the best Planting Grounds for Success.


There isn't a family in the world That has no trouble. Maybe it's the Son — Or the Daughter — Perhaps the Mother — Or the Father; Sometimes its just A Mere Clash — Or a Real War — Between the Older, and — The Younger Children. But why worry — Neither you— nor anyone else, Can change Human Nature, but, By Laws you try to Stop. The Provoking of It.

YVhat Happens Next — Like the Trashy Families — For whether or not we want them — This is a Free Country, and — They can move right next door to you. To Keep a family Together — Is 110 easy matter. It takes Courage — A Lot of Pains — and Worries To bring an Offender, to — His or Her senses — Often the Supposed Bad Boy, Or Bad Gir[ who are Termed — The Black Sheep — in time, Turn out to be the Keal Support.

Of Their Family —

It is Families Who Cared,

To Be Worth while that can,

Tell you many true >trange»

Stories of Hardships — Heartaches,

And Expenses — Yet —

They are Proud to Say—

It was all Worth While"

It is True — That — Many of

The Heartaches and So Called

Troubles — Ought not to Be,

But Folks will have them,

Just to Pass the Time Away.

Take for instance the father,

Who's Little Son asks him

For a Five Cent Piece —

Ah I Daddy— Please, Daddy —

Just a nickel" and,

Tough daddy yells back —

You kids must think I am

A Rockefeller — the way

You nickel and dime me to death.

Beat itH

Yes — and there are some mama's,

Just as bad — Especially —

On a Sunday —

When They Get Company —

Just as Everybody is seated,

At the dinner table — and,

There is just enough food,

To go around for the family —

In walks that unexpected company —

With that Old Gag —

We just dropped in to say Hello"—

Hello — Nothing —

They came to cat —and,

Figured out everything —

Even to the time when —

The food is piled on the table —

But believe roe —The Child is Wise —

As soon as he or she sees the company

They turn to Mother and say —

Mama-Piece of Pie" —

(They don't want to lose out —

On account of the company)

That's when some mama's —

Give liberty to a bunch of monkeys and they will wreck aA Family with all its Troubles, orange grove— ,f somctilTies bettcr off tharl|

All a monkey thinks of is his appetite— he can sleep anywhere- Family that doesn't Care —

Shoot out with the hidden foot — Kicking the exact spot — Right on the Shins — As sweetly she says — "Now behave—Can't you see, We have company." Dagonc right — They do — That's why they want the pie quick. One should never slight — Their Own Family — For the sake of "Others." Share what you can afford to Share. But don't make your loved ones, Do without — Just because — You want to be Courteous, To Friends — Neighbors or Strangers. On the other hand there are, Many Homes that have everything They want — and yet — There is no love there — And all the luxuries are, Covered with the — Dust of Unhappiness. Wealth and Misery — What mockery. What a contrast, To the old Log Cabin homes — Of the Old Pioneer Settlers — Who knew nothing about luxuries, Or Wealth — They had to work hard, Chopping down trees to build homes — They were more happy — In all that Simplicity — Than many of the folks of today — Who are surrounded with wonder.s — Wireless Radio —Machinery — Million dollar theaters — Monster buildings The only difference is — The old Settlers had to continually Be in scraps with Indians — Now days — We arc in scraps — With Ourselves — Our Loved Ones — Our Best Friends — The tragedy of it all, is — That, we are, many of us, too cowardly — To fight our enemies — But ever ready to abuse our friends, Our Loved Ones — Our Neighbors.


THE trouble with many families, is —

That they expect Society To do more for their children Than they would do for them, themselves — They encouraged their youngsters — To be Flipant — Forward and Impudent. A Spoilt Child in the Home — Eventually becomes an inmate — Of a Penal Institution. Petty arguments at the Supper Table — Reared the children in an atmosphere — Of thi Rankest Type of Discontentment — Chin Contests — Lead to Fights —and,

8uarrels Drive What Little Love That's Left

ut of Such Homes. It's the Sacrifices *—Good Intentions, And Real Efforts Shown, In a Sincere Way — That Anchors Love in a Home. Many Homes are On Fire — Slowly Smoldering away with — Long drawn out continuous Arguments over nothing — Stop that Fire —

Don't Be Careless— "HASH ON LIFE

As you throw those

Matches of Discontent

About your Fire Place —

You might get Burnt Up —

With your Home.


Many Heart Broken Mothers

Are Helping to Break their Own Hearts —

By overburdening them

With too much trouble —

Much of which is caused —

Because —They have been

Too Easy Going with the Ones

They accuse of Heart Damage.

There are many Parents

Who do not believe in whipping a child —

But—If Their Child

Whips some other Mother's Child —

Oh Well — "Children will be Children" —

They laughingly will declare —but —

If somebody clses child hit their

Sweet Little Darling —

Great Ceaser —

What a neighborhood war would take place. Which reminds me of a good story — A timid mother said — "Pardon me Mrs. Edwards—but, Your Cecil had a fight with my boy" — "Oh forget it" says the other kind hearted lady. "You know Boys will be Boys" — "My, Oh my/' answers back the other lady — "I am so glad you feel that way about it, I'll get an ambulance to bring your Cecil home" — You see — Cecil got what — His mother should have given him — A real good trimming — A sock on the jaw — Is worth more than All the Shocks of an Elcctric Chair — And many a spoilt boy landed in one. It has been known That a good trimming — Has brought many — A thoughtless Girl or Boy — To their senses — And a sock in time —• Saved a fine — Or perhaps a jail sentence-Or the Hangman's noose. Don't forget — That a youngster Who steps on the toes Of folks at Home — Will step on the toes Of the Public — When he or she is Out on the streets. If a child won't mind Mom or Dad — how can You expect that same child To mind anyone — Be it teacher — Public Official —

Or just common citizen. Yes — spoilt youngsters — Are thrown out on our Highways, To pester whom they please — Should they get a kick back, By one of the Hardened Public — The cry rents the air — "Oh, my poor boy — you little dear — What have they done to my poor. Little, Sweet, Darling?" Sweet — Umphl —

That kid has turned sour — Won't be long before That Sweet Darling — Will be a hunk of cheese — And it will be the Public — That will have to put up with the smell

All the fumigators And Gas Masks in the World, Will never take av*ay the stench Of that Perfect — Beautiful — Angel-Faced Incapoof — Who was allowed To Run Rough Shod. Over the Piano — Like a skunk — In a Red of Roses. Then again — There arc a multitude Of good — loving — well -meaning Parents whose only fault Is that they arc too good — To be parents.

An over indulgence of anything — Makes many things Common — Many Husbands and Wives — Besides Children — Are kissed and fondled — Too much for their own good. They get so conceitcd — They imagine they deserve Such loving treatment. The fact is —

No one deserves anything — We can consider ourselves Lucky if we get it —

It is Appreciation that counts — For what is love without appreciation — And many love in vain. The trouble with some fathers is They think more of their pipe — Than they do their boy — And —Many Fathers have shouted — 44Let the kid sew his wild oats"— Forgetting that the boy may turn out -As Bad a Farmer As the Old Man Did. And — Many Mothers Care more for Their Dogs — Than they do Their Children — You bet they do — They insist that the dogs Must be well bred — Before they buy them — And most of their time Is taken up —

In raising dogs, cats, birds —

And the windows —

When the Old Man smokes his pipe.

Yes, there are certain people —

That even a mother can not love —

Yet, we arc told to love everybody.

Don't be foolish —

Pick out your friends —

And your loved ones —

And throw away the bad ones —

The same as you do

With apples and other things

That arc Rotten and Decayed —

If a person can not

Respect Themselves,.

How can they Respect Others.

We have had worn out slogans —

When do we eat? —

When do we drink ? —

When do we work? —

Instead of —When do we think?

When do we live? —

How to live — and

How much better can we live?



gVEN the World itself —

Has everything just the opposite — There's the Moon and the Sun — Day and Night — Sunshine and Rain — Hot and Cold Weather — The Tide comes in and goes out — If you were never sick You would not appreciate good health — Yes, the Old World itself Has its Moments — It Storms and it Frets — and The Earth Trembles — Yes Nature runs wild sometimes — With Storms — Earthquakes — Hurricanes — Volcanic Eruptions — Blizzards and Heat Waves. Our Troubles are small compared to that. But Old Mother Nature is Still doing business at The Old Stand — And Old man River Just keeps on Rolling Along — While We arc Almost Rolling into the River of Discontent. Clean out Those Overloaded, Skeleton Closets. Throw out the Gloom Brothers, "Hatred" ~ "Jealousy" and "Despair." If you dont get your Own Wby, Remember there is always Two sides to a Question. Nothing in the World Has its Own Way — Why Should You? — Even when you take a photograph There is the negative and the positive. In everything there is the Opposite — Put salt on ice in the summer time — And it will keep it;

Put salt on ice in the winter time — And it will melt it.— And where there is Life there is Death. Do you think — That Little You — Because it is You — Should receive More Consideration Than even Nature Itself? Don't Be that Egotistical — And Downright Selfish. Take your bruises in Life With the same courage A Tree in a Storm takes Life. What a Wonderful lesson to Mankind Is the sturdy old battered tree — Holding on to Life — Till the last root decays. For years and years It is pestered with ants — And bugs — and worms — Winds and terrific storms — Heat and cold — Not a single Hurt Bothers that Old Tree. For only

"God can Make a Tree." —

By "Jeff"

Cod — made Man, —

Man made a Plan, an

Man. like a Monkey, chafed about,

With Plam— Trying to Figure things out

The Trouble with Mankind is —

They Brag'about being Self Made.

"Success is what

They Themselves Make It."

They speak of Success —

Not knowing its Real Meaning.

Their Brand of Success

Has a Ring around it —

It is coveted by them only —

Like a Miser covets his gold.

They care not about

The Success l! Others,

In fact They are the Type

Who arc Jealous of

The Success of others.

Yet one can not truly be Successful

If Others in Life ;ire Failures.

Success is not money —

J i means to accomplish

Something attempted.

Some folks say that it

Pays to be honest.—

Xo. in many, many, many cases

It does not Pay —

Put at least One Really Feck Good

When he or she has done

An Honest Deed.

And if One can Truly Say —

They Fee! Good in Heart and Soul —

Then Truly They Are Successful.

Success does not mean a —

Show of finery —

\ Beautiful Mansion — or

Wealth and Jewels.

For again the Opposite turns up —

Love and Hate —

Happiness and Sorrow —

Lies and Truth —

Right and Wrong —

Ami believe me vou can have

All the Wealth in the World —

Yet he the most

Unbappiest Person in all the World.

You may have a Mansion —

And yet be surrounded with Hate —

Lies and Sorrow.

Yes one can be in Rags —

Live in a shack—

But if he or she is living Right —

They can't be Wrong,

And if they are Right —

Then Truly They arc a Success.

For anything that is Wrong

Cannot be a Success.


THERE is a type of Person

Who cxpects everyone To Think Their Way. They Want Others To Do As They do — Live as They Live; Their Cowardly Lives — Their Hypocritical Lives — Their Hollow Lives — Their Make-believe Lives — Their Bully Lives — Their Hardened Lives. They want everybody to Come Their Way, And if They Don't Come When They Want them — They are Peeved — Surly — Nasty— Disagreeable and — Hard to get along with. They are the Type Who cannot Please Themselves,

Yet they want "Others* To Please Them —and how They Rush Through Life — Get something They Don't Want And Then Speedily Tire of it. There is an iron-clad rule — That you cannot do something For Those who will not do Anything for Themselves — No more than you can Like Everybody And have everybody Like You. Natures arc different — Tastes arc different — Desires are different — Stytes and Types of People Are vastly different And always will be,— So why all this Confusion — Arguments—ill feeling? — Wasted energy — This business of Trying to make people-Live your Life — When you don't know How to Live It Yourself. Yes — many spent Many foolish days and nights Finding Fault —

Instead of looking for Opportunity.

Believe me—if Opportunity

Knocked at some folks' Doors

And crashed it —

They would sue Opportunity

For Damages — and

Wind up by getting the Damages.

Fools may Ik: Born every minute — but —

They don't die that quick.

Life is interesting

When One understands Life.

Even the Rose

Lives a life of Battles —

With Vermin —

Good and Rad Ground —

Worms and Insects —

Weeds — dogs — and cats.

The Rose Bush cannot

Yell for Help.—

Perhaps that is why

The Rose has thorns —

And no matter how beautiful

The Rose — you got to take

The Thorns with it

And with life —

No matter how beautiful —

You got to take

The Harms with it.

I Your Cup of Happiness may be rusty — I And Leak. — But as long as it has a handle Hold on.

There are too many folks

Taking things as they come—

Forgetting that the best things in Life

Are the things we go after.

Hut you will never get there

Until you know where you Want to Go.

If some one likes you —


Dont' try to figure out Why.—Appreciate it.

And Should your Friends

Tell you Cold Facts —

Don't Give Them the Frozen Stare.

Never be afraid of criticism —it is

The alarm clock of the Future.

Five minutes of thinking will

Do more good than a night spent

In wishing you had.

You can go forward or retreat, but

There is no one who can actually

Stand Still. — You must Travel on —

If you are a live wire —

No one will dare stop on you —as

You head for your goal.

As you play Life's Game —

Rcmcmlxr it is the Spirit we

Put into it — that counts.

Don't lose that Spirit.—

Do you think for a sccotid — that

If some one broke your children's toys —

They should forget the art of playing?

Should you forget the art of living —

Just because some one is breaking up —

Your love match —

Your home —

Your plans —

Just keep on planning —

And dreaming —

Until your plans and dreams

Come true.


ALL the paint and powder

hi the world —will never Make a lady.

Uave room on that face nf yours

For smiles and contentment that

Cannot he painted on —

Must come naturally

U is only z poor fish who

Lives in a Glass House —

Don't try it.

Don't smash the mirror

Because you don't look right, —

Smash your habits —

They are not as plentiful as mirrors.

On the Ce-le-ht5 Islands —

Three days before the girl

Is to he married

They dope her up so

That she keeps from looking at

Other men than her intended husband.—

Be Thankful you arc an American Girl

Hence these added pages of advice On How to keep the home together.



boys leave home in

Amcrica every year — Thousands of girls are leaving home also.


First —Tltey seek adventure. Second—They are enticed away. Third—Or — Driven from home.

Runaway youngsters are like cinders — \fter they lose their value the*-•\rc thrown on The A*h Dump of Societ> If you can't afford a better home — Make the best o( what you luve. Home is not what you make it, but — What yow make of it. Never blame the boy for leaving home — If you haven't made home worth while The memory of a good home will Do more to return a wayward child Than all the money in the world.

ARGUMENTS in the home c!n wore —

Toabreak up families than al! the — Dynamite in the world could bust.

Never "Chew the Rag" about your debts — At the table — It makes meal time \ Horror and drives the boy or dad To a nearby restaurant.

Even a big lister can lose her charms — When she tries to take the place of Mother

Let the boy or the "Old Man" enjoy Themselves at home —even if you must-Tear up the carpets and put a screen — Around the hric-a-brac —

Never let a brgfter brother do the — Step-Father Act —

And always remember — That in Korea — Widows cannct remarry no matter how young — They may be — Even tho they have been — Married only a month, they are not allowed to Take a second husband — In America — It's supply and demand.

|F you don't enjoy your home —

How can you expect your boy to? It is letter to keep a Black Sheep At home, rather than let him Run wild in somebody else's home. There should be only one boss in The family, and no one understands The job better than "Mother." ~ If you can't support a home as it Should be. it costs nothing to make ft pleasant.

No step-father lias the right to boss

The other fellows child —

Let the child's mother act alone. —

How can you expect your boy

To bo a man — if you never acted like one.

If you don't want your boy to keep

Bad company — Don't teach him how.

Many boys take after father and —

Then father takes after them.—


"hash on life-

If you can't afford a better home —

Make the best of what you have.

Home is not what you make it, but —

What you make of it.

Never blame the boy for leaving home —

If you haven't made home worth while.

The memory of a good home will

Do more to return a wayward child

Than all the money in the world.

WJiv blame your wife for bad

Children? She is just as much ashamed

Of Them as you are.

Help her to correct them.

Don't try to be a C2ar in your home —

Remember vou are only one of the family.

Many a father looks for his boy or

Girl after Dark —when he should

Have looked after them before

It got Dark.

Boy* Oft Girls .hilt

drives them ivty

it yoo can't iford plciuift for yoor Bo y or Girl — help then to afford Them for themselves. A IMe bet of spending money for The Children »v« considerable $feto Worrying where else they are gittiag fi Don't be sting)- with roar children — Try and make it possible for Them to see things at the right Time rather than ran chances Of them leaving without notice. It is cheaper to go m debt — To hold the boy or girl home — Rather than wait until they Are gone and say — "You would give the world To have them back again." — Never "lrid~ your boy about His lady friends — Get interested And he will bring The Right Kind Home. A boy don't want to be petted — He wants to be treated As a boy— that's all.

Let "Others** share your boy%s love. But don't let them steal it. Never let "Others" do for your Children what you are able to do For them yourself.



IT IS Good Turns

One does for "Others" that Brings the Blessings in Disguise.— Riches — Luxuries — Frills and Fads — Are not the Priceless Gems. A Clear Conscience is more valuable Than all the So-called Treasures — Because you can sleep good When you know you have done The Best you Possibly Could Do-To make not only Yourself Happy — But "Others" Happy. And Just because some little thing Went Wrong — Don't throw up The sponge and lose Your Place in this Game of Life. Wonder if the World would Quit — Just because it has an Earthquake Now and Then,

Yes this Old World of ours — Same as we — Gets "goofy" some days — With its wind storms — Same as we have our Brain Storms,— But the Ok) World Never Comes to an End — People do — While "Others" live on Through their Struggles Which can be called Godsends. For when one has troubles They fmd out

Who are their Real Friends. So many people Actually hate themselves — One could not expect Them to. be friendly to any one — They make believe. But it takes Misfortune To Throw them into the Spotlight —



And don't forget — yoo can Get along witboot them. For ages and ages Somebody has taken credit For somebody ebe's work — A Work of Sacrifice,— Only to be stolen by Those who grab it To make money. And if they can't grab They imitate — Try to Copy —and — m The Public — are those Who take for granted Things just as they look — Not caring who did it — What was the sacrifice —or What became of the one Who originated it — If it is not a sang — It's a job —

Or some one started a great plan — A nice dub—or A Civic Work —only

To have a Butt-in

Wreck the plan — or

The Chib —or the Civic Work.

Yes Ideas come and go

But it takes all you are worth

To hold one or safeguard

It from fraudulent hands—or

Cliques — But

Don't give up Hope —

Don't let your troubles

Make a Bum of you —>

Or any of your family.

Bums may Come, and

Bums may Go — but

Your Family must

Go on Forever —

Especially Your Family Name.




Wttto* CoyaifrHtta

a^BaiiioAf. vws


Brother Weller for many years was police sergeant on the Altoona Police Force.

In years prior to 1019, he was a union railroad carman on the Pennsylvania Railroad. In later vears. Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania, appointed him to several positions. He also acted as a City Inspector for the City of Altoona. Truthfully it can be said. John Weller served America, his city, his Carmen's Union, his state and his million hobo buddies every second of the seventy years and nine months of his unselfish life.


I am a charter member of the Hoboes of America since 1908, but the movement had been attempted in 1906 when King Jeff tried to get together a little group at San Pedro,

Calif., in the Fraternal Order of Hoboes of America. Hie gang just smiled and chuckled that such an organization was impossible. But King Jeff was not discouraged and two years later in the year of 1908 in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, the organization Hoboes of America was founded.

We were only a band of 32 members, but a finer bunch of boes than we had expected who by 1909 aided by Arizona Bob Gillespie we gained in membership a little over 100,000 of real knights of the road. No tramp or bum was allowed to join. By 1913 our membership leaped to 300,000 and local tanks spread throughout America. In 1914 we got incorporated in Indianapolis, Ind. Two years later, 1917, we had 500,000 members. In 1937 we hit the million mark and had to have 14 assistant secretaries to carry on our correspondence.

Our yearly conventions, held in orderly manner has not only won the respect of the public at large but has given them a different impression about we hoboes thanks to the

H » John Weller was a charter member of Hoboes of America. Inc., and held office of Secretary since 1936.

press throughout the nation who covered our yearljr hobo conventions with favorable comment concerning these gatherings. We are greatly indebted to the Fourth Estate.

Every now and then imposters and fake hoboes would cash in .on this mass of interesting publicity. The public bccame confused. At times the press was imposed upon by fourflushers who used the newspapers for their own individual gain claiming and selfstyhng themselves as kings of the hoboes. It is because of these unfair and conspiring practices that I believe a brief history of our organization will be most interesting matter to our many friends and readers. Let me say to start that Jeff Davis and only Jeff Davis has been duly elected as our King and has held that title by sanction of the whole membership for these past 30 years. At each yearly hobo convention King Jeff was unanimously elected. It was in 1935 at the Pittsburgh Hobo Convention held on the roof garden of the Moose Temple that we decided that King Jeff should be made King of the Hoboes of America for life. The motion was made by Pat Salman of Chicago and seconded by myself and was carried without a vote against it Thousands upon thousands of votes throughout America decided upon Jeff and a duly appointed election committee of which I was chairman counted every vote. To make it sure that the Hoboes of America wanted Jeff Davis to be their King the matter was taken up at the next Hobo Convention held in Louisville, Ky., 1936. The action was ratified. Again the matter was taken up at the following Hobo Convention held in St. Louis, Mo., 1937, and here the action was concurred in and the Kingship was sealed up tight—Jeff Davis was our King for life.

Our past secretary, John Weller, shortly before his death wrote the following:

Being sensible of the great honor I have and conferred upon me the Secretaryship of the Itinerant Workers Union, Hoboes of America, and therewith to participate in the remarkable and unusual humanitarian activities, especially under the leadership of Jeff Davis, king of hoboes. Therefore, not only a personal pleasure, but a deeply appreciated privilege .permitted me with over a million and a half of membership in tribute of respect, admiration and affection. There is much that can and doubtless will be said about king of hoboes. Jeff Davis, leader of the hoboes of America and the League of the Hoboes of the world, the purpose as appropriately proclaimed in principle, in deed and written resolutions and at the outset, however, it should be made entirely clear and with all possible emphasis the responsibility of humanitarian psychology of this great organization, Hoboes of America and League of Hoboes of the World.

I assume to make this statement because I think and know the thoughts and motives which actuate King Jeff. He seeks neither position, place, power. He and the organization have only a desire to be of service to this our country, America and fellowman.

His motive and the organization are in objectives, solely and purely patriotic and humanitarian. Knowing him, King Jeff and his organization as I do, I have every confidence that he, as long as he lives, will never fail or refuse to accept any call to duty which may come from parties or groups concerned in the "hobo" psychology or patriotism of this our country, United States of America.


Aosr e. itpa.


Folks Wffl Wander

Call them hoboes or tin can tourists—whetner they hop ^

freight trains, beg a ride from an auto owner, or buy up f A

iome cheap second hand junk car—they will move. The I Cj'Wv world's history tells of men with the wanderlust No doubt ibout itrbut what Christofer Columbus said to Queen EHsa- _

both of Spain—"Queenie old gal—I want to go across the Q ,

creek and discover some land —will you stake me, I'm jroke?" and I reckon, she replied—"Christie old top—I w

fit a flat tire myself—but 111 get you across even though * K

see Simpson's great, great, great grandfather and hock . hJC

my jewels." K^iO/f

Horace Greely made an endlew chain of wanderam • v^ n n when he said—"Go West young man—go West!" AjllA-,

^CnOfc^tLhjuIca - timJUuci

My mother, Maria Proctor, a daughter of an old historic family of the New England states, ran away from home when she was 16. I guess I inherited the wanderlust from her.

Amos Proctor, mother's father, was born in Stoddard, tenth day of June 1831. He was seventh in line from Robert Proctor who took the oath of citizenship at Concord, Mast., in 1643. And to think that I, Jeff Davis, arna distant offspring of such an illustrous colonial family, "King of Hoboes. Ye gods—the spirit of Robert Proctor must have turned over in his grave. The last time I saw my grandfather Amos Proctor was in New York City at my Hotel De Gink for hoboes, back in 1916.

He offered me one of his houses in Albany, N .Y., for the use of homeless men—jokingly I turned it down—saying: "Gee, granddad, the wife wants me back in Cincinnati, Ohio." "Bring her up," said he. "Oh reel She would never leave her people and I must return home." Several years later he passed away—one of the most lovable and sincere of all my relatives—-and he was noi shocked nor ashamed of that terrible moniker of mine "Stag of the Hoboes." He wished me hick and success in my work in behalf of the men on the road. .




King of Hoboes




1W Hottta



. Tttr

l/f CLiNK


.Vo Stranger Shall Be a Stranger in a Strange Place."

Tnis may not be written in a style to compare with other writers. In fact it is full of grammatical errors—but I shall make it truthful—that will be more than others have done who have written about "The Hobo," "His Life" or "His Purpose in Life."

Yes, the problem of the "hobo" has been written by many, many writers. I have been a hobo for a goodly number of years having made SIX and a half trips around the world and .302 trips from coast to coast in America, almost 4 million miles of world experience.

I shall try to tell you who we are and of the wrongs heaped upon us, and how in many ways we have been exploited either through misunderstanding or purposely and viciously. One author writes (I shall not advertise his name) "The hobo is a tramp who shims work—he is an outcast and an adjunct to society—he is a vagabond."

Another writes—"A hobo is a bum who delights in frequenting saloons and barrel houses. He exists by begging his meager living." A well known writer states: 'That hoboes are either discouraged workmen or discouraged criminals. Even the dictionaries give the hobo a black eye and he is looked upon as a public nuisance. Children threw rocks and stones at homeless penniless men—not because they hate them but having been told that all poor stragglers coming through their little towns, or burgs, were "no good tramps," they believed it and acted accordingly.

In many small towns and in large cities, the newspapers write in big scare lines "Town is infested with tramps-must be driven out."

Some farmers sic their dogs upon the poor homeless fellow. Bullies beat them up—police throw then in jail. Judges drive them from town to town—forcing them to beat their way on the trains for they have no money to buy tickets.

Railroad • employes beat them up—throw them off trains while the train is in motion. In many instances bodies of unfortunate wanderers are found upon tracks cut into ribbons—claimed as victims accidently run over but in most cases they were thrown from moving trains. Munici-. pal authorities fine them for being broke and make them

JUd^TiCUUf* work out the fine in enforced labor on county roads or

Improvements. In some cases farmers or plantation owners pay the fine and in open court the homeless creature is sold to the one who pays the fine, just as if he were a chattle slave. Nearly every little town, hamlet and jerk, water station has declared war on the hobo. Prisons— workhouses and jails have been the only home these poor "ginks" could claim. If they stayed in town they were -f u^^utc arrested—if they got out of the town they were arrested. *

They had the poor fellow coming or going.

I lilt ^


Croon ron


What is a hobo?

Well, believe it or not—a hobo is neither a tramp or a bum. A hobo is the gentleman of the road. The name is derived from the Latin (homa) means man and (bonaa) means good—Good Man—this he tries to be at all times (L fl«i foft R —dealing with his fellowman and on the road he will J. share his last nickle with one less fortunate.

F WP A hobo is not a hobo by choice—circumstances alter

^ cases—and depressions alter circumstances. If because of

reverses he must take to the road he keeps to the right of the road and does his best to keep out of trouble. In search of an opportunity he travels from place to place hoping to fit in somewhere. He is the greatest optimist in the world and believes the world owes him an opportunity. o UU OjftTtfeS If it takes all kinds of people to make a world—then there — must be tramps too.

A tramp is one who hits the road thinking that the world owes him a living—frankly, he tells you he would not work under any circumstances—he terms the hobo "a gaycat." Gay because a hobo is proud he will work— and cat because a hobo "cats" it around—in the jungles m

(camps along the railroads) he will not mix with the hobo iQUjJfif ,111?/ —in many instances, if there are more tramps in the bunch '

than there are hoboes, the tramp hands the hobo a match —*

which in the slang of the road means "light out" and should the tramps be stronger in numbers the hobo Is carried out. Tramps have no use for society in general. What care they for the rest of the world, it is a world of rest they crave. It is the tramp who steals the farmer's chickens—the hobo

gets the blame. It is the hobo who prevents the railroad ___

wreck—yet newspapers, unthinkingly will give credit to "tiwii »

the tramps. But credit or no credit—facts are facta. Hoboes ' ^ are hoboes — tramps are tramps — and bums are bums.


_ A bum is one who is all in—down and out—he has

lost all self respect—has no manhood or decency about him.

' r Bums do not live long—

they have wasted their young days as young tramps—been J& — in and out of jails—becoming in their old age victims of

drink, disease, crime or dope. The average age of a bum 11 t\OMUS 18 61086 60—canned heat dries up his insides and in most

cases he meets with sudden death.

AjJWp There are many men who make bums of themselves

e . kocauflc of love disappointments — then again there are

IN those who have met the wrong friends ana because they

^Tfi^rmJr ratu were wronged by these would-be friends they have figured

all men are against them, so they have decided to be against

HOMUtl r\W everybody. That is why I sympathize with some of the

h Up-* bum element—for I do not hate my friend because he has

rO^n* rheumatism—I hate the rheumatism because it has my

CltV&rSMJ friend—rheumatism is caused by bad conditions—get rid


of the bad conditions and there will be no rheumatism. The most pitiful case is that of the fellow who loses all hope in humanity and for revenge he makes a bum of himself— not realizing that bums may come and bums may go but humanity goes on forever. The type of bum whom no one can help is the bum who will not help himself—you can not interest yourself in one who takes no interest in himself —who just allows himself to be an adjunct to society-just another failure—human wreckage and junk blockading life's highway—what cares he if others must stumble over

*m his wretched carcas—"He has a right to exist" and if his

1 A) presence causes a stench—he should worry—this type of

w bum gives the wrong impression to the public in general—

tlftfafci Ci Wt^jrr seeing this outcast they in ignorance class all unfor-VNcmrLOTflllM tunates as idlers, no accounts, worthless sots, canned heaters, dopes and dirty bums.

Then too—there is the type of bum to whom some one will point to, brazenly bragging that they made a bum out of him—what an outrage in this enlightened twentieth century—a human being bragging he had made a bum out of another fellow creature.

So, you see there is a difference among people—some look for trouble—disaapointed if they do not find it—others accidentally fall into trouble and quiet a large number have trouble wished upon them. Be careful how you classify "others." 9 y

CrooXI Jo



The Hoboes of America—International Itinerant Workers' union originated in Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1908, in a two story structure, S. W. corner Canal and Vine st It was the first hobo organization in America that only permitted hoboes to join—members either were on the road or ex-hoboes who had tired of the wanderlust and settled down.

It was in 1906 in St. Louis, Mo., I met the "Millionaire Hobo" James E. How. He had formed an outfit called the International Brotherhood Welfare association—which he personally supported. "Mr. How," said I to him—"you know there is a difference between hobo—tramp and bum." "Sure there is," he answered in his soft tone, as his beady eyes glistened with sincere meaning. "But they all have to eat," and when he said those last words, "they all have to . " » eat," I realized what a great man he tried to be trying to -uHjS Mr uRIu help all, both the bad and the good—and that was why he a ja \| fl<V had named his organization Int. Brotherhood Welfare asso- n elation. His intentions were good and sincere—but anyone CfrAnfr*

who ever was on the road — hitting the box can — the jungles—the meeting places of wandering men knew that there was a strict class distinction among them and that hoboes and tramps never did mix—they never did—nor never will. The hoboes motto is you never can do for anyone who never will try to do for himself, for instance the tramp, and how can you respect a man who does not respect himself, such as the bum.

It is too bad that there is such a difference—but the difference is there. Besides there always has been the good and bad—good and bad air^-good and bad waters-good and bad ground—and whether or not we tike it there art good and bad people so why let those who try to make good suffer because of those who will never do any good to anyone. Even a hobo has a right to choose his company even though he cannot ohocoe uis mode of livelihood.



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'How Word Hobo Originated1

The word hobo started about the latter part of the

18th Century.

The word hobo is derived from Hoe Boy. Thousands of years ago the Hoe Boy was bonded out-he was a slave who worked from early morn till late at

night with his hoe.

As time passed he bccame a freeman. Then he traveled from farm to farm, place to place, with his hoe; as a migratory agricultural worker; the wanderlust was thrust upon

him. . ,

In 1600 and 1700, Hoe Boys flocked to America. Those were agricultural days. No factories, no projects, just plain common hard farm work.

People for some time made candles and soap at home. Then as the cycle of life changed, factories were built and soap and candle factories were the first in that line. So the Hoe Boy threw away his hoe and went into the soap, candle, textile, boot and shoe factories and into the printing plants.

People soon migrated West in America. Railroad construction work started and other construction work such as stringing electric wires from coast to coast, etc.

The Hoe Boy became laborer, lineman, lumber jack, printer, carpenter, bricklayer, painter or in fact the Boomer workmen.

So he decided to throw away the E of Hoe and the Y of Boy, which left the nickname Hobo.

Tramp, centuries a^o, was known as Trampner. In Scotland and England—but during the Civil War in America we dropped off the "per" and just called them plain Tramps.

A Tramp is a thieving vagabond—never would work —always believing the world owed him a living. He stole pocket books at the back doors of farm houses, etc., when making a "hand-out" for food. etc.

In no way should he be classed with the Hobo, who is the Real King of the Road.

Bum, centuries ago, was known as Bummer. So defined in Scotch and English dictionaries. It was during George Washington's time when the "mer" was dropped and the Bummer was just a common, ordinary Bum, who hung around.taverns. Now days they are Jungle Buzzards of the alcoholic type who make "smoke" out of canned heat, in alleys, old vacant lota, tumble-down shacks and yes, in jungles where only their type h«ng out.

Ufce.Fca. ___.___w_


Hobo Distinctions

"Gay-cat" one who beats it from town to town—f incus ^n a job, settles down long enough to get a "stake" then with Q q ^ his savings travels on. He never worries—keeps his head It * w+

above water as he sees the world, taking advantage of the |\ | Jj

right to live as well as work—he believes one should work a bit then live a bit, not live to work. There always will be an army of "Gay-cats" who enjoy the opportunity to travel amidst the wonders of the world. As long as they work for their living the public should not begrudge them their ^ » mode of life. ft*-

"Gandy Dancer" is a hobo shovel stiff—he is a "muck- w - *tr

stick" artist—in plain words he is an itinerant common la- 1 • borer who finds odd jobs for short periods on railroad con- IJ Qguip struction work as section hands—sometimes he is shipped M by the railroad company (the fare later deducted from his wages) but many times he must beat his way to the job and in many instances the poor "gink" is cheated out of tk 0 V money due him because of dishonest 'crumb bosses" fore- 4 \ men on the jobs who hire thugs to rob them and beat them _ v^r i -up, then drag them off the premises—splitting the victim's <r w money, saved wages, with the cowardly section "crumb boss" who planned the dastardly assault


Big steam shovels—tractors and mechanical diggers in the last years has hit the "gandy dancer" pretty hard— but thousands are still "hitting de grit" with courage in their arms and hope in their souls.

Pearl-diver, a hobo dishwasher—one who washes dishes for his meals—he does not want to "scoff at the restaurant man's expense and works for his meal.

"Mush-fakir," a hobo umbrella mender with his patch kit and second hand umbrellas strapped to his shoulder— a clanging dinner bell in his hand you will hear his own peculiar yodel, "Umbrellas to mend." He is fast disappearing from hobo life since many department stores in large cities has put in umbrella mending counters.

"Bindle-stiff," a common ordinary itinerary who prefers to carry his "bindle" (bundle) of shirts and socks, etc., especially tooth brush, razor, soap and towel, comb and brush—he is a high-ca-fluting sort of a sheik—but, he does not carry blankets.

"Kywah," is a hobo pitchman—an itinerant peddler of assorted soaps, perfumes, jewelry, novelties, pens, knives and resilvering, nickle plated outfits, ink removers, potato pealers. He is an honest petty salesman giving you your money's worth. Cannot be classed with the fakir, the "kywah" is more of an advertiser for the products be sells—

getting public attention to trade marks and popular names of worthwhile goods.

"Ke-wah," makes and sells articles such as willow stands, baskets, etc.


T WoiOjjs Most f&m®u s we.K •

Tramp Distinctions

"Scenery Bum/' he is a young tramp who bums it G t <

around the country, just for the fun of it. ^

"Ring-tail," an ignorant, harmless tramp—hasn't fj Ll&TQI? brains enough to tackle anything — nicknamed after the ri ringtail monkey who jumps about chattering—not knowing /I Tl Tl where he is jumping and too dumb to know what he is O JJ W chattering about. g»

"Fuzzy-tails," a smart aleck tramp—one who knows j Q \jJfJ h it all—a jack of all trades—master of none—a fourflusher, w

big bluff, false alarm and a piker of the worst sort—most « .V;® « A kilt always carries a "punk kid" or "road kid" (a runaway boy) I nWJJ

with him to beg at farm houses, city homes, or "pJir.g de . stem" (beg on the street) and the worst part of it is that M Ojyi I PJT& the "road kid" supports the "fuzzy-tail," gets his 'lumps" fl r»fTV f"

(eats, known as hand-outs) /rid the money that is begged *

pays the room rent of both "j»oad kid" and "fuzzy-tail." » ^ .

"Panhandler," a tramp with a would-be sad story—a flyjittip fl professional tramp beggar. fl WCB |vM

"Ding-bat," an ol^tramp professional begger who dings the main stem (begs on main street).

"Stew Bum," an elderly tramp who wastes his time continually drinking rot boOze.

"Jungie Buzzard," a tramp who loves to eat but is kfjL

too lazy to get the ingredients for a "mulligan" (stew). He eats what is left when the gang leaves the "jungle"

~ "Blanket-stiff," commonly a tramp too lazy to hobo

5*51-1 iJft^ & on trains—carries his blanket and big bindles as he hikes

along the road—even too lazy to clean himself—mostly JT^t# seen on Pacific coast.

- ' A "Jack Rollers," tramps who follow up construction

flfi/S cT^itl !rv work Iookifl& for victims on pay day to "roll" (rob) them

vJrrO'VTUf* 1» J of their "jack" (money). They sneak about lumber camps,

tfpTk railroad construction jobs and mining camps.

- - __ "Road Yegg," a vicious tramp of the petty larceny fUIjw T* typea ^^P —picks up worthless fake jewelry with |V||ffl\ rU R an excuse he found it in front of your door—claims to be

^ q an honest man and will take any little reward for his kind-

—n* ness in trying to return same to its owner—in a number of

n^O^PfW (TV cases he gets results—but in recent years the racket has

x * almost died out He steals anything he can get his hands on.


"John Johnson," an experienced "road yegg" who has advanced in the art of stealing—there are many types in the "John Johnson" family as the "yegg men" term their "mob" (gang). The "dip" (pick pocket) "petermen" (safe blower), "penmen" (forgers), "con men" (confidence men _ ^ ^

swindlers), "porch men" (second story workers, house OJOOP'N thieves), "stick-up men" (hold-ups and highway robbers), A\t Cti •

"big guns" (bank robbers) and last but not least "moll buz- ii.

zers" who team up with women for blackmail purposes. — _ ^ The "hoop chisler" who cheats "yokels" (working men) by selling them worthless rings and watches made up to L*. R ».

appear valuable. To become a member of the "John John- m

son family" one must be an expert in stealing, flim flam- . .

ming, swindling or "poofing de pete" (blowing a safe). rjPtpfce.

JJacTv^ G-^, - l9*tfo - S*MT* cuius if/a*

Pove^ry .Ky- Cuc^eep, v/.y4. Toyj<y.

Josiah Flynt Willard says in his "Notes of an Itiner- tr - f

ant:" "The experienced railroad police officers can pick ^ v v(vx.^|>i him out of a general gathering of roadsters nearly every A fly/'

time" and that "the genuine tramp is a being by himself." fArv\

The trouble with Josiah Flynt Willard is that he also classed —

hoboes with tramps—not knowing the difference he also v. Clot?

continues, classing himself as a tramp—and in the same HOf€** book he writes: "A tramp deems it best to get all out of ^

society he can, free." Well—he told the truth when he ^ said "a tramp deems it best to get all out of society he $Rfy\ can, free." But for the life of me, I cannot understand ^

why he did not realize the difference between hobo and tramp and in those days, there were plenty of bums, yet he overlooked them.

It was not until 1907-08 that the public began to note • / rvV^ j 4/ti the difference between hobo, tramp and bum, when in Ky / /V JJ Chicago I took up the matter with Dr. Ben Reitman who ' was known then as King of Tramps. —' rv

Dr. Ben Reitman was a splendid fellow—a hard work-ing doctor who many times rendered valuable medical serv- av(\

ice for nothing—how could an industrious fellow like Dr. ,

hates work. I was persistent in my definition of a tramp

also a bum. At that time I was just a common hobo back in those years—but I had covered a great deal of ground,

hoboing to and fro from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, Qy

into all types of boxcar jockeys, good and bad and found g

from the Canadian to the Mexican borders and had bumped

^ IL L



Ben Reitman be called King of Tramps—when a tramp y\V and positive of the difference between a tramp and hobo, • \ 1 v 1

that the men on the road were very particlar on how they jungled up with others — each crowd founds its level — boes stuck to boes—tramps enjoyed only the companionship of tramps—-the yeggs mingled with their own set and bums stuck in large cities as home guards in dives. —

> ■ Jack London back in the year 1906 wrote a pamphlet

about hoboes but entitled it "The Tramp." Writes Jack kl London: "These are the men who are what they are be-

O TCD/sk »cause they are not better born, or because they happen m I 1|\V/W to be unluckily born in time and space. Gauged by the ^ needs of the system, they are weak and worthless. The

IQ hospital and the pauper's grave await them and they offer . ' T no encouragement to the mediocre worker who has failed higher up in the industrial fabric. Such a worker, conscious

n^A^ that he has failed, conscious from the hard fact that he jtjr- cannot obtain work in the higher employments, finds sev-eral courses open to him. He may come down and be a Q « beast in the social pit, for instance, but if he be of a certain

calibre, the effect of the social pit will be to discourage Qv ry him from work. In his blood a rebellion will quicken, and

N „ 1 he will elect to become either a felon or a tramp."

\y No-sir-ie—Jack London was all wet—that type of man

J-Tto- never becomes a felon or a tramp—he is a hobo—broke—

aj perhaps disgusted—but not "down and out" nor without

"V&Vldlir —the man described by Jack London in his pamphlet r\* * 'The Tramp," had the same inspiration in him that was in

Y JaIX 0j?V the old pioneers—the old settlers—the old gold diggers, a "California or Bust," and adventurers such as Balboa,

ysaj^m a tf— Christopher Columbus, Daniel Boone and Jesus Christ (X for "the Son of man hath nowhere to lie His head." They ' never gave up courage—it was wandering, homeless men • • who from the time Columbus hit our shores—when the May-

- OT flower anchored on our eastern coast—when the Klondike

rush was on—penniless—nowhere to lay their heads—no taxies, telegraph, radio, telephone or automobile—who with >

two feet—two hands, made America and the same spirit / a\0 is in the hearts of the hoboes of America not withstanding A ~ how many rotters are on the road, or what some folks may Vw .

think or write. " T\J\

Jack London continues in "The Tramp:" "If he has fought the hard fight, he is not unacquainted with the lure of the "road." When out of work and still undiscouraged, he has been forced to "hit the road" between large cities in his quest for a job—"

Well dear readers, when Jack London wrote that last line "in his quest for a job," that fellow was no tramp—for if he hit the road between large cities in his quest for a job—then naturally that fellow was a hobo.

But let us read more as he, Jack London, continues to write: "He has loafed, seen the country and green things,

laughed in joy, laid on his back and listened to the birds singing overhead, un annoyed by factory whistles and bosses harsh commands, and, most significant of all, he has / il Q H O lived- That is the point! Not only has he been care-free and happy, but he has lived! And from the knowledge that -

he has idled and is still alive, he achieves a new outlook on ^ r\ tj life, and the more he experiences the unenviable lot of the fi gM poor worker, the more the blandishments of the "road" take c

hold of him. And finally he flings his challenge in the face O • *D « of society, imposes a valorous boycott on all work, and ,

joins the far-wanderers of hobo-land, the gypsy-folk of this ^

latter day. But the tramp does not usually come from the *

slums. His place of birth is ordinarily a bit above, and wA

sometimes a very bit above. A confessed failure, he yet /9ft 0* t f3 (0 77 refuses to accept the punishment and swerves aside from \ V^ .

the slum to vagabondage." ^ ^

Q- —

In every line above Jack London contradicts his state-





fO f q nV * ments—How can he say a man has lived when that man

n was jobless—penniless and knows not where to lay his

\ 1 jM- / ET % head—lie should have said exists like a chair or a mop,

but not living as a human being should live and as far as being care-free and happy no one is care-free and happy unless they really have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and that takes funds—or work with wages to really live C-f>\n A//» ^ D and actuaUy enjoy life. As for the failure part—no hobo I Vn N admita he k a failure—in fact he is the greatest optimist

1 on earth—always looking ahead, full of pep and vigor, ever ready with watchful waiting for an opportunity to find some place, somewhere to fit in and succeed. In no way can he be compared to the tramp who not only is shiftless, but worthless and hateful—he wouldn't worry about the ijl lot of the poor—what cares he if mothers and children go

fyv Aifp\J hungry, just give him his Tiand-out," a sandwich or a hunk I Wr1^/ of pie. A tramp never achieves a new outlook on life— v » ' what he wants is a free look at the beautiful things in life M \ ^ 4 without helping to produce any of those beautiful things A 1 and to achieve a new "out" in taking things easy.

YORK 17, N. Y., MONDAY, OCTOBER 19,1953 ^fcSC/g



Davis, his shabby bt-ard and goatee long turned gray, said he was worried about what his "millions of friends all over the world" would think of his being in jaiL

BUT DAVIS HELD no ill feeling for Miami police, who put him in Jail last night on a vagrancy charge. '7 was wrong." he said. "I got a little drunk and they took m In."

Davis found himself among friends and long time admirers, many them surprised lo find that Davis was "still around."

Ajikfd what be thought of brine behind ban, Davis d, "It's the kiad mi life I wouldn't vuL Bat at leMt I'm getting • good naV

Dressed in wrinkled GI clothes. Davis carried a leather pouch containing several scrapbooks, whose pages told the story of his life in clippings and "good luck" signatures from all over the nation. France, Belgium, England and Mexico.

• • •

DAVIS STARTED out in San Francisco 59 years ago. He became head man of the hoboes when his 92-year-old father died, relinquishing the title to Jeff, then just 12.

"I've been at it ever since/' Davis said.

He came through Miami on hfa way north from the n3» tionml hobo convention in Ha

Royal Hobo Is 'Klink' for a Day

By CHARLES E. TAYLOR MIAMI, Oct. 18 (UP).—Bearded Jeff Davis, 71. "King of the Hoboes," peered with ruffled dignity from behind bars Sunday for the first time in his career as "the world's foremast vagabond.

vana laat month, over which he presided.

Davis said he plans to "resign very shortly." His successor. He said, would be ' Porkvrhops," from Youngstown, O.. and "I will settle down somewhere and set up a

little business of my own." • • •

Highly insulted at being callcd a Mbum/t Davis declared. "A hobo worka for. his living. He stops off in a town Jong enough to get some monev in his pocket then goes on. Tramps and chiscters beg their money, and a bum just won t work for nothing. We don't associate with any of thorn/ he said.

Police in Miama. Fla.. had better tske another gander at the joateed old gent thev had in the clink there last night

The elderly suspect *Vith ruffled dignity and a shabby beard, is not Cincinnati's Jeff Davis, kinf-emperor of Knights or the Road, the Air and the Seven Seas, as he asserted himself to be when picked up there yesterday on a vagrancy charge.

"He's Just another Importer, chuckfed clean-shaven and very unruffled Jeff Davis—the real one — contacted yesterday at his royal residence. 2411 Addison Si.

"Tell the Miami police to keep that fellow loeked up." King Davis, who is 71. roared. "It will take one more of them off the road.


Those guys go around impersonating me all the time, collecting money and gift* in mv name. Just the other daj a man claiming to be me was picked up down in Arkansas — he had a wooden leg. And the newspapera fall for those stories ''

From the description aupplied in a long story a new* service aent out, the m»;i ariested in Miami la familiar «ith the re.ii king's habits and xernarular. He was described in the dispatch as pesring with ruffled dignity from behindbars and quoted as saying: "Millions of friends al) over the world will mourn when the* think of me being »n Jail"

C I K C I N N A T I K N Q I.r I R E R

Mondav, October I1'* 1<»33

Wrong Jeff Davis, Bo!

King Of Hobos, Safe In ( iiuinnali Home. Denounces Miami Impostor




W4L It wffl be__

tea been fulfilled to the

Pint pohtiifced m 1488; .. thai, except the last two 1toes, letter lad the rest remains to be


Im grieved, because I've lost a friend I'd hoped to have until my end; And in remorse, 1 mourn and pine At Fate's cruel thrust and dismal sign That sears the heart of all mankind. And crumbles faith in human's mind.

For, when I built a realm of hope Containing virtue's nobles! scope, 1 placed them all in one ideal; — Believing friendship to be real. 1 cherished pride, in mellow thot. In *uch a friend. I'd cast my lot

Then came the day that 'rose a doubt. And soon suspicion pointet out Deception, in its vilest forms— Produced a most distressing storm Of indignation within my soul. Because my friend has missed my goal.

Twas not in love, I'd placed my trust. But in a man. 1 would have thrust. My life, my ail, at his command. Because I thot his honor grand. Superb and pure. Tis hard to grieve Because a friend would make believe.


^HEN things go wrong, as they sometimes will. When the road you're trudging seems all up hilt:

When the funds arc low. and the debts are higV

_ - UP

When you want to smile, but you have to sigh

lebt: hit.

When care is pressing you down a Rest, if you must, but do not quit.

Life is queer, with its twists and turns. As every one of us sometime learns; And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems slow— You may succcotl with another blow.

Often tlu- goal is nearer than It >cerns to faint and faltering man: Often the struggle he's given up, When he'd almost grasped the victor's cup; And he'd learned too late, when the light had shown, How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out— The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you can never tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit— It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

—Victorian Railways Magazine,


His songs, Old Kentucky Home and others just as famous, came to New York City on a hobo trip in the year i860 - 1861. He boarded at 83 Green Street* New York City, then three years later after a series of disappointments, on January 13, 1864, he was found at 15 Bowery, New York, in a cheap lodging house dead, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, a deep ga>h in his throat • a broken water pitcher at his side Today his songs prove he did not die a failure. We Hoboes proposed 'Stephan Foster's Memorial in Pittsburg, Pa., Louisville, Ky.p and Cincinnati, Ohio. Along the river-front, promenades high above the flood stage, with a band stand and other pier advantages, parking auto, etc., yet ever useful for a big gathering in song-fest or out-door demonstrations. Officials for years past, laughed at us, same as they ignored Foster when he was alive—now since the last great flood action has started and who knows perhaps Stephan Foster's promenades will become a realily in the sites of these cities - after a quarter century fight for it by the Hoboes of Arperica in conventions.




He G/atk

C MK C cruXdU

ERNEST LISTER Olympia, July 29th, 1914.

Mr. Jeff Davis, My dear Sir:

CARRIAGES without noma shall go,

And accidents fin the world with woe. Around the worid thoughts «HnU fly In the twinkling of an ere. Later yet shall wooden ckx Now strange, yet shall be trot The world upside down be

foM be found at root of tree. Through htDs men shall ride And no horse nor ass be at his side. Under water men shall walk. Shall ride, shall sleep, talk. In the air men shall be seen In white, in black, in green. Iron in water shall float As e*sv as a wooden boat Gold shall be found In a land that's not now known. Fire and water shall wonders do, England shall at last admit a Jew. The world shall get rich and dirty And come to an end in Nineteen Thirty.

Over a Quarter Century




Tuesday, April 6, 1954


Hiuwday, April 8, 1954

JEFF DAVIS • » ♦ one-man, unpaid lobby

fiUff Ra&orUr

Jeff Davis carries abound enough documents in that portfolio of bis to rate as a Secretary of/State, at least.

Jeffs in town for twd or three days ("always have had projects, you know; I'm a one-man, unpaid lobby") to lay this plan before the Secretary of Labor.






for Praaldant

0«rt»tral Wo*d....r,./iara-f9oilad fli V. Dafea...—^.^.*-*. s. .Hox


A r char, the V«ntr11o<au1*t

3ov*rnof CooUds*____Aay POHca Chlaf

W. <».Mo Ado**..........Barney Pa rue b

W. J. Bryan

Col. RuppaM <or Mary Plckford)

... Kdm-arda.r.....Puaayfoot Jolftiaon

Jarbart Hoover Child* the Lunch Kins

Nicholaa U. Butler......MBiU" Ruth

Oav. Han. AMan... .Bamual Oompara

Governor Cox. .........StrAtoa

dhartM «L jHtt«h#a- .

CfcatUa.K Wkjtmao. .BauJT^ Lartoaky

#kn*tbr Jx****. T. .\«:lamoii VMaffc

W/H. 9sft.«'.w/l.*4i*..C*arla* Moraa

Tot Vlca-I'rcaldtrit .Hard-Boiiad amlth


H-1 .fttiutfs


Je// Gets Praise OnldeaForKids

Hobo King Suggest! Two Plant Contributing To Social Sciences

BIT MART GALLAGHER Enquirer Burma Special WASHINGTON, April 7—The social science of Jeff Davis. Cincinnati hobo king, today won the praise of at least two Federal officials. One heard Mr. Davis outline his program to reduce juvenile delinquency, the other, how to combat unemployment.

Besides being king of Hoboes of America, Inc., Mr. Davis, 70, is emperor of the Knights of the Road, editor of Hobo News and Review, poet ra2or-blade salesman and an engaging fellow. He gathers moss at 2215 Addison Ave., Cincinnati, where he lives with Mrs. Davis, whom he married 54 years ago.

In Washington on the final lap( of his spring tour of East-em hobo chapters, he met with a >*epreaentatlve of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to discuss his idea of "municipal garages for kids.4' Mr. Davis aaid that In theM garages youngster* would l«Arn not only how to repair cars but to build them.

"He hi« i food Measaid the FBI representative with Whom Mf. Davis conferred. "Anything that keeps cMldren off the street* and provides an outlet for their energies Is good. I think his proposal, along with some Intelligent traffic talks, might not only help to cut down car thefts by juveniles, but might also reduce traffic accidents."

At U. S. Employment Service headquarters, Mr. Davis' proposal for staggered employment In plants where production is dwindling was called "very commendable"

Arthur W. Motley, assistant director, said Mr. Davis proposed that employers who are about to reduce operations spread the work load among the entire labor forcc, rather than to lay off some employees and retain others.

"This always is desirable and very commendable where any reduction is required," Mr. Mot-

9UXf Photo

The other day a man blew into New York city who called himself J eft Davia. "king of the hoboes."

The city hft<l boea staggering undor the problem of unemployment. Nobody seemed to know Just what to do. Thn charity organisation* were overwhelmed. The city authorities proposed this and that. A committee of ablo and distinguished citizens had been appointed to help the situation.

Along came Davis and said, Ursub-btamer Why not lot tho down-ancWouters take care of themselves? Very replied the city rulers, and gave him an unoeeuplcd building downtown, where Davit and his army of hoboes proceeded to clean up the place and render It habitable.

He organized people, appointed a police commissioner and Juenico of the pesos for his colony and announced:

"Only genuine hobooi admitted here; they must Join the DeGinks and bebare (Ike true DeOlnfcs; no cursln* nor swear-In': there ain't no room hero for feclsl-lsts, anarchists nor preachers talkln' reform; mombers kin no t' church when they Jeel like it: thlg is a lento' bote1A tfWk Mr

In 1915 less men.

Up to the time of this writing th© e*-perimenl seems to bo working well, as it ha* worked in other cities whero Davi® h*5> been allowed to "show his band/'

All of which ta another proof that the stir.'st find quickest way out of Almost any trouble, from unemployment to war. If. 'lemocracy After wc Ret ell tangled up tryirjfc to manage people, any class of people, trying to help them, to give them charity and to do welfare and religious "work" nmons them, It is not a bad idea y) let ^jcm manage themselves. > Lfttle by little the conviction is worzp-iftg Its way Into tho slow mind of the wprld that folks are net made better by dding thlnss for them, but by letting them do\thinga for themselves.




T^e whole system of benevolent feudalism. under which our eleemosynary, rc-llgrt>us and educational systems now rest, whdse the welfare of tho people Is promoted by tbft accumulated funds of money who have made their pile by hook o;?*rook, must eventually past.. The peo-pl<4 some day, whenitbey hive learned

110 un to

opened the Hotel De Gink to New York City for homo-

Those were the days of hard times; men who were homeless were vaged and put in workhouses like criminals. As It was no crime to be broke, we believed Hotel De Ginks would prove a protection to these homeless men. It did. How could a man be pinched when ho h&d a homo. The Hotel De Gink was his homo.

to control ?.n*3 l!rrlt the husc wealth ts. will also learn how to control and rate their own churches, schools and CfcJlrtUeB. FRANK OR&tffi,


C»ty Turns Building Over to Jeff Davis, Who Appoints Police and Starts to Clean Up.

Father Knickerbocker's first Hotel t)e Gink opened yesterday at the northwest corner of Centre and

e'orth Streets. Jeff Davis is the 'S3 and the city is playing: the host. It leased Davis the building, a five-story one, heretofore occupied by a button making concern, "for and in consideration of one dollar." to be used by the out-of-works Indefinitely.

Davis, who ifl known as the "King or the Hoboes." has made an impression on .the city officials.


Governor Approves Other Measures Affecting City.

irr«n 4 8tur Cottwpondont Th« Trl&ua*.)

Albany, April 15.—Governor Whitman signed to-day a bill for which toiloweti of Jeff D^vi^ W* been yearning. It removes the prohibition in the municipal lodging houae law against lodging a hobo more than Jhree tiraea a hionth.


de Gink


Seats JfcesekveD HeaeiJM 6>RAKe Poos


WNefceJo Slop No woooBourl Mo DOGS



Steel Chairman, in AddreSs There, Tells Inmates to Make That Place Stepping Stone to Something Better.

The souvenir value of the Hotel de Gink roister went up many point* whan Jeff Davis Induced Albert H. C;:ry. chairman of the United States Stet* Corporation, to BiRTi his nam* In It.

Mr. Gary, In hi® capacity of Chairman ot the Mayor's Committee on Unemployment, wound up his flrat tour of Inspection of temporary workshops throughout y

dropping In to the de Qln*« at W? tn and Centre Streets.

"Give us a talk, Judge." Jeff p'/aad-ed. And the Judge talked.

Mr. Gmry i Addreat.

••I arn gt&d to 'be here as a gueart," he told the hoboes. "I believe you ap-MTjlate what la being done for you, IKtle as It la. I wish I had It In my power to tfve you an opportunity to better yourselves. You have my sincere sympathy.

"Few In this world but have felt • some time In their life the need of a ' bed or of food. Boys, to succeed yo ' must have grit and perseverance

would not have, you think that any § of us la wanting in sympathy.

ic^ WAT

V -

V® '


v" ' - • f-

' * ' ' m

• »•

you ». I«

"The ordinary human being Uk»


to see men make something of their lives. Don't be dli^ocrUraged. At the present moment It In really up to you to watch for th* opportunity and take It and hold 11 fa-st when you get It. You should make this place a atep-• Ping atone to something better." » Jeff made a speech In reply.




JEFFERSON nAVIS. known froin tf'ost 1o coatt *t "king of the hobo**'' Went of the itinerant Worfcer;' iialen, of Amerlea, I a* opened the Hotel de * tijft'aad prom it ad tc do away with N«w Y«>r*\\ problem of the unemployed .in a measure. T*ie "hotel" It *i\ an old building bel mg^ to the elty. D ivla pinna to operate 'on ct * V«pei%tive pUn. every hnbo gwfcst heirg ?cm pelted to do iomf wofh (:aeh d*y. lodging and "grub" will br his Reward.

TJ*c Victory Loan committee of New York city thinks prcUy ^ell of Jeff Davis of Cln^pnati. "King of the Hoboes." who his ar 5ndefatlgr.M.\**0rkcr fur tlje »oan In the metropolis. In Mk> picture he is a*own shak-; liantfa with IWvlliam •» <lH'a<t)iten-of r * ent

nfC *« t &

\ ving' Bars Hoboes 1 From 'Riding Rods'

New York, N. Y.-(tJR»-Jeff Davis, "king of the hobos." today forbade ] the "more than 1.000,000" mem-bf ra of the International Itinerant Migratory Workers' union—better known as the Hobos of America— \ to ride the rods on railroad trains. Davis said his order was a defense m*A5ure, designed to prevent fifth columnist*, disguised hobos, from sabotaging rail-reads.

Jeff Davis Starts Tour

Jeff Davis, king of the hohocs. left Cincinnati Thursday on a War-Bond selling tour, lie plans to. stop at. Indianapolis to file the, arnual report of the Hoboes of America. Inc. He will report *h*tj ! the H. of A. now number 1.020,-! 000.

a coiMr.ainicJCtton to the Tlx^cs-

tlie loan committee st that Davis went over t! with les tpmitt* $9,000,f not he nqf satJstyd vhlu Jii^l went ov4r tp the Brooklyn yard in ^he afterawi^^' ^ his total/tfJO.OA'' miltee eAf

* t

^^MB^mm —» ' ~ 4 i




g Duly elected Em

peror of 'Hoboes of the League- of Hoboes of the World, February 22, 1038, at World Confer-once of Hoboes held in Room 7, House of Parliament, London, England.

I! f, II


0 J




t; o .. _ O s « ^ i il W O £

sir iritis


The International Conference of the Boes of the world —held in room seven in the House of Commons— Yea Bo, dear old London, England, gave us a royal reception—thanks to Arthur Hayda.v, member of Parliament and Jim Kowin, founder of the League of British Hoboes—It was on February 22nd, Washington's Birthday, when we inaugurated the "League of Hoboes of the World"—It also was an eventful day in London; The House of Commons was a very excited spot—Prime Minister Eden had resigned—important discussions were at fever heat—crowds of people awaiting their return to enter the House of Parliament—On the very day of our important conference;—Would we be permitted to enter?—At 2 P. M. that afternoon, our party arrived by taxi—Jim Kowin was host—In the taxi with us was Mr. Wright, a member of the British Hoboes, and B. K. Sinha of Calcutta, India—as we alighted at the entrance to the House of Parliament, who should be on hand to greet us, none other than Arthur Hayday, himself—there he was ready to receive us and take us through the monster

crowd into the building straight to the House of Commons—but before we entered a flock of camera men shot out pictures for the British Press and the world at large— Our conference had been arranged for by Parliament Member Arthur Hayday to take place in Room seven, House of Commons—it was a luxurious, spacious room fit

for a King's Council—Arthur Hayday remarked, "It is even fit for the Kine of Hoboes and his fellow hobo delegates to the First World Hobo Conference."—we sat in awe—just like Aladdin with his lamp, only ours was real, Aladdin's was imaginary—After a few important details were^taken up, we then considered the proposition of launching the League of Hoboes of the World—motion was made by Jim Kowin of League of British Hoboes that such action should be concurred in—seconded by Sinah of India—Arthur Hayday in the chair—comments by Brother bo Wright of British boes and King Jeff —motion carried—It was then decided that John Weller of Al-toona, Pa., still hold his honored office as International Secretary—also that the International headquarters of the League of Hoboes of the World be kept, in America— yea bo—were we proud and happy—but the great honor of head of this world group was the biggest of surprises— Arthur Hayday made a little speech for yours truly, Jeff Davis, and suggested the crown of Emperor of the League of Hoboes of the World be given to King Jeff of the Ho-hoes of America—a motion was made and was carried unanimously—and the crown was brought to dear old America, which I have the fondest hope will weld us together in a world goodwill fellowship.


London, England

Happy memories of the first International Conference of Hoboes held in the House of Parliment "England" on Feb. 22, 1938 and with great esteem and pleasure at meeting, Jeff Davis, our King. Long live the King.



Eiftt Town in raw, teen frvm L* Palais di Ckaillot


Mr. Jeff Davis. "King" of American hobos, asks his way of a policeman in. London to-day■


\fR. JEFF DAVIS. King of the Hoboes, 1 1 turned up In the Pubiic Gallery in the House of Commons yesterday sponsored by Mr. Arthur Hayday.

He found the Minister of Health talking about housing, and. as a nomad, found the subject scarcely congenial.


di-SU r^KjXlct - ^ faosvuZd AAT- Vv * f!


(J.S.Hobo King


tf.y In




With eyes nearly popping from-his head, Davis today told International News Service how in the 3pace of a visit .lasting a few weeks he crashed into the house of Lords and House of Commons, took tea with society, and rubbed elbows with baronesses, West African princes, and other "real nicc people."

Over here to further his pet scheme—establishment of a Federation of World Hoboes—Davis found considerable support for his idea. But it was the manner in which he romped into society that intrigued him most.


"Boy, what a thrill I have had, he said. "Yes sir, a thrill of a lifetime. I feel like Aladdin, and havo to keep pinching myself to see whether I'll wake up and find it has all been a dream. .I "In the short time I have been where I have been living the life jlof a celebrity. I have been to the \ dining with the members.

.hHJ!»iiiiiiiiit2niiMtmr»i»:iiuMi:!nm»iiti}Mrmnmiiiii 4

JEFFERSON DAVIS. , H°b0 "kin8" ,ike* England.

& • fofiWs

OF Tne See/vf To


9T MOA^Wj^Ot Zcr

vt ZDjCt /<* AjS*XJ2CI%

i "The whole trip for that matter House of Lords, the House of Commons, where I spent nine hours, lunching, taking tea and has been one round of excitement and thrills so far. Seen off in New . York by a horde of reporters and

cameramen, I rushed over here on board the Queen Mary.

"In mid-Atlantic I had a great thrill by being called up on the radio telephone by a London newspaper. I spoke for half an hour, and the cost didn't matter, the newspaper paid for the call.

"On arrival at Southampton I found myself famous. There wore more reporters and cameramen clamoring to interview me and take my picture.

"Whisked up to London before I could catch my breath, I was rushed off to a swanky apartment where I met crowds of important people, including two baronesses and an African prince."

Before returning to the United States, Davis will visit the House of Commons again with Arthur Hayday, Labor M. P. t&r Nottingham, who is a "Supreme Knight

Hobo 'King' Welcomed In England

Continued from Pijft 3

of thfe Hoboes of America.".

"Then I hope to pet down to brass tacks about his idea of forming the society of the Hoboes of the World," David said.

"For its slogan the society has five Vs—typical, tropical, touring, troupers and -tourists, and besides America, 1 have gotten support- • for the movement in Canada, Australia, Germany and other countries. % PLANS HOBOES CONVENTION.

"My idea is to hold a Hoboes Convention in Havana, Australia or Canada, say, about every three years, to enable the delegates to. travel to the point where it will be held/'

I*) his spare time Davis, who tast visited England in 1912, has been renewing acquaintance with some of his old stamping grounds, Trafalgar Square and the Victoria Embankment, but he find* them greatly changed from the hobo point of view. ...

"London is one of the safest and best protected cities in th%| world,*' he said. "It certainly out-J classes New York, There is a cop.J on every street corner, *nd two in between-" .

"And you don't find hoboes sleeping in hallways as you do in New York. There are too many organizations h?re to take care of the destitute people. That is what t/> organize throughout the world, few beggars and ho bugtfrting in the street*."


But the cup of Davis' joy was over-filled when he broadcast overj th€ radio frort the swahky headquarters the British Broadcast-i ing Corporation. '9

"I guess I must have spoken to rt>ractically the whole of England.* Davis said in an awed votee. "Well/ anyway, to at least some million* Qf* people.

"It surely gave me a kiok for I wan able to explain to the listeners \ just what the -difference between L ja hobo and a tramp, the /English Jidea' of a hobo, wa$.

"And that is—.A tramp believes that the world owes him a lirmg* but a hob? belfcv** that the world^ only owes him an opportunity." 1






FEBRUARY 20, i93g

Smiling jeff davis, grey-haired king of hoboes, travelled to england

last week in the gilded luxury of the

world's most magnificent liner.


He is here on a mission—to interest England Ja his Hoboes' Union and try to or* anjse a world conference of tramp*.

The International Itinerant Migratory Workers' Union is the correct title of the movement he founded twenty yews ago. Now It has more than a million members, every one upholding the dignity of the true hobo,

"There's a world of difference between the genuine ^ hobo and the ordinary vagabond or tramp," said Jeff Davis when X met him yesterday. 44 The real hobo isn't afraid of work —I'm a salesman in my spare time—but we are all bitten by the wander-bug, and we have to keep on the mov* M

~So you itt," he grinned, "we^ftre not the lazy band of foodr-for-nothings tome folk imagine. Nearly all the members of the union have jobs or, crafts at which they work on their travels."

He Intended to live up to hobo traditions by travelling steerage in a dirty, little cargo boat—and then the Chicago Federation of Labour gave him the money topay tor his trip.

He landed at Southampton frbm the Queen-Mary! Not that he is entirely to blame.

Hunt Hobo King j Thu<k For Es^Family; /oU

Police Broadcast Plea That flye. TKOUBLtS

Jeff Davis Visit Aged __

Maplewood Couple , ^

The Otts of Maplewood were still fwe UfvliTep searching today for Jeff Davis, "king f^SfcCI tiTCH

of the hoboes."

, Davis was Identified yesterday by _ ^

pictures 6s Henry Ott, who left home J H • . Tr

•twenty-nine years ago at the age •fjTH^® QH*

114 and has been back but once, eight j years ago. The parents, Philip Oti Sr., who Is 63 years old, and It's wife, Mrs. Josephine Ott, S3, wish to see their son once more and axked that a search bo made. Mrs. Ott is seriously 1IL


COAST To 6c I HM HwlRjf. OTT.

Police Chief Jacob Helf of Maple-wood received an anonymous letter yesterday from Newark with a news-J

got* with Davis and believed Davis and Ott were the same. The chief and members of the family compared pictures and believed so too.

Maplewood police have broadcast a plea to cities in wbich Jeff Davis might be, asking that he come home. The newspaper clipping placed htm in Chicago last August, presiding over a convention of hoboes.

Jeff Davis Proves He's

Aged Mother's Plea Starts Police Hunt

For Kins of Hoboes l<?2>G -JLjbiicp.T,

MAPLEWOOD. N J., AU£. 7, r/Fi— An aged mother's plea led to i^olicc. efforts today to find Jeff DaviS self styled "King of the Hoboes," after Philip Ott Jr., of Maplewood. had Identified newspaper pictures of him as his brother, Henry, who left home 29 yetrs ago.

Chief of Police Jacob R. Helf ol Maplewood said Philip Ott had idcif ] tlfied two pictures of DavJ^ taken at the hobo convention lx, Chicago last year.

Helf began a irch for the missing Henry Ott ttiree weeks ago at the request of hi» 80-year-old mother, Mrs, Josephir^ Ott. j

"She said she % anted to see him j just once more .*fore she died," Helf explained..

paper picture of Davis enclosed. -Th^ C LCl/eU^fc/3 • 0. writer said ho once prospected foi , _____^


Jeffer«o)i DavU "Identified" Son Ay Aged Coup!*.

Jeffersoit Davis, long time "king of th#» hoboes," said here hurt nighe that ho vaa not the long-lout non of tho Philip Ott.*, aged couple of Mapiewoo r, N. J.

Phillp a id Josephine Ott. both *3. had ldentiSed a photograph of Davl* as that their son. Henry, wbr disappeared as a fourteen-year-ola boy 23 years ago.

Informed of tho Identlflcatln Davis Mid that he was consirtera bly older than 43. Henry's age \t alive. Th* hobo monarch said hi* parents. Joseph K. and Maria P. Davis, ro and S3, respectively, live In Cineinfttti.

Hobo King \ And Not Son

Of Maplewood Otts

Police sent out an el#ht-state alarm and a Newark man said that Jeff Davis, was the missing son.

I --—

Globe Girdler Spends Night In Newark

Davis received many letter? as a result, each accusing him of assuming a fictlcous name. Hundreds of newspaper clippings from ail parf* of the world were sent him. He said he Just had prove himself

He came here from Maplewood, where yesterday he , visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pnilip Ott and proved to the

' satisfaction of the aged couple* that he is really Jeff Davis and not their long-lost son, Henry, as they had been led to believe since last August.


I i Hwe rHC/


"TALE OF A HOBO" I've traveled the roadways that lead to the east . . . »nd pathways that go to the west . . . to

A ffl f * -

winter, to northland in spring . . . wherever the climate was best . . . I've roamed the world over in quest of a dream ... and sailed on the ocean so blue ... and I must confess I was never upset . . . when bidding some place fond adieu . . . new places held bliss and a charm ........

all their own . . . somehting that's hard to explain .../// Neighbors! but after a while the shine wore away . . . and so I was

hard to restrain . . . that's just how it was in the days We hear a great (leal of my youth . . . man or beast couldn't hold me down afrQUf fjje .« ♦ with a song in my heart and a dream in my mind

... I hit every village and town . . . but now It*m_ol£ "Other Side

and n<t longer I roam " * * ' 7


the Fence" But—

"We Knights of the

Roa.l think it more "HASH ON LIFE"



u »v" « • • < " — —■--- —--

.........to all talk of travel I'm mum

because after the years of heartache and tears . . . I'm back where I started from.

practical to get



(The Cincinnati Times Star)

Objecting to the course of Los Angeles police in meeting vagrants at the California border and turning them back, Cincinnati's own Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, strikes an unexpected historical note. It was itinerant men and women, he says, who made California what it is today—and a long procession of covered wagons that crossed the plains, and another procession of clipper ships that rounded the Horn in the days of the gold-seekers, emerge from the shadows to confirm the assertion. We think that there is quite a difference between the two marches westward, the earlier by \ energetic, restless spirits inured to hardship and prepared to wrestle with fate, the later attracted by phoney political programs in which hitch-hiking incomers are to get something for nearly nothing. Yet it is fair to say that some itinerant workers for whom King Jeff speaks did, and still do, a lot for California in harvesting its bumper crops and helping at public works. Once on a time the writer of this editorial was almost persuaded by an energetic hobo to join him in bringing in the apricot crop north of San Francisco, living the while in a box-car.

For the present movement along the roads a more challenging precedent may be found in Jusserand's "English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Agee," In the fourteenth century nearly everybody — agricultural laborers, discharged soldiers, friars, knights, minstrels, jugglers, thieves and beggars—seemed to be on the roads. "For good or evil," concludes Jusserand, "it may be said that the wanderers acted as microbes in medieval history, a numerous, scarcely visible, powerful host." When the movement ended the face of English society had changed. Perhaps the wanderer atways has something to teach his questioner.

that fence."

We see

—^ Both Sides

of Life.


Every city we have held our convention has invited us back. The public has come to know the real difference between hobo, tramp and bum, and we have done a good Job. only to have chislers, fakirs, imposters, and fourflushers to tff to steal the credit

We are not dishearteced. Wa shall work all the harder and even though some of the public still misunderstands us, we have hopes that our conduct, good deeds, etc., shall overshadow all the wrong done us by wouldbe kings of hoboes, would be hoboes who really are bums and wouldn't work under any condition.

Sworn to by



Fake Hobo Kings M

Sf^ ta^Si



JEFF DAVIS. King of Hoboes-with approval by Hoboes of \mer-ica Executive Board.

AtARTufte Hour


This Bu*a

CRtve \NTo ovIR oa^RwzfiTjo^ iu

Because of imposters and fakes and fake publications we copyrighted our official newspaper HOBO NEWS RE-■VIEW. In fact our membership cards, titles of degrees in our Fellowship Circle, our hobo oath and even King of Hoboes moniker is copyrighted.

We aak the public for nothing but ifa good will and hope that the tramp aod bum element in no way will be confused with the real knights of the road we hoboes.

J, w. Y.c&y

Written for Central Preis V J™* This Newspaper

JEFF DAVIS used up 29 wooden leg 9 in 57 year* on the road, but Uie so-called king of the ho-boe?. is still going strong.

Jeff, monarch of the men who always take the train but nev-r buy a ticket, ia currently on hia umpteenth tour of hia domain— the world. You may see him aoon.

D&via ia passing through the eastern half of the U. S.. via Chi* cago, Indianapolis, New Jersey. New York, New Orleans and eventually Havana, Cuba, for the hobo convention there In September. Some 800 compatriot* will gather there with him to settle the alTaira of hobodom for the coming year.

Jeff is 69 years old. and hobbles around the globe on crutches to shore up hia wooden leg.

Jeff makes it clear there's a big difference between 'boes and bums. "We hoboes work for our keep; bum* pa nh An file for enough to buy a jug.'' say* Jeff, "A bum wouldn't thinking of working unless he's forced to. But a Ttobo always 1* on the way to another Job."

JEFF CLAIMS that technology cal advances have caught up with tho&e who rode the rods under freight cars through the years.

"There are very few rods left to ride today." he sssertj, holding up hands with permanently crooked little Angers, shaped from hanging under freight trains' for long periods of time.

The roads have these new stee) boxcars now—without the truss rods the old wooden jobs sported. Today we hoboes ride in gondola car* or even the caboose.

1 haven't been cfcaaed off train In a long time. The railroad detectives and conductors don't bother me any more. They're all my friends."

Jeff hit the trail when he was 12. He took time out for the Big Fight—World War I—and wound up. he aays, a colonel In the 2fith D:\ision. He still wears a broad-

brimmed campaign hat aa a memento of that fracas.


Vosr- *CT. w, J953


—UalUd Pros Photo


. #. ell the toad


\*JHt> Fo<\ 7

t^&en AS . " 4 err a*//s


His fleflL KftKe.


He **** «ru

ye.ft*«> cljj

mh Afor?/.



Our Jeff of Home, Okay; Imposter" Held in Florida

Jclf Davis, the "real King of the Hobora," raid dav at his Cincinnati home that he was "sick and tired bums and imposters using my name." Me lives at 2511 At'dison street.

Hobo 'King' To Reign In Stockade

Jeff Davis, who says he Is the kmg of th* hoboes, will hold court for the next 30 days in the Miami stockade.

His temporary throne was located there Monda; by Judge Cecil C. Curry when Davis, 71-year-old pretender to the title of hobo king, appeared before him on a vagrancy charge .

Davis, his shaggy grey beard I re in b I i n'g indignantly, announced: "It's a bum rap! 1 ain't never coming back to Miami." He was arrested Saturday night.

He wa* no more indignant, however, than another Jeff Davis, the one who lives in Cincinnati. who says lie has been lving oC Hoboes for 45 years. That King Davis says there are a trout #0 other hoboes who claim his title.

The other Jeff Davis, the one in the hoosegow, stuck to his claims Monday, although he conceded that the Jeff Davis in Cincinnati might have some

followers. His own rights to the % XLn^Umit

throne are more generally ac- 4J UH N « w^fcj**^! • cepred in the South, he said.

Judge Curry didn't seem to b* impressed either by that nrgument. or tbe small Confed* crate flag that Davis displayed to court.

For the Davis m Cincinnati the Daxis in the hoosegow has only contempt.

"He's no hobo.* he said, just a millionaire.11


'Not Yet,' Soys Jeff Davis, Though


horn pretenders to the regal title Halm* he Is the real "Jeff Davi*." And that'* tantamount to claiming to be Kin* Emperor of the Knights of the Road, Air antf S*ma, One is in McKeesport over-seeing the 46ih annual Slate Convention of the Hoboes. The other is reposing in the royal ward at Charleroi-Monessen Hospital. A .


Who said royalty is dying out?

There were two "kings" in the Valley on Saturday along with one "grand duke."

And. as usual, the "kings" were fighting.

The battle actually was a legal skirmish fought at a distance without the principals ever meeting face to face.

The dispute is over conflicting claims to the title, "King of Hoboes."

Here's the picture:

Last week, a bearded old-timer, minus his left leg. visited Mones-sen and announced that he was "Jeff Davis. King of Hoboes." and had his picture taken at a local tavern.

The following day, "Jeff" suffered a heart attack while deeping outdoors near Allen's crossroads in Rostraver Township and had to be rushed to Charleroi-Monessen Hospital for treatment.

The report of his illness reached




'Kings' Pay Visit to

OH / yes,

koT of Qr&V^F

T© Mf Oofc AS ty'MGr OF H°&ot*

i^ a*

OF WHAT fl Groof ttefoftTe^ &OT \k}\TH.

IT T*Ke<flFeoLTp FooU * •


Jeff Davis, self-styled "King of the Hoboes," was reported in fair condition today at Charleroi-Monessen Hospital.

The famed hobo was rushed to the hospital early this morning, suffering from an apparent heart attack.

According to reports, Davis was sleeping in true hobo fashion under a grape arbor near the intersection of Route 71 at-the Mones-sen highway.

At 6 a. m., Davis called to the proprietors of a nearby tavern complaining that he was ill.

Davis was rushed to the hospital in the Joseph Check ambulance. During the trip, he told the driver: *Tm not used to travelling in such luxury."

At the hospital, Davis listed his age at 72. He said he had no home address or relatives.

y, Avftitf II, 1f54

'King of Hoboes' Suffers Slight Heart Attack

He Hati fl

Gr^RT Tii\e 'PoSrNfr A*

*7 ScR*P BooKs



Which Jeff Is Which? 2 Hoboes Claim Crown

'Kings1 in McKeesport for Convention; One's a Pretender to Vagrant Throne

McKeesport turned int.o * field nf honor today for a battle rojaJ between two alleged members of royalty.

The question, to be decided at 10 paces with mulligan stew,


Who is the xeal Kinc of the Hoboes? Each of the American-


called an importer

Monday, August 16, 195*

flFTe^ His IletfTH - This


•So -MJHUT j

the ears of another "Jeff Dav», King of Hoboes," who was in McKeesport making arrangements for the annual convention of Ho* boes of America, Inc., which will take place in McKeesport Hiurs-day through Sunday.


' Kini*" oohi-j br written today lo the fantaslk. the almost unbe-liev&oSe talc of John Edward Ever-hart. 56. alias Jeff Davis, bogus king of the hoboes, who died here In the Westmoreland County Jail Sunda> morning.

Old Jeff, wtio bad masqueraded 35 king of tbe hoboes for year* until Lnmaaked by the real Jeff shortly before being committed to Jail here, is really a native of Carpen'ertown, where he was bom August 22. 181*8, and he has four sisters and otfier relatives living in the Mt. Pleasant-Scottdale area a* well as a son, Frank, living in Chicago. It was thought he was without living relatives.

After his death here Sunday morning as a result of a heart attacx. Warden William R. Hohn sea.-, hod his effects and found six scrap books containing newspaper clippings, photos, autographs and other data proving that Everhart had for years lived off the countryside and his alleged kingship of the Royal Order of Iloboes.

With all this there was no hint of his true identity except a social security number. Itien it was learned the name on his social security card was Jofaq E. fiber-hardt—apparently he even lied whe>n he gave social security officials bis name.

Ever since the death of the bo-

ius king Warden Hohn has been lease Torn to pK Col 5J


Self Styled Hobo King

Was Native Of County

N/ou STILL ThiUk you

YHWe Tftpu&ue* ?


vj o u uU 7ou LiKeTp



tie is3l«*T>


fAe Who ts



Continued from Pace Oae]

•ending telegrams and making long distance phone call? in an attempt to find his next of kin. without results.

Monday s Daily Tribune told of the phony king's death, but at that time he was known only as Jeff Davis. Yesterday, it was revealed in tJhe Tribune, his *va<me was lieved to be John E. Eberhardt. This information was gleaned from a total of five telegrams and phone calls made by Warden Hohn.

Alter seeing a picture of Ever-hart in the Monday Tribune and then his name in the Tuesday edition his relatives came forward late last night and identified the body at the Coshey-Buehanan Fun-Home here.

Last night Warden Hohn also received a call from the r*al King of the Hoboes, Jeff Davis, who lives in Cincinnati. Ohio. The real king, like all royalty kind and just, asked jail authorities to send a spray' of flowers to the paupei king at his expense. Ho told the Warden he ha<i heard of the death of the pretender on a TV program.

His relatives here say they have not heard of him in years, and even when his mother died some years ago they could not reach him for the funeral.

Funeral arrangement* for Ever-hart will be announced later.

-Jeff Davis, wbo likes to be called "King of

the Hoboes."

In addition to hU son, Frank, who ij flying here for the funeral, the "king* Is survived by the following •sisters: Mrs. Clara Heller. 264 Easl Main St., Mt. Pleasant; Mrs. C. H. Marth. 408 Everson St., Soottdale; Mrs. Dam Ce?arlo. Mt. Pleasant, RD 2 'and Mrs, Martha Hill, Mt. Pleasant, RD 3.

Warden Hohn said lie had called some of the relatives of the "king" her* prior to his identification after finding their names in the scrapbooks, but of course they knew nothing of his guise js Jeff Davis, king of the hoboes.



Jafca B. Kberkart

John Edward Eberhart, 56

years old, formerly of carpen-tertown, died here Sunday, but his identity was not announced until Tuesday night. He was bom August 22. 1898. During World War I he served with Company D, of CcMinellsvlUe. He is survived by one son, Frank, of Chicago, 111., and the following sisters: Mrs. Clara Heller, of Mt. Pleasant ; Mrs. C. H. Marth, of Scott-dale; Mrs. Dom CeiariO, of Mt. Pleasant RD 2, and Mrs. Martha Hill, of Mt Pleasant RD 3. Blessing services will be conducted at the Coshey-Buchanan Funeral Home, West Pittsburgh street, at 10 o'clock this morning by Father Gearing of the Hksifd Sacrament CatnedraL latoftMBt will be in the Greensburg Catholic cemetery.

How To Get Along With Others


Washington, D. C., March 1, 1916.

My Dear Mr. Davis:

I am returning the papers you left with me. I have examined them with real Interest They refer to a matter which really does not He within the powers or action of the Federal Government The vagrancy laws are state laws and would have to be changed by the action of the individual states. I dare say that there are many features of them which would bear reconsideration. I wish that I had the time just now to study them hi detail and give you some advice that would be of service

to yOU' Cordially and sincerely yours,




August, 1933.

Mr. Jeff Davis, Hi-Bo! King of Hoboes:

If you will get the can, I will beg the ingredients and we'll have a "Mulligan'' down by the stream, one-half mile below the water tank. Then we can wash our socks and shorts and go '•seam" hunting for cooties.

Deeply interested in your remarks about saving kids from running away from home. I mentioned the subject in my book, "My Life of Magic."

It may be possible that I will be in Chicago on Aug. 10th, and if so, count me in on the "confab."

Here she comes! You nail the first blind baggage while I catch the second. Watch out for the "shack."

Adventurously the "Columbus Kid," at times called—

Thurston, the Magician,

HOWARD THURSTON. November 24, 1933.

Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes. Dear Jeff:

Many thanks for your kind letter of Aug. 3rd and membership card. Also plea*se pardon the de'ay in answering your letter.

When you have another get-together, tell the Doys I send my personal regards and best wishes.


FLOYD GIBBONS. NOTE: When Floyd Gibbons died, we hoboes sent a floral piece— with the words, "We shall carry his memory as we travel on."

J 5




July 17, 1932.

DeaManyFthanks indeed for the card. Unfortunately your letter didn't reach me until July 23rd.

By the way, could you spare me another copy of your membership card? I don!t want to use it. I merely want to have one framed that you have already fent to mc. and that will cover up the reverse side. So if you will send me another, I'll paste it on the same mount, with the face down. Just a blank one will do for that. With beot wishes,

Sincerely yours, „ ^


GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN, TRIBUNE—1917 Hie Kins of Hoboes who la visiting here la an eloqueot speaker, whose clear eyes gleam when he speaks of those with whom be has spent his life. His education has been attained In the rough school of experience, and his Investigation into life In every strata. He haa dehred Into the lowest of low and lived in the whirl of social promlnenoa, foflt to learn about It He has touched elbows with life for many years, and the result is a philosophy of humanity and human sympathy, which binds him in sympathy with those who have not garnered of the rlohea of Ufa. His philosophy of human fellowship Is very much akin to the doctrine set forth some 1917 years ago by the Messiah. "There must be some pl««f t9T A man t© fit in," is a guiding theory of this Klnf of Hoboes.


BILOX3, MISSISSIPPI, HERALD, MAY 15, 1916 If you desire to know something about the "submerged millions"— something true and interesting—hear him. Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, is a student of men to the bottom of their hearts, and his viewpoint Is particularly Interesting as his angle is from the under side.

MOBILE, ALABAMA. REGISTER-1913 When you meet the King of Hoboes you do not. as some persona imagine, feel like holding your pocketbook more securely, nor do you havg an inclination to reach Into your hip pocket for a six shooter. Davis approaches one with a winning smile and shakes your hand in a vigorous manner. He accomplishes much In the cause of humanity, and that*s why, when he reaches a city he gets a glad hand.

WHEELING, W. VA-, NEWS "King Jeff seems to fit tei nicely with the sons and daughters of Pa Wheeling, for everywhere he goes "Jeff is given a rousing reception that he will long remember. The King of Hoboes is always welcome In Wheeling. ___

NASHVILLE "TENTTOSSEAN"—1916 The King of Hoboes is chuck full o# philosophies—''TJfe Is not what you make It—but what you make of It* "Jeff" ought to know, for he has certainly got a lot of enjoyment out of the life be has been living.


NEW YORK Cm Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, is unique. New York has taken to him with all the fervor that it greets a Broadway star. He speaks with con-victlon—his philosophy of life has an original touch to It Every dally newspaper kx America has carried stories of this young man. His nhntoarraDh has been In thousands of periodicals.

NEW YORK AMERICAN, AUGUST 2, 1918 Wlnsor MoCay, Cartoonist and Writer, says:

"Jeff Davis, 'King: of Hoboes.* He has and can again grasp the hand of the biggest millionaire to the lowest tramp, President Wilson down through the Army and Navy. Knows everybody and all glad of it The most remarkable character today In America."


NEW YORK MORNING TELEGRAPH, MARCH IB, 1915 Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, was one of the speakers. He made a clever, humorous and witty oration which entertained his listeners and kept them smiling: the whole time he was speaking.

HUDSON OBSERVER, HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY, JUNE 20, 1918 Jeff Davis, famous the world over as King of Hoboes, delivered a fins address last night to a large audience in Emerson High Schoal Auditorium. His witty illustrations and funny stories had the audience in an uproar, while at the same time he was preaching a powerful sermon on patriotism.___


January 4, 1918.

Mr. Jeff Davis, Dear Sir:

It gives me great pleasure to say that the Hoboes' Convention held In Cincinnati last year, was conducted in an orderly and dignified manner that commended itself to the Cincinnati authorities.

The members In attendance were sober, serious, well-behaved men, and no disorder of any kind was reported during the time the convention was in session.

I was particularly impressed with the courtesy and orderliness of the members of the committee which the convention appointed to wait on me, and was glad to have the opportunity of meeting these.

Respectfully yours,


KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN—THE GAZETTE Two more groups of school children, the boya and girls at Lake Street and those at Frank, had the opportunity of hearing Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes.

"Donl look for trouble—you can find It anywhere . But when yen look for sympathy you will find It under the S's In the dictionary,9* he told them- "You may fool mom or pop—perhaps the law or the eop, but you cant fool yourself/' Surely this Is timely advice—and to think It comes from a hobo! _

DENNISON, OHIO Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, gave quite an interesting talk to the high school boys and girls. He tokl them to hang on to mother's apron strings, for they soon wear out and all the needles and thread In the world would never sew them back on again after they are worn out His talk was received by the students with much enthusiasm and applause. _

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, NEWS Jeff Davis, "King of Hoboes/' is a philosopher In his own way—his homely wit bears a charm that possesses.


INDEX REPUBLICAN, BKIJ J,FONTAINE, OHIO, JANUARY 26. 1W2 Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, is preaching a wonderful philosophy.


railroad '

NEW YORK WORLD—3918 HOBO WALL STREET ORATOR Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, talked from the piazza of the New York Stock Exchange for the Mayor's Committee on National Defense yesterday noon. He was accompanied by the Police Band, surrounded by miOionaires. Thousands cheered him as he made his plea for the Liberty Loan.

A hobo—police—millionaires—surely this is an age of Democracy.

NEW YORK EVENING SUN Jeff Davis has devoted all bis time and energy in patriotic work. 80 effective has his appeals been that It is estimated he has sold fifteen million dollars of Liberty Bond*—that's one hobo's work.


"Mr. Davis has done more to clcar up the difference between that lowest form of animal life, as he calls it—the bum—and the dignified order of hoboes. He has done much to clear up the grudge the police and the itinerant workers hAve long borne each other, by establishing a common ground on which they can meet."


Lake Placid, N. Y.« May 24, 1918. To the Mayor's Committee on National Defense,

New York City, Messrs.:

We held a public meeting Tuesday evening, May 21, in the interest of the Red Cross Drive, at which Mr. Jeff Davis made the principal address. He made a very favorablo impression on the audienoe and created a great deal of enthusiasm In the cause. The money we raised from five hundred people was quite remarkable In our small mountain village. We have never had such an enthusiastic patriotic meeting In our town, and I think much of it was due to Mr. Davis' efforts. I am giad to tell some one how much we all liked him.

Very truly,

MRS. G. A STEVENS, Chairman of Red Cross.

Bonos Buy

DAYTON, OHIO. JOURNAL, 1916 Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, is really a remarkable character. Born In a life of poverty, he baa made the personal acquaintance of many of the most prominent men and women of the world. During his travels Davis has mode a close study of human nature, the social question, and also of conditions as he has found them In general, and has a goodly supply of original eplgri»r"s worth giving •.♦♦■ftttlon to.

CINCINNATI TIMES-STAR. MAY 9. 1919 The Victory Lone Committee, of New York City, thinks pretty wel' of Jeff Davis of Cincinnati. "King of Hoboes." who has been an Indc fatignble worker for the Joan In the metropolis. The committee also stated that Davis is a good "ad" for Cincinnati and that If there were any more "natives" like him to send them on.

MARION, OHIO, STAR, FEBRUARY 6, 1922 "Jeff Davis, of Cincinnati known as the "Hobo Kin*," made an address alike pleastog and forceful at the luncheon hour at the Marion Club House today. Hia talk was illustrated throughout by apt story and clever illustration.

PHILADELPHIA PRESS, NOVEMBER 11, 1913 Jeff Davis, a cheerful young man, put the breath of life into a rather wearing afternoon session of organized labor, in Horticultural Hall, yesterday, in a witty, snappy speech, switching for momenta InU> pathos and political science, the "King of Hoboes'* gripped the American Federation of Labor Convention. When he tried to stop talking, though it was forty-five minutes past adjournment time, he waa urged to go on. Gales of laughter greeted his humorous statements, and a sympathetic silence his flights of emotion-


APRIL 21, 1914

University Economics Class listens to King of Hoboes.—Jeff Davis spenda Wednesday with the university students. Talking rapidly, pleasantly, businesslike, the hobo began, and he crammed that twentjr-fhrt

minutes' full of good, solid, convincing logic. His speech was slightly Interspersed with slang and his mistakes in grammar were not infrequent, but so well organized were the Ideaa he stood there to express that his speech was extremely easy to outline. He held his audience fronj start to finish. ______1

CHATTANOOGA, TENN.t ROTARY CLUB The distinguished guest of today's meeting, who was Introduced by a member of the Entertainment Committee, was Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, who in the brief ten minutes' speech held the members in a wonderful grip of attention.



GEORGETOWN, OHIO, GAZETTE, 1922 The audience had beon seated a long time, having listened to many speakers, and waa tired when Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, was introduced. He is one of the most unique characters who has ever spoken here, hia fervor and energy are only surpassed by bis keen wit, sparkling of the world and inhabitants is astounding. His philosophy of life la sound. -

WASHINGTON, D. C., TIMES, AUGUST 13, 1918 Hobo Jeff Davis has had a remarkable career.

EVERYWEEK MAGAZINE, 1917 Fifth Avenue has its special dialect; so has "Thoid Avenoo"; and the boy that knows that dialect as well as Vincent Aator knows the Fifth Avenue brand Is Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes.


CONVENTION MINUTES President Voll then introduced Jeff Davis, the King of Hoboes, who favored the Convention with a short address, which waa as filled with sound truth and good advice as it was sparkling with witticisms and language of the road."


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BRIDGEPORT. CONN.. BULLETIN "—But he takes himself seriously on the labor question. "Yet—he Is an artist—a poet- a singer of light song—his philosophy may not be hole-proof, but the man who does not get new power Impulses from Jeff Davis, 'King of Hoboes'--well, he Is—soul-proof."

BUFFALO. N. Y., NEWS "Jeff" is known all over the world as a hobo with brains in his


NEW YORK AMERICAN. SUNDAY. JANUARY 24, 1914 Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, Is a real lender of men. He ought to be In politics. As a speaker, "Jeff hi* Billy Sunday LOOKING more like Monday. _

LOS ANGELES, CAL., TRIBUNE, 1914 A philosophical man, a studen*. of human nature, economics and political economy, a man of the wor!d and uplifter of humanity Is Jeff Davis, King of Hoboes, now visiting Los Angeles.


Jeff Davis Foretells Disaster to Disciples of Unrest and to Revolt Plotters,


* > * ? CRowweo or 6y«op£ .




JHERE'S a difference. between —

Hobo — Tramp — and Bum — A Hobo believes the World Owes him an Opportunity — And wanders about trying To find a Place to Fit in — He will work

A Tramp won't work — and he -

Believes the World

Owes him a Living — eventually —

When he becomes older —

The Tramp becomes a Bum.

A Bum is one who is

All in—and Down and Out —

He has lost all Self-Respect —

Has no Manhood or

Deccncy about him.

gUT—I do not hate my friend —

Who has rheumatism — I hate the rheumatism because It has my friend. Some folks are hoboes — Some folks have been hoboes — And a whole lot may become hoboes— I hope not — That is why

I've written this book —and Hope that the contents Have not only interested you — But have encouraged you To Look Forward!


°Any organization or movement founded upon or which originates in discontent trill fail because of discontent"

If jou were given a thoo*iitid and one guttata as to the source of that cho^k of wisdom yoa would be qnite as far awuy from a correct answer when you finished a* when you began. Kven If jail hv\ a million cbanres, Insteadrof a paltrt tkou-suA, you proWbly twvar kappfB,

even bv cbsnee, to atuibate it to Jeff iXiti*. Kin* JI

i et, it trom tfce lips vriea*-

snt factd, *ell dressed *u<J e*er in-oongfQus young King of tie Robust that the sentiment came. That 1t -was a conviction with kin be s^tjfbt to prort fcf *rf*toe»t, and before ha bt< tl*ish*d s*k«» of Ms hearers admitted that tbey balw*t6 it bad bfcllt up a pretty strong llrtift Hftft C It was stramge irwlted to tk^ft foments, pa contrary tt-ail fw'eftfl inter * rotation of the hobo creed, eofcrtBg froic the acknowledged king of the tHbfv For Jeff Davis to aaateur knight 4f tie road. Deupite his apparent youth, he ha*> followed the dusty trail for more than a quarter of a century, artB years ago achieved tkt diitinctiop of being {kr undisputed kii| of in kk fellows of the road.

"I've ih» 4 bout a*znut*i a*

any msut of my ago in tha/worW/' .atifd] Jeff in Introducing kis i|%M'*t l^iuprwt of thps rather atarU^C tftatepi^t, conH siderlng lis sourer "Wt^rfl As quoted above "And," ha added, 'Tv* kad a*mt as muc!i time to observe Ua.*Ve«t» a#id its reav'i.* iTmka It from in*. discontent leads to di?-(Stt#r.


history in a scrapbook


„ The Adventures of


King and Emperor Knights ©f the Road of the World

l-veryone knows of and has heard about Jeff Davrs.

in his Y) years on the road, Mr. Davis has been all over the world and has seen many sides of life. He will tell us of this, and give us his

viewpoint on what it's all about.


1 Mr. Davis informs me that there are no more hoboes riding the rails any more—

2  have your letter and suggestion with reference to the methods which will increase the amount of work and render employed the unemployed. I understand you are about tkm to attend the good roads convention in Baltimore and I have no doubt that the proposition for the construction of good road' and further attention to them means a great deal more work for the unemployed. I wtite this to you to express my syn-phathy with the work you are trying to do and ray willingness to assist you wherever it is consistent with my views of the national jurisdiction. Sincerely yours,

Wat. H. Taft

3  J EFT* IIAVIS Tossed in Miami clink.

r - baa passed . WpO, when She Predicted The World woold come To an End—-Baft— We are still Halving On — And Howl

Boys, wa-, yon ever cold and hungry. Not a dry thread on your back, And it raining and a'slceting. And you hiding from the shack; And you're riding on the bumpers With your clothes wet thru and thru, And yen arc shivering and shaking. And they're sticking tipht to you. Then the rattler takes a siding To let the flyer by. And you feel so doggone rotten That you wish that you would die. Then you think of them hot biscuits Dear old mother used to bake, And that good old steaming coffee That she sure knew l>ow to make, And that warm bed of feathers Where she used to make you go, But you didn't know its value Till you come to be a bo.


4  personally made some investigation into your work and it appeared to me to be of a most effective character.

Yours very truly,


ley said.

5  had the feeling that of all the enthusiastic proletarians I had ever met of all the champions of the down-trodden, he seemed to me one of the most self-controlled and well disposed.