Sjouxsje and the Bapsjheo 1 s:

The Screen

Like all forms of music,new wave has its different classifications, encompassing: middle of the road, conservative and its radical element. On this continuum, Siouxsie and the Banshees are inhabitants of the radical fringe,as their band name and album title suggest. Siouxsie-sioux, the band's singer, drew her first press notices as a groupie who danced wildly on stage at Sex Pistol shows in London. Not surprisingly, the Pistols are also the Banshees clearest influence. But unlike their predecessors, who preferred to write songs one-at-a—time, The Scream is a concept album.

Through their words and music, the Banshees deliver an integrated assault on modem society and technology and comment on their affects. This is a concept that fits well with the band's grating, mechanical style. John McKay's guitar emits high-pitched squeals and repetitive chord patterns. While the back line pounds out a methodical, mechanical but still very invigorating beat. Rising above the powerful music are the band's intelligent lyrics sung perfectly by Siouxsie who successfully keeps her singing audible above the Banshee's wall of sound, as only a good singer can. The lyrics themselves vail about (and at) television (Mirage), machinery (Metal Postcard), the drudgery of suburban life (Suburban Relapse); the album even includes a crushing interpretation of the old Beatles favorite: Helter Skelter. The "concept" of the album winds up in the final cut (Switch)where the band offers its own suggestions for society's salvage. I won't tell any more than that.

The whole idea works well- even if the Banshees don't convince you to ji>in them, they at least succeed in making you take a hard look at everything around you. In short, their music makes you think, but only if you allow it to. Open your ears and mind to the Banshees and you might be surprised at the quality of what you hear,


This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government they cam exercise then constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to overthrow or dismember it.

Abraham Lincoln

Society created our problems and only society can erase them.

Scott M. Rode11

Government, what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instance los-img its integrity; it has not the vitality and force of a single living mart. Law never made man a whit more just; and by means of their respect for it, even the well disposed are daily made agents of injustice,

David Thoreau

Rising crime and overflowing jails are not statements against the criminal element but against our government and the soceity it maintains through its laws and imposed institutions.

Scott M. Rodell

Anarchism is a common denominator between democracy and collectivism.

15 JULY 1979 * '!']':■. aN.UCIIY TIH.Cs * I'AGZ 3

The Spanish Anarchist Colli-cxivcs

When tho Anarchists took over lar^e areas of Spain in 1936, the result was not chaos in an 'everyone for himself" world, but rather a situation of order and tranquillity. KqunlJty between men and women, as well as socinl classes, was the rule, not the exception. This feeling of equality spread to the extent that there was no class system. Thus, thn highest order of social mobility was achieved.

Once the government was destroyed, the crime level dropped almost instantaneously to extinction. The commonplace crimes of prostitution and theft, which plagued all of Europe's larpc cities, were virtually unknown to Barcelona, Illiteracy was 70$ in 1936 when the revolution struck, but free, non—compulsory schools were soon set up. By 19 59, illiteracy was practically unknown. All laws went out w.i th the futile government, yet no serious infraction of the law occurrcd. However, outlaws persisted in their crimes of ,-jaywalkinp, trespassing and the like. The police force and a standing army were nonexistent. Still, without a deterrent threat of retribution from established authority, life ran smoothly without fear from criminal element. The reason for such a harmonious way of life will seem quite profound at first, but with thought, I'm sure you will understand. Once the old government power structure collapsed,people suddenly held all political power, ro man or woman having any more or less than the next. ivith this power came responsibility for the welfare of the family and community. Since one cannot exist without the other, one is forcod into a position of only doing good for the community. But after all, isn't that what all people wish to do? Tt wasn't lonn before this forcod condition of mutual trust, equality and absolute freedom frew into a feeling and way of peaceful life which every mar. strives for. The reasons are clear, simple and logical: man found it better to live in a community where everyone pulled together for the good of the community and thus the family.

If the community is to rrow and advance, it must have contact with other comimini tios, Ohviously, this applied to the anarchists and the foeling of brotherhood was to extend between communities. The synthesis of this peaceful meeting between different communities was a society of peace, equality and freedom, where ideals were not written down on paper hut 1ived1

Although the life T have /just given you a short description of, may seem a dreamy Utopia, the conditions I've cited here did exist and the facts are all recorded if you dig far enough and long enough. The choico is now yours: do you choose a life of freedom and peace, or one of agression and war?

15 july 1979 * tip; anarchy tikes * pack ;i

In The Battle Over Gun Control

On til""1 issue of gun control, we have two sides: those who would like to disarm the citizen (especially of handguns) - the anti-punncrs, and those x,rho see firearms as a right and the means of self-protection - the pro-gunners. While suggesting different solutions, both sides do npree that tha basic problem is an unacceptable level of violent crime.

The anti-gunners continuously point out the shockinp number of deaths and crimes directly related to firearms, They refer to case after case where guns are user! by homicidal maniacs. \nti-punnors see the pistol, shotpun and rifle as a danger to society and community. The Run, as they see it, is only an instrument of crime and a throw-back to a more brutal ape. These people choose to ignore several facts concerning firearms. They are forcing their laws upon law—abi dors and legal pun owners - not the criminals dealing through a black market. I-opitimate owners of firearms have puns for simple enioymont or self protection. An insignificant number of these guns are used in crimes. This group, which loves statistics, fails to notice facts except those which prove their own case. If they were to makp a thorough investigation, they would find that in England before firearms wore invenred, the crime rate was several times higher than that of today. The anti-gunner would probably find it quite curious that these criminals used clubs and farminp implements and were able to apply their trade quite well without guns.

The pro-gun side also has its statistics which point out the number of crimes tl.at have been arrested by firearms. Many of the pro-gunners see firearms as a means of survival. And in fact, several civilian marksman programs have been very effective in controlling crime when highly publicized, Tn short, these people seek to live a peaceful life through the ownership of violent and lethal weapons. The logic in this somehow escapes reason.

Both sides are making a grave and dangerous error. Bach is looking for a way out of the problem, rather than facinp it. With equal amounts of lopic, each standpoint expects to end the age old problem of crime by doinp anything but stopping the cause. By continuing to avoid eliminating the type of social injiistices which breed crime, these people are prolonging the problem. Societv created our problem and onlv society can erase it.


Scott M

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Pissidenoe: Exchange of Ideas

Attention has been given recently to dissidents in the Societ Union, The trials and imprisonments of Alexandr Ginsburg and Anatoly Shchoransky for openly criticizing the government were big events in the U,S, media. Our western society applauds and defends these men, citing their high value to mankind and the human rights cause. This is so - they have contributed to man's freedom by speaking out in the oppressive Soviet state. Sacrifices were made however: Ginzburg, for example, was imprisoned in such poor conditions, that his health is now failing him, When he was released before his sentence had ended, however, he set an example - he made the USSR seem slightly less oppressive, perhaps encouraging future criticism of the Soviet government. He set an example to all dissatisfied Soviet citizens: while demonstrating his beliefs, he showed that sacrifices have to be made.

In our praise of dissidents, we should not limit ourselves to anti-soviet demonstrators. Xn reality, some constructive change has come out of nearly all dissident actions, be it the direct result of the dissent, or a positive reaction by forces opposing it. In either case, the least that can result is that an example or precedent is set which can influence future actions or reactions.

We can reach far back in the history of our country for cases in which constructive change was brought about directly through dissedent actions. The years preceding, including and following 1776 are particularly significant. The breaking away from Great Britain by our forefathers, and the rebellious activities that occurred, resulted in the formation of the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution. Obviously, none of this would have occurred without the initial questioning of the legitimacy of the British rule over the colonies. Similarly, certain amendments to that Constitution presupposed initial dissent. The blacks would not have been freed, women would not vote, and Prohibition would not have been abolished, without the actions of dissidents.

In regard to positive reactions by forces opposed to dissident actions, we can look to the Nazi demonstrations in this country, which continue to remind society and government of the horrors of the Hitler era. This safeguards against any similar occurrence in this country.

In the future, we can hope that the independent truckers strike and the violent energy riots in Levittown, Pa, will help spur a constructive reaction by the government in dealing with the energy problem.

Similarly, there is hope that nuclear power will be further investigated and improved due to the public outcry. In both cases, nothing of this sort would occur without dissident action.

Conversely, a lack of dissident action has sometimes led tp catastrophe. If there had been an action of dissent - a questioning of authority within the bureaucracy itself - the escalation of the Vietnam war might have been prevented. Instead, a bureaucratic "snowballing" effect occurred, due to the blind, unquestioning application of the containment policy. This resulted in the deaths of 50,000 young Americans,

In sum, it can be seen that people cannot sit back and wait for change to occur. The people must openly voice thoir dissatisfactions and opinions. This constant flow of ideas will be helpful in that differing -views will meet and hopefully b6 modified and improved. In this way, strong ideas for change are built. „ .„

Seth McKee


The Origin of "The Times"

The title for the Anarchy Times was contrived as a lark by Paul "Midnight Rambler" Shorty Williams. His small gre-first issue loose-leaf rag sent our founding circle, led by budding anarchist Scott Rodell, into a jumble of quadrophonic and eternal laughter. After about two or three of these titalating tabloids the joke was dropped. Soon after however, our circle wanted to help Scott in venting his anarchistic beliefs through a realistic and more serious mode. We thought of a ralley but we knew that that idea would have to be fulfilled much further in the future. Publishing a paper turned out to be our most sensible potential venue. So it was then that the Anarchy Times was born.

The first issue was a crude but pointed gem created by the original founding circle Scott M. Rodell, Seth McKee, Paul Williams, Brent Okita, Norman Henderson and myself. We had a few hugh boulders to throw before we catapulted ourselves to the present quality level. Since the beginning we have seen many of our original blemishes cleared along our maturing path. Our writing styles all had cracks which needed smoothing. And our early editing technique was atrocious.

Our theme has always been one of alerting people to injustices in this country and the world which they may be unaware of or niave about. Our issues carry a large spectrum of political, social, economic, philosophic, and Rock+Roll viewpoints. We consider anarchism as a backdrop, or an ideal to compare certain ideas by. However, often it doesn't ever entor into our writer's mind for a minute. The staff does not pressure itself or other writers to preach the ideology's points. We are guided and informed in anarchistic thought by Scott whenever we need it. We keep an open mind to anarchism as we encourage our readers to have.

So after our first attempt there were three more informative issues which lacked a finished quality. Our spirit and vigor was at this point righted by a great breakthrough} we met an experienced newspaperman Oaar Dasent. He taught us many of journalism's tricks. Omar helped us develope our format and created our graphics layout. So then we were on our way with our fifth and greatly improved paper.

During our turnaround the staff expanded outwards from our circle of friends, many of Scott's acquaintences at American University were taken on as writers and editors. During our quality upgrading we were simultaneously forming the Anarchist Association of the Americas. This association now has about twenty members and acknowledges nearly fifty subscribers. And we are growing by the day. It has been hard work, but we are now elated by products which would have seemed a raving fantasy just one year ago. We are beginning our second year with this issue 7 and a brand new consitution which serves as a quality control for the paper. Please write and help us with new ideas. Any feedback will be appreciated. We are willing to expand,and acquire new help in the form of members, subscribers or writers after inquiry and approval, Hope to see you in our second year!




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