Now that It Is generally agreed that the much-covered crisis of Three K1le Tsland, termed ''the worst commercial nuclear accident In U.S. historv," 1p virtually over, we can make a few statements concerning the accident In relation to the government, the power company and the residents of the area.

Because the power company elected to clay down the situation, the reality of a full-scale crisis wasn't known bv the general populace for several days after the danger began, "^he Pennsylvania state government and the power utility company were issuing numerous conflicting statements. Thw o-ravit.y of the situation was accessed from the reassuring "everything's under control" to the harrowing "ultimate possibility of a meltdown." The area citizenry was both confused and angered by these statements. "What were we supposed to do?"

The government's effort to avoid panic was successful. But the risk involved 1n remaining In tine area was reallv left up to the Individual

Although "o total evacuation was authorized, -many left on their own initiative and uslnsr their own resources, Others remained In the area -continued on ?


A Realistic Approach To Anarchism

Anarchism is a common denominator between democracy and collectivism. It is an Ideology which purely accounts for its followers freedoms. It. is an ideal which states that a person can't be free under a government which controls his freedom.

Hey, I believe in democracy; every person must have a voice in the processes which guard his welfare. Each person In a group is an integral part of the whole; just in the same way that, one cell In the body is not more Important than any other.

I believe in anarchism as an Ideal. It- is something to reach for, a way which is better. In today's world. In this country, I'm not saying that we are going to breakdown our country Into collectives. I'm asking you to strive for the understandlng that we are not free In this country.

The United States is a republic because it is a huge power swindle. Political representations always take the form of power representations at election times. I'm talking facts, not so called "radical anarchisms". Please don't be lulled Into thinking politicians can look out for us when their re-elections depend on a unions votes. For example, how can a politician advocate gun control, when he Is heavily reliant on the V.R.A.'s votes. We the A.A.O.T.A. are trying to help alert you to some of these injustices that you might not be aware of.

Anarchism is a spirit for truth. Tt is one which won't be naive. It is a belief that man can live In harmony without government. Py anarchistic principles a leader will spontaneously arise to manage when "ceded, but he is simply an equal to all whom he directs. It is from this continued on 3


anarch v


Are you a regular pot smoker? Do you believe users should be jailed? Then, why didn't you attend the seventh annual NORML conference held in Washington, D.G.? (NORML stands for National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws). If you believe in this cause you should not be sitting back and allowing these happenings to pass you by without helpingl If everyone devoted just a little bit of their time to a cause they believed in, things would be accomplished much faster, for example "legal mari juana".

Some 300 delegates attended the NORML conference and they unanimously endorsed the immediate legalization of marijuana. This ended a ten-year battle over the long term viability of marijuana decrimination. NORML delegates also passed a resolution calling for the formation of a presidential commission to investigate the legalization of pot. Keith Stroup commented "We want the right to as much marijuana as we can put in our homes, as well as the right to legally grow our own". Stroup will soon open a Washington, D.G. based national law firm specializing in drug cases.

The NORML advisory board, the nationwide group of individual who advise in forming policy, also condemned the government's use of military personnel and technology for domestic law enforcement purposes, the use of chemicals for marijuana eradication and the revision of PDA policies regarding marijua research on women of child-bearing age.

The four day conference, which involved a legal defense seminar and panels on paraquat, women and drugs, and the use of nonmedical drugs, ended with the question of how the alcohol and liquor companies will react to NORML's new stance for the immediate legalization of marijuana. We shall soon see J

Rona Sue Jason

The "Anarchy Times" is a newspaper designed to keep you, the public, informed on matters that might not necessarily be accessible. Its content is of value, and dedicated to bringing different veiwpoints on vital issues affecting our changing world. The Association behind the "Times" has grown stronger during its first year. But we need your help. The People must be informed, so that they are no longer oppressed. It is time that our voices be heard,not uplifted in any shout but one that is in unison for our undeniable rights and freedoms. We are not a group of radical left-wingists, on the contrary, we want change that will be gradual and welcomed by all. If you think you might be able to help in any way, either through contributions or through membership and letters, please feel free to write.

Caroline Joss

WRTTE TO: A. A..O.T. A..

Bo* 37? Letts American University Washington DO 20016

P.lvls ^fistfiio :ArTTiPd Forces

Here it isjthe long awaited breakthrough has occurredjnew wave music has broken the "Top Ten," Elvis Costello's new album is a commercial sue cess. Two questions come immediately to mindiHow did he succeed where others failed and will his success open a pathway for other top-flight new wave bands in the U.K. to come over and shake-up the stale American popular music scene?

The answer to the first question is easy enough« he teamed with Nick Lowe(one of the most talented producers in Europe) and wrote a catchy •bait song,''^Accidents Will Happen." With the album-oriented interests of the U.S. record buyer, a hit song and a good promo campaign,translated into a hit album. Does this mean that Elvifc Costello has sold his musical soul for the almighty dollar? Not yetjmy faith in Costello as one of music's most forceful writers was reaffirmed by such tensely powerful songs as -"Good Squad" and "Big Boys", and the menacing vocals and lyrics of every song on the album, except "Accidents'.' As an artist.Costello seems to be at the crossroads. I hope he is too suspicious to be corrupted by the "money go-round." Anyone who bought "Armed Forces" strictly because of its 'bait song' will be surprised by the intensity of the albums 11 other songs.

Will Elvis pave the way for other new wave acts to follow? It's a nice thought, but highly unlikely. Americans on the whole prefer the repetition of mindless Disco and the drippy romantic muzak of singers like Olivia Newton-Joho. The consumers don't even know that they are being manipulated by hopelessly corrupt music executive whose only concern is an album's "saleability." New wave music tries to get its listeners to thinki it demands a reaction from its audience. It is unfortunate that America seems intent on closing its eyes and mind to any kind of music they don't hear on the radio day and night. Meanwhile they are missing out on some of the best rock music in the world.


THK GUTNEA PTG SYNDROM'S (nort. lnued ) confused. even scared...but following provprnment list ructions and reassurances while runnintr the risk of exposure to harmful levels of radiation.

Those who remained were plac, Ine: their faith In the power company and the government. The humane thing would have been 91 evacuation. The convenient, method actually practiced was limited to the relocation of urpgnant, women and oreschool children within a five-mile radius of the plant.

The danger was not definite. NOBODY KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN The government didn't want a panic. And the utility company, Metropolitan Edison Company, was dealing with a hazzard with no precedural means of hand!1nc same. Tn essence, the public was again the guinea clg In American thc.hnology' s experiment.

Luckily. . .ve-»-y luckily...a meltdown was avoided.

As a result of the Thrpe Vjile Island Incident, there has *een a recent, awakening, to some degree, of the American pub! 1c. to the dangers o*" nuclear power.

Perhaps now more will strive to find out more about this power source and more ahout Its active waste products, ^he government has told US precious little.

The Three Mile incident was too close a near-miss to dismiss too soon or to dismiss too llarhtlv.

Nuclear power, as it stands, Is a half-baked Idea. It may eventually turn out to be a reliable future energy source. But for now, the public. must not be subjected to the lethal bugs still 1n an unmastered system.

Seth M.cKee.

Are you a regular pot smoker? Do you believe users should be jailed? Then, why didn't you attend the seventh annual NORML conference held in Washington, D.C.? (NORML stands for National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws). If you believe in this cause you should not be sitting back and allowing these happenings to pass you by without helpingl If everyone devoted just a little bit of their time to a cause they believed in, things would be accomplished much faster, for example "legal mari juana".

Some 300 delegates attended the NORML conference and they unanimously endorsed the immediate legalization of marijuana. This ended a ten-year battle over the long term viability of marijuana decrimination. NORML delegates also passed a resolution calling for the formation of a presidential commission to investigate the legalization of pot. Keith Stroup commented "We want the right to as much marijuana as we can put in our homes, as well as the right to legally grow our own". Stroup will soon open a Washington, D.C. based national law firm specializing in drug cases.

The NORML advisory board, the nationwide group of individual who advise in forming policy, also condemned the government's use of military personnel and technology for domestic law enforcement purposes, the use of chemicals for marijuana eradication and the revision of FDA policies regarding marijua research on women of child-bearing age.

The four day conference, which involved a legal defense seminar and panels on paraquat, women and drugs, and the use of nonmedical drugs, ended with the question of how the alcohol and liquor companies will react to NORML's new stance for the immediate legalization of marijuana. We shall soon seel

Rona Sue Jason

The "Anarchy Times" is a newspaper designed to keep you, the public, informed on matters that might not necessarily be accessible. Its content is of value, and dedicated to bringing different veiwpoints on vital issues affecting our changing world. The Association behind the "Times" has grown stronger during its first year. But we need your help. The People must be informed, so that they are no longer oppressed. It is time that our voices be heard,not uplifted in any shout but one that is in unison for our undeniable rights and freedoms. We are not a group of radical left-wingists, on the contrary, we want change that will be gradual and welcomed by all. If you think you might be able to help in any way, either through contributions or through membership and letters, please feel free to write.

Caroline Joss


Box 3?? Letts American University Washington DC 20016